She took Chance to the emergency VET (it was 8:30pm on a Saturday night) and he was a dream the whole time. Even tho he had to be scared and in so much pain, he snuggled and purred and "made cute" all over the place. The VET techs couldn't even hear his heartbeat because he was purring so loud!

All the manipulating they did to get X-Rays and check his tail (broken) and pelvis (fractured) and the little guy kept purring and snuggling and nuzzling everyone in the office. He had to have been in pain, but you'd have never known it.

With my FIV and personality "quarks" the VET doesn't think that I would be a good sibling so mommy put out a call for help and you all responded! Luckily, your purrs and prayers brought Nellie to our blog. She had just lost her beloved kitty and felt her home needed another cat and Shadow needed a furry friend.

On Dec. 1, we met Nellie halfway at The Washington Area Humane Society just outside of Pittsburg, PA - approx 4 hours for each of us - who were kind enough to let them do the exchange there. They had a little play area with toys and a litterbox all set up so he could get out and stretch.

When Nellie put Chance in his PTU, she put him in the back seat and buckled him in. Mommy knew at that moment that she would be the best mommy to him and was so happy. She did cry as he drove away, both happy he was going to a wonderful forever home, and sad cause she would miss him bunches.

We are so glad that a person as wonderful as Nellie took him in. Not only is she a sweet person and a perfect mommy, but she even helps Chance blog so we can follow him as he grows and plays and can see how happy he is.
I remember this so well, and now he's getting a chance to "pay it back" with a little sister!
Oh dis iz a wunderful story & we iz so glad dats we gots to read it. Chance iz a furry lucky kitty & you iz a lucky cat to haz such a good momee too!
The story about how Chance came to be at his Forever home is so wonderful! I am so glad you were able to help him.
That is such a sweet story! Your mom is such a kind and wonderful bean! Each bean driving four hours to make sure Chance got a wonderful home shows what kind and gererous beans they are. Your mom and Chance's mom are amazing!
What a happy khat story!
Tank woo fur sharing!
PeeEssWoo: Mom says thanks fur not beating the stoopid Iggles today!
That is such a great story!! I didn't know that.
Purrs, Goldie
What a beautiful story :))
And a lucky chance :))
Chance is everyone's happy thought~!
So so cute kid~!!!!
Look at him~!!!!!
The Woman thinks Chance is sooooooooo cute. =sigh= I used to be cute once, too...
We are very happy to hear about how Chance Bond got the chance at a life he deserves!:) Bless you for taking him in and giving him that opportunity.
He's one of the luckiest kitties I've ever read about. Go Chance!
Huffle Mawson
love this sory and we hope he will make u all happy
That's a wonderful story Hendrix. Your humans did such great work by helping Chance find a furrever home and it's great how he found such a nice home and now he blogs too. Thanks for stopping by Leo and Fairy's bloggie and wishing them well on their purrthday. Many purrs and hugs from them...
What a great story about Chance. We are so happy he has a forever home with such a wonderful bean!
That's a great story about Chance! He's furry lucky to have found beans like you and Nellie!
I remember this story! Chance is such a fine mancat now, he's done very well for himself. Your Mom and Dad are fine people for helping him on his way in life
Whicky Wuudler
This was such a great story adn we are so glad that we know have Chance and Shadow and Nellie as our friends too. Wonderful all around!!
Gosh - has it only been a year?! It's still such a great story and we're so happy that Chance found such a super Mommie!
Happy Rescuversary to Chance!
We remember **sniff,sniff** this wonderful story, **sniff, sob** What an ending to one life to begin another.
I love happy endings! Well, it's not really ending, but it's so happy! ::sniff::
What a wonderful story! Chance is a very lucky kitty! ;-)
That's jes about the best story yoo kood ever hope to reed. I'm proud to know ya!
The mom has never seen so many beans dat care so much, until she started bloggin wif TT. Yoo guys are da best!!
I still remember this story.
Joanne, Jane, Jill, Johnny, Jay boy, Jasmine & Capu from Singapore
That is so great that Chance found such a wonderful home! That is way cool that you guys helped him!
Luf, Us
Pee Ess. Dorf eats his cheese shreds in a separate bowl. It is his breakfast food.
That is a lovely story.
Simba x
What a great story. Chance looks a little like Harley, Daisy's brother.
What a heart warming story. And the best thing is, Chance has his forever home!
That is a GREAT story with a very happy ending. You have such wonderful beans Hendrix, they are so caring and loving.
That is such a sweet story.
Meow Meow Mr Hendrix
What a incredibly wonderful story. Your Mommy was so great to take care of Chance and we are so so Happy Chance has a wonderful home forever!
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina
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