I have a looooong overdue thank you to Patty Greg and the Washington Area Humane Society in PA who helped us get little Chance to his new home. Chance's new mommy Nellie & my mommy were looking for a place to meet in the middle, especially a place where little Chance could get out and stretch his legs and go potty.
The Washington Area Humane Society, a no kill shelter, stepped up to the plate. All mommy did was ask and they totally said yes! Not only did the nice people offer up a place to meet, when mommy and daddy got there, they found a whole play area set up just for little Chance!

This is his first experience with nip! He loved the toys the shelter put out for him.

He loved his track ball as much as Dragonheart does!
Chance got to play and run around for an hour there. They would have let us stay all day if we'd wanted. All the volunteers came by to say hi to Chance and wish him well.
It is a really nice shelter where the kitties (we were in the special kitty area) all have really BIG cages and lotsa toys and blankets in them. The nice people there even let the cats out one at a time to roam the cat area. They saw a big floofy black kitty get adopted to a loving forever home!
Really, it is one of the nicest shelters mommy has seen. We'd love all our kitty friends to send them a thank you for helping us get our little Chance to his forever home. Visit the website or send them an email washahs AT fyi DOT net (all squished together)
Here is little Chance with his mommy there.

I'm so glad Chance, a "mini Mancat" for 6 more months has such a great home!
How wonderful! It is always good to hear about the shelters who are managing to do the job well. I'm also glad Chance found such a great forever home! Congrats to you and your mom and your dad for doing such a great deed, Hendrix!
(Ivy says hello to Bendrix.)
Wow, what a great shelter! :) It's wonderful that they provided you with a meeting place. :) Chance does look like he's having fun with that trackball! They are so much fun. :) I'm so happy that you rescued Chance and that he found a wonderful Forever Home. :)
That was so nice of them - not only to let you come there but to set out such fun toys for little Chance! We are so glad that Chance has such a great forever home and that so many lovely and wonderful people (especially your Mommy) helped him to get there!
That is very wonderful of the shelter to provide such a welcoming "rest stop" for little Chance.
Mr Hendrix
YOU did such an outstanding thing by finding Chance his forever home. It is such a wonderful magical thing to see love happen right before your eyes...
Purrs to you
Abby and Boo
We're so glad the shelter helped Chance. We sent them an email sayin thank you.
We also signed up for the zootoo.com contest they are in, and selected them as the shelter we want to support. They're pretty close to having enough points to win money for their shelter. We just entered in their zipcode 15330 and seleted from the list.
Chance is such a cutie!
oh thats wonderful! Really truly beautiful x
I am so glad to hear such a happy ending! YEAH.
You are right Hendrix,that is a nice shelter! They were very good to your family and Chance's.
I guess they like to see kitties go to their forever homes reguardless of who did the rescuing:)
How wonderful fer Chance! He got nip, an play, anna new Mommy! Maybe he should be named "Lucky Chance"!
We're glad Chance got safely to his new furrefurr home, and that shelter wuz reely kind to help out like that.
We're so glad Chance found a good forever home. He sure is a cute mini mancat and deserves the "chance" after everything he's been through.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
We went over and gave them a smooch!
Hello Mr. Hendrix,
Thanks for stopping by my site. Nice to meet you!
That is a great story about Chance!
Thats so cool, we will go email the shelter a thank you! ~Queen Snickers
Chance is such a lucky kitty to have such a great place look after him!
That is really really wonderful shelter~!!!!!
Awww what a wonderful post I'm so happy for Chance :)
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