Yes friends, the Cat Sitter Video. I have now been watching this video for 48 minutes and I ordered mommy to tell you all about it as I can NOT seem to tear myself away!

Filled with birdies, squirrels, fishies, squirrels, birdies mmmmmmmm fishies with chirping noises and bright colors...it is amazing. Like catnip on TV!! Two whole hours. Then after the video is over (she got VHS cause when DVDs are over our TV just has a black screen) I can get back to my regular TV viewing. You know, Little House on Hallmark channel is shown 4 times a day! This video is so much better than that!

Mommy waited to put it on until today so she could have the video camera at the ready "just in case" I liked it (she got it at PetSmart on sale for ONE CENT!!). They didn't think I would. I sure proved them wrong!!
Oh, here is a doofy picture of us in our Santa gear on Christmas morning. Sorry, gotta go finish the video! The butterflies are on!

This gift is so great, I feel bad about the hairball I left on the carpet Christmas morning....
We haf one of doze videos here somewhere...Lookit yoo Mr. Hendrix all decked out in yoor purrty Santa suit! Even Zippy sed yoo were handsome!
That sounds like a great video, Hendrix! And that is a fabulous family photo! :)
Hay we have that too al 6 vaulum no buddy likes it pluse we moved to dvd now maybe we should send you the other valums as well
you bud Mu shue
I'm lucky. When I look out my windows I gets lots of cool stuff to watch. From people skiing (silly humans), to birds, and cars, vicious deer, and even bears!
Ah, I love that holiday picture! After watching you enjoy your video, I think I need to dig mine out now, too.
We watched Pyewacket watching TV this week. Jamie Oliver was on, and she was batting at his fingers as he was cooking.
Awwwww, I like your family photo :)(It's not me dressed up heehee)You have a nice family. The video sounds kinda neat too. 'm glad you enjoyed it! I guess your Mom was smart to get that :)
Purrs Mickey
I'm glad the video was such a hit.
That's a nice picture of you and your famiy.Hope everyone is feeling beter.
We have a video like that but we don't watch it that much. Momma never puts it in!
wow. Wow wow wow. I want that video!!! It look awesome!!!
And you and your family look adorable. really, you do! x
That sounds like a grate video. We bofe like to watch TV speshully Snooker. I (Flynn)try to see where the balls haf gone around the back.
We like yer family pikchur too.
The video sounds nice but SS never have the TV on. Great family portrait there and you look so Christmasy with the red Santa suit. Red and white really suit you.
Dat video sounds like fun, and you seem to be enjoying it. Mr. Hendrix, are you wearing a Santa suit? hee, hee, we wood run if we had ta wear dat. However, that is a lovely fambly pikture.
Happy New Year to you!
Mindy & Moe
Dats the best one cent your mommy ever spent!!
Dats a sooper photo of you all. happy New Year friends and I hopes you is all keeping warm.
Want that!
That's nice that you have such a lot of fun with that video. Arthur too loves animals shows on TV and also Golf ! When a ball falls in the hole he looks under the shelf to see where it is !
Awww cute holiday photo I got to ask mom for that video :)
Hay hendeix I wanted to gave you an award come to my sight and see
your buddy Mu shue
I might have to order that!!!
Have a wonderful New Year!!!!
Your friends from The Cat Realm
Looks like a fun video. Enjoy!
jan's funny farm
Amazing! A great video! I like Mr. Hendrix's costume ;-P!
Cheers and Happy New Year!
Thanks for the get well wishes for my Mommy and Diamond. It's hard work being a nurse!
I love your Christmas phto!
Smooches and Happy New Year!
Cool video! It was very thoughtful of your Mommy to get that for you.
That's a very nice picture of all of you on Christmas Day :-)
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