
NO VET on Tues.-13 reason's my vet is scared

For the last 2 Februarys I have gotten my teeth brushed at the VET. I WAS scheduled to go on Tuesday the 26th.
My old VET Dr. K left the practice after she had a blurpy thing. I now see the VET that founded the practice and ALL my family's pets have seen for 30 years, Dr. S. Because of my FIV I took anty-biotiks before getting my teeth done, and Monday night when mommy called to get my anty-biotiks filled, the VET tech said "Hold on, let me check with Dr. S about this."
She called back and said because anisthetic could bring out my FIV Dr. S does not recommend I get my teeth brushed unless really needed! No one had ever told this to mommy!
So, per Dr. S's request, I went to the VET last night to get my gums looked at to see if I needed to be brushed. I DON'T! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I do have to take anty-biotiks for 10 days to kill bacteria. The good news is I get to eat more TD treats and get dental chews as treats to keep tarter down. Keep in mind, the VET never saw me, he hid while the VET techs felt my wrath.
I think my teeth look so good partly because of the bite patrols Bendrix has participated in. I mean, um, thought about, um, well, lets forget I said anything about that....
So, I'm going to list 13 reason's why my VET is scared of me.
1. Sharp Mancat teeth
2. Pawsomely sharp Mancat claws

3. Gold slitted eyes of fury

4. A deep growl that seems to come from Bendrix's soul heard only at the VET
5. The fact no muzzle EVER worked on me. I always got them off
6. My bendy skills that allowed me to reach, scratch and bite any bare skin.
7. My amazing leaping skills that sent me from examing table across the back area to the smallest corner where I put my back to the wall to keep from being caught.
8. My paw of death that can absolutely reach far beyond my PTU when being taken in, or out, of my PTU.
9. My tail that twitches like a rattler in warning when he approaches.
10. Did I mention my Mancat claws that have shredded many a VET tech in the past? Like bloody shredded.
11. My ears, they turn to the side and lay flat to my head and he knows, that means trouble. Big trouble. Angry trouble.
12. My yowl. Following my growl, my yowl is so loud that they hear it even in the reception area. Think crazy, angry panther snarly yowl. Once, when mommy was paying, the lady said "Oooohh, this is the cat we've been hearing." She said "That's my brave Mancat!"
13. My strength. As you can see from a past VET visit, it is almost Herculean strength - enough to repeatedly push my PTU across the room many times.

For those of you who don't know, as of 6 months ago or so, I have to be "tranqued before examing" at the VET-I am a dangerous Mancat to them. The VET is when having an evil alter ego like Bendrix comes in handy...

Until we meet again Dr. Evil, I mean, Dr. S....


Tybalt said...

Ha ha ha! Congratulations, Hendrix (and Bendrix!) No one fears me. :( I salute you and your fierceness!

Forty Paws said...

Way to go Bendrix!!! You are fearsome indeed!

Luf, Us

Mickey's Musings said...

So! I take iy you don't like the Vet?!! Bwhahahahahahahaha!!!! That is just so cool! The cowering Vet,hahaha
I like a Mancat that knows how to teach beans who is the BOSS!!!
Awesome :)
Purrs Mickey

Chance said...

I mus retink my hole V-E-T visitin pwoseedyurz now. Wen myne Mommie took me to da V-E-T, da techs tooks me owt of my PTU an snuggled me an lurved on me till I waz a purrin puddle of kitteh. Dey givded me tweats an chin scritches an a gwate massagey. Corse Mommie sez we no go bakk der cuz da V-E-T lady waz skeered of me. Wat kinna V-E-T is skeered of a little kitteh hoo is purrins??? Stoopid Dr. Bean

Ingrid said...

Yes, yes show them ! At least you are a (cat)man of character !!

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

I am taking notes on how to behave at the vet. I think it is scary and yell "nooooooooooo, nooooooooooo, nooooooooooo", but no one listens to me. I think your method might work better. Stupid Riley actually likes going to the vet. Harumph!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, Hendrix. We are glad you don't have to have your teeth brushed, but very sad that you are so violent at the vet.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I see Bendrix has your vet well in paw!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Ya no V.E.T.! I'm sweet as long as momma is there with me but if she has to leave me for tests I turn into a snarling ball of fur, teeth and claws. They have to tranquilize me.

I've got more good news for you! For knowing the bonus question in Royal Kitty Trivia we want to send you a little prize! You can email you address to queensnickers AT gmail DOT com

The Meezers or Billy said...

concatulations!!!!! that's pawsome news!


Mr Hendrix
I have one word:
you are :


Hot(M)BC said...

Hmmms. I wonder if I haf an alter ego that makes it takes 3 v-e-t peoples to trim my claws. How would I find dat out?
Glad yoo don't hafta get yore teefs brushed. Bof of yoo.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Seems like an awfull lot of effort wasted on something as simple as a trip to the V-E-T. I just yowl and poop in the PTU. After that really don't cause a ruckus.

