Personally, I don't care who wipes it off as long as it ain't me!
Just so my lady cat Brandi doesn't think I am untidy in my litterbox habits, I'm getting more Laxitone than usual to keep things "moving" since the stress of the beans leaving and coming home usually flairs up my IBD.
Hello fellow IBD sufferer, Cal here. I totally understand the litter box issues!! I was diagnosed on Friday and have really improved on the yucky medicines they shove down my throat. Mind me asking how you keep your under control?
~Cal and The Creek Cats~
A 'dingleberry' he he!
Purrs, Sukie x
P.S. You have our old link. It should be: http://simplycats.beetle-blog.com
o no this dont sound to good we hope u feel furry goof soon ok sorry we did not roll down on your blog so we fink u did blog nothing for days But the to day bean get smart and look better on here WE fink her is a BERRY
Hhhhmmm. Dingleberrys for your Dad. Lufferly.
Luf, Us
That's the rule in our house too. Same with our litter box!
Do you have problems with dingleberries??? That's too bad...and yes, we think it's a dad's job to take care of those...
Mr. Hendrix, this Word Verification thing keeps talking to me. Today, my word is "colon"! I swear!
You know Hendrix, if no one's home to tend to your "needs", you can always just wipe it off on the carpet!
The pleasure of being a really short hair cat like a Meeze is that I don't get those problems often. Gemini does, but I don't.
Dingleberries sound right up your Dad's alley!
My mum thinks that rule is totally fair too. I haven't asked dad's opinion on it yet.
Huffle Mawson
I think Dads like dealing with the dingleberries. It's very manly.
Whicky Wuudler
aww man... daddas we try and prove our manliness to.
Daddas we like to think good of us...' You poor dude... Momma do all the Momma kinda stuffs...
I mean could not your Daddas job be to clean the number 2's? I mean that is a manly type of thing and your Dadda can awe at your pookie prowess and all, and you would lose no cred :)
But I am sure your Dadda still respects and loves you just the same :)
heh yoo said dingleberry! *bwah ha ha ha ha* Dat is a funny werd!!
Oh goodness, this is annoying news. Nothing like a messy furrs. I am glad that your dad keeps you looking fresh and irresistable
purrrs to you
thank you so much for thinking of tesla during our hard time! We're still not completely better, but we're on the right track! thank you so much!
This rule ought to be universal.
It's a team effort here.
Mom can't haf dad do any of dat stuff or she'd end up wif two messes to clean up...she washes my butt every morning now after I go do my "bizness" cuz, well, I like it! It feels really good and after dat I have a nice, clean bum so no one can say "PeeU Speedy, yoo stink".
Yep, we understand the IBD here too. That is Miss Jade. Only she has the runny, stinky poos. We are glad your daddy takes care of that for you.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
That sounds like a fun job, not.
Simba x
Sad news, Hendrix. Mitch Mitchell (he drummed with your namesake) has passed away.
We have the same rule. Personally, I feel it's an excellent rule that should always be adhered to :-)
oh, dear. I'm glad your daddy keeps you clean and hansome!
I'm looking out the window and thinking of you. I can see the lights of the shopping center near us. But it's too cloudy to see the moon tonight. *sigh*
your brandi candi.
We gets Laxatone toos. WE LUFS IT!
we fights over its.
Your Mommy is lucky! That was always my job. William had a few diarrhoea issues when he was little and needed some cleaning up from time to time, but he hated it so it was quite a struggle - poor him, poor me, haha! However, thankfully he grew out of it (the diarrhoea I mean, not hating having his butt washed!) :) xxx
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