Then a few weeks ago Clover posted that his daddy has the same birthday as my mommy and it was official...I got my Not of My Species Special Friend.
Mommy has been so busy at work that she didn't make my badge yet, but she finally did today. We picked a very cute photo of my friend in her Winnie the Pooh outfit. Mommy loves Winnie the Pooh. Isn't she a cutie?!?
Clover loves going out in the snow and even helped pick out a beautiful tree for her beans. She loves to eat (just like me!) and she sleeps upside down just like me. Mommy hopes I'll start sleeping on her lap now that I know Clover does it.
Look how smart she is! She went to school and graduated. I think I'd like to graduate but I think Bendrix would keep us in the corner more often than not.

Here she is in her cute sweater.

Mommy says Clover has such a sweet face that she'd never be able to say no to her. I say, hey, what am I? Chopped liver?? She says no to me all the time!
Clover is very cute! She is an adorable NOMSS friend!
Yup, Clover is a furry nice woofie. Say, we saw yoo gots breakfast in bed yesterday. Our mommy, as nice as she is, would neffur do dat!
Awww . . . congratulations on getting Clover as your NOMSS friend!
Clever is very cute and so smart!
Yes Dante, Clover is!! Stop making that face - we know you hate dogs! Sigh.
(grumble)Little brothers!! (grumble)
Concatulations Mr. Hendrix! Clover is a pretty sweet looking doggy! What does Bendrix think of this?
I am friends with Clover, too! She is so cute and nice, you picked the perfect NOMSS friend.
Clover is a little cutie!
Clover is furry furry koot
What a great NOMSS! I can tell Clover is VERY smart for a woofie and I love her size.
Clover is very, very cute! I'm glad you have a NOMSS friend! I am still looking.
She is very cute, we think you did a good job choosing your NOMSS! ~The Royal Kitties
Congratulations on getting your NOMSS friend. Clover is a cutie. She looks like a great NOMSS friend. And, no, we don't think you're chopped liver and bet your mommy doesn't either.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
ok I will concede, Clover is adorably cute. Her colours make her look a little meezerish too which is always a good thing and scores major brownie points with me!! x
You got a NOMSS friend,cool!A Pug just like my friend Roxy!
Clover is very cute too :)
Purrs Mickey
Clover is super! Now we want a NOMSS frined, oh wait, does George count?
Congratulations on finding your NOMSS friend. Clover is very cute.
Thank you so much for your kind words about my sister-in-law. They helped me tremendously.
CUTE! We woves pugs, even if this is woofies and they snort alots.
Hi Hendrix!! Thanks so much for posting about me and getting a badge too. :) Your friends are saying some nice things about me too, which makes me feel good!
I am trying to get my mom to catch up on my posts so we can do a Hendrix one too!!
Love Clover xo
P.S. It's my mom's birthday that is on Saturday! :)
Clover is such a cutie pie. Normally we are scairt of woofies but she looks so sweet and friendly.
Hi Mr Hendrix. Isn't Clover cute? I just wanted to come and say hi and thank you. Hi for visiting me and wishing me well and thank you for visiting, wishing me well and caring about me. You are a very nice cat. Have a nice day.
Clover is cleaver and cute! What a nice woofie friend.
Mr Hendrix,
I tinks dis looks like a nice Clover. Not too big of a D-A-W-G. Da purr-fect size to trainz well.
Congratulations Hendrix!!! I am so glad you and Clover will be nomss friends, I think you will have wonderful times together!
Clover actually had told me about it but I was sooooo busy with the CCSI stuff that I neglected to congratulate you earlier...
Dont' miss to bring Clover over to Sassy's blog to watch "The Santa Caper"!
Your friend Karl
Clover is really very cute for sure~!!!!
Hey Hendrix,Clover is a cutie ,and thats coming from a woofie thats knows. THANKS for telling everyone I am your friend. Oh yea,keep warm buddy cause I hear a big cold storm is coming your way.
Your Friend
We're glad you now have a NOMSS friend. It must have been lonely being left out of a group you wanted to join.
Just stopped by to say hello and catch up on your latest adventures.
Jan's Funny Farm
You really had a very good taste in choosing Clover, he is VERY handsome and his face makes me laugh !
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