Unknown said...

Ha, ha, ha....Oh Hendrix, or should I say Bendrix - that is so funny. I am very proud that you have your whole VET team shaking in their boots!

Hellie doesn't go with me to the VET, I usually sit with my head under my Mummy's shirt so I can't see the evil VET people. Mmmmm....I think I will take Hellie with me next time, yah, Hellie can put some fear into them.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

LOL. You are the Man (Cat), Hendrix/Bendrix and an inspiration to cats everywhere. Muhahahahahah.

Daisy said...

Very impressive, Bendrix! You growl at the Vet? WHOA! I am still trying to learn how to growl. When I go to the Vet, I usually just get all limp and scairt. And my paws sweat. I want to be fierce like you.

Scout said...

Bwahahaha!!! I snarl and growl and give a vicious meezer howly noise at the vet... But I do this from the back of the PTU and usually get snatched out before I can cause any real damage...

Clover said...

Hi Hendrix!
I have missed you while I was away from my blog. You sure are a scary mancat - no wonder the VET is afraid of you!! I was particularly impressed with your pawsomely sharp mancat claws and your Herculean strength.
Sorry to hear about your two grandmas - I hope they are both doing better now.
And my mom is LOVING your dad's new car!! The police cars here are all switching to the new chargers - they look so cool!
Love Clover xo

HRH Yao-Lin said...

hahaha how excellent. what a brilliant thursday thirteen! I lov you bendrix, keep up the fury! x

jenianddean said...

HAHAHA!! Way to show them who's boss!! I'm glad you don't have to have your teeth clean!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

The Furry Kids said...

I'm so glad you got out of the teeth cleaning!!!
That is a great list. Twitchy tail is never a good sign and I'm surprised that they didn't heed the warning. If they would've listened, you wouldn't have had to use all those other techniques. heh heh


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Beware of the vet.

Unknown said...

You are one fierce mancat, Hendrix (Bendrix). We're glad you don't have to have your teeth cleaned.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You are a truly furroshus mancat. Well done furr showing the V E T people who's the boss. We're glad you don't haf to have yer teefs done.

Fat Eric said...

Oh thank goodness you don't have to have your teeth cleaned. And LOL at the scared V-E-T people.

I have acted differently on different v-e-t visits. Sometimes I am laidback and fall asleep on the v-e-t's table. sometimes I refuse to come out of my evil cat carrier and have to be tipped out of it. I am not vishus though. Last time the v-e-t said my teeth could do with cleaning but he wouldn't do it unless I had to be aneathis-ansethe-made sleepy for some other purpose. He can't do it when I'm awake because I clamp my jaw shut and he can't get my mouth open. Heh heh. I do not bite though. Never ever. No biting on anyone ever. licking, drooling, yes, biting no.

Parker said...

Rudy needs to take lessons from you!

SophieKitty said...

I'm so glad you don't have to have the V-E-T brush your teeth. You are lucky and fierce!!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

That is the BEST news ever! I love that your V-E-T has to make up excuses because he's too scared to see you. You must be pawesomely scary-fying!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Very good Mr. Hendrix~!
You teach the vet very good lesson!!!!

Beethoven said...

I think you sound like the Giant Kitty when he goes to the V-E-T too. I like it there though. The V-E-T is quite nice really!

zevo hussein calamari said...

CONGRATS! Working for the Bite patrol has so many benefits! Tell your pet human that she may want to give you some Probiotics with your antibiotics. (Well...not at the very same time, my pet human recommends doing them at least a few hours apart. She is a veterinary acupuncturist) Her favorite brand is PB8 and it is for humans. But she tucks 1/2 a capsule in Pill Pockets for Pets whenever i am on antibiotics... it helps!
Feel better soon,

Unknown said...

Oh Mr Hendrix you is brave mancat!! Me don know what brushing teeth is but it look yacky. Me tell mai mom not give me some of those. I hope she know me dont like brush teeth.

PB 'n J said...

That's great news!

We loved your 13 - way to make the V-E-T shake in his boots!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Very good news!! Evil and Mancat fury always wins in the end.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

That's SERIOUS vet-scarin stuff! Wow...

We need to learn that.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Dude, that is great! And I took lots of notes for the next time I have to go to the vet!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Bendrix is truly to be feared! Um, Sadie and I like to have our teeth brushed...mom does it and it feels (and tastes) good.

Sunny's Mommy said...

That's great news, Hendrix! Bendrix is a good buddy to you ;-)

Shelby said...

Oh congrats on the no teeth cleaning. They have to put me under to do anything to me so I don't go to the VET much. Good job on having him so afraid of you.

muffinmidi said...

Atta boy,Bendrix. Just becaue you have to go to the vet doesn't mean you have to make it easy on him.