I heard them say they are going tonight to go see "The Eagles" sing. I said, hey, where's my ticket. I like birds, I like tunes. They said "Sorry sweetie, cats aren't allowed."
Fine. I supposed I may get all twitchy and excited and attack some singing fev-vers on The Eagles given the chance, but if The Who ever comes to Cincinnati, I'd better get smuggled in! I'd voluntarily stay in my PTU if I got to see them! They are my favorite band!
My mom is sooooo furry jealous - The Eagles (and especially Don Henley) are amongst her favourites too!
Of khourse, they will be 'here' on 11/23 BUT she khan't take me so she shan't be going!
I hope they enjoy the show!
Wow! That is such a great surprise!! Your mommy and daddy are very lucky to get to see The Eagles! We totally agree we would all endure the PTU to see The Who!! That is one of our parents fav bands too!
~The Creek Cats~
Ack, mom sez she wants to go...we don't know why, der are birdies here singing.
Hendrix, my mom gave me the same lame 'no cats' excuse when she went to see Steely Dan this summer. The way I see it is she could have worn black and I could have sat on her shoulder and no one would have noticed. That is, if there is such a rule at all.
Hope they have fun, even without you!
What a coincidence. The Eagles is our bean's MOST FAVORITE band of all time. WE know all the words by heart since she plays it so much. Maybe they will bring you a tee-shirt hendrix.
Gee WHiz, Hendrix! I sure hope they bring you back some band swag!
My mommy is so jealous she loves the Eagles.That's a great gift :)
Wow, my mom is so jealous too! I hope your humans have a good time.
love & wags,
My mommie is very jealous. She loves Eagles. I just dream about catching one.
Cool! Hope your mum and dad enjoyed the show (maybe they'll bring you back a feathery souvenir). Next week, my beans are going to see an Australian band (whom you Americats may have heard of, they were big in the late 80s/early 90s?) called Crowded House. But I don't want to go, because I hate crowded places.
Who? Just kidding.
Um. I thought eagles were birds. Don't Cats eat birds?
What a pawesome surprise from your daddy!! I hope your parents have fun, but I am sorry they can't take you...
Love Clover xo
Well I think it's just plain rude that cats aren't allowed to go to concerts! I hope your Mon and Dad have a lovely time and bring you back som, er, fevvers! :) xxx
Oh that is so cool!! Our mom has never seen the Eagles live....neither have we for that matter!
We think you should have been able to go to the concert also. Its not fair.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
I hope you get to see The Who one day Mr Hendrix. Can I come as your date?
Huffle Mawson
Too bad kitties aren't allowed! We will never understand that... Wish your Mom and Dad a great time!
Meow Meow Mr Hendrix
Our Mommy is so jealous! She Loves the Eagles too!
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina
I cannot believe your Daddy and Mommy go do things without you. That's not fair! They could have at least brought you home some feather souvenirs!
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