I'm so glad it is Finally Friday! It is supposed to rain most of the weekend which means my beans will not be outside without me all day like last Saturday. They'll have to stay inside petting me, feeding me, playing with me and leaving me alone (no flashy box!) while I nap. I like the sound of that.
I did hear a rumor that if it was raining, there may be some "painting" going on. Hmmm That sounds like it needs my snoopervisory skills if it happens.
Mr. Echo started a "Friday Confession" last week and Bendrix feels the need to unburdon himself. He sayz "Woman, Man, it isn't that I like to play at 3:00am, it is that I like to play with noisy toys that wake you up at 3:00am. There is a difference."
Well, I'd better get back to napping until my beans get home. I have to be able to stay up all night! We promise to get around to visiting again the next few days.
This is why I need THREE catnip plants. I did this to my beautiful nip on Wednesday. Luckily I have 2 more growing fine.
I gots sum of the same confeshuns today! Bizzy humans. Who DO thay think thay serve innyway? Yeesh. Hay, I herd the "paynt" word at my house too!
I'm honored yoo deesidid to do a Friday Confeshun!
Well done Bendrix! Noisy toys at 3 am is the ultimate.
If you want to try something new you could also sit at your Mum's head in the middle of the night and just meow at her. At first she will think something is wrong with you and be all concerned - then she will turn on the light and pet you and check that you are okay - finally she will start to get annoyed - at that point you can jump down and go take a nap - pleased with the fact that she now can't fall back to sleep and will be sleepy at work. This is one of Hellie's favourite things to do!
I think your Mommy is going to need to plant more catnip plants the way you're eating it ;-) I don't think 2 spares will be enough.
Have a great weekend!
Hi Hendrix,
Sorry I have been MIA for a while. That is a funny confession by Bendrix.
I am turning one year old tomorrow, and I think my mom is working on a special post for the occasion! I hope you will stop by to visit!
Love Clover xo
Bendrix is such a good sport to confess! We never admit such things!
We are having rain too. It sucks.
Try meowing in their faces at 3:00.
That works even better than playing with noisy toys to wake up the humans.
PS The wild fires are about 2hrs. north of here, so we're in no danger. Were just getting the smell & smoke.Thanks for asking.
Hahahaha! You nom-nom-nommed your catnip plant all up! You might need a whole replacement crop of catnip.
Happy weekend to you!
Humans do not understand that there is no higher calling than serving a cat.
Our confession: you are our Best In Show for the coming week; we sent tags to your email box. Hope you like them! Come visit... Maggy and Zoey, at Zoolatry.
Ohmygosh! Why did your catnip plant die like that? Do plants just...do that?
I appawd you for playing with loud toys at 3 am! Mommy once had a boyfriend that I didn't like (this was before she met daddy) and I used to make him as mad as possible by playing with all my loud toys whenever he wanted to watch a movie!
Confeshuns, oh no no no...not us boyz..we have a secret bond between us...and the beans wonder why we are so sleepy during the day!=^Y^=Ty
Seems like that is the excuse du jour! I do not think there is anything wrong with playing with noisy toys at 3am they should be happy that you are getting exercise.
Oooooooooooooo,good confession!!! I see the difference. It's the fault of noisy toys ;)
Purrs Mickey
Wow, catnip plants! Lucky!
Well, we've learned ta let our Nip plants get big and healthy afore chowin down on them... Never eat more than is provided of them.!
Hi Mr.Hendrix!
Thank fur visiting our bloggie!
Wow.. you're lucky you're getting rain! Our weather has been way too hot.. today it was 100 degrees! We need a haircut... we've been panting too much!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Good job on playing with noisy toys at 3 am. We used to like to do that - but we like sleep more now. We like what you did to your catnip plant.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Hi Mr. Hendrix,
We are trying to make a few rounds and catch up a little with everyone. We are glad to hear that your beans will be stuck indoors and forced to pet you all day!
Thank you so much for purring, praying and keeping all of us in your thoughts!
Doood! Fresh Nip! I woulda nomed it to death, too, if I could get to it!
Chomp chomp....so much for the fresh nip!
Mr. H - if we got to have our plants where we could reach them, we would need a squillion of them, so don't feel bad!
I don't have noisy toys at 3am, but I do very noisy yowls then. We wish mum would grow catnip plants furr us.
Oh, yum. Live 'nip plants hafta live outside at my house 'cuz we eat them down to stems.
I like to clean my teeth on the lampshade by Mom's bed. It makes a pleasing metallic sound that Mom doesn't like, so she turns on the light to make me stop. Then, she can't fall back to sleep. Hee, hee ...
I don't have even one nip plant. ....MOM!!
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