If you don't know how wonderful she is just be reading Gandalf and Grayson's bloggy, go here to read the story of Whitey and the extraordinary measures Barb took to save him.

In honor of Three Cheers for Barb Day, I'm going to celebrate with a nip plant!
Hey, onto another fun part. Last night I was all pouty with mommy and didn't let her pet me or play with her. I did let daddy tho. I didn't tell her why I was upset (I really wasn't). Then this morning I was as lovey as could be and she was so happy I got an extra treat. Yup, I played her like a fine violin. Nice.
I think Whitey is one lucky cat.
Woo khats are just tooooooo khlever fur your own skin...sometimes!
Happy Long Weekend!
You're good Hendrix!
You are s stinker! Letting Mama think she had done something!
We will be posting about Barb too!
Three Cheers for Barb indeed!! She is amazing.
barb is cool!
Smart move, Hendrix.
And 3 cheers for Barb.
Yaay for Barb!!!
And Hendrix...good job with getting the extra treat....
We love Whitey's story. Good job on getting the extra treat!
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Barb is a wonderful lady.
Nice work on your mum. Heh.
Huffle Mawson
That Barb is something else! What terrific work she does.
Whitey sure is one lucky kitteh!
Hendrix, how is yer mom doin wif dat alien blurpy? She all set yet, how bout yoo?
We like it when humans help the meow meows and woofies! Cheers!
HAve a nice weekend Mr. H!
Hendrix, you are one smart mancat ;-)
I read the story of Whitey and am so glad that Gandalf and Grayson's Mom helped him. He is such a sweet and handsome boy and it is so nice that he is in such caring hands now.
You are a smart panther Hendrix. Very smart!
Wow! More posts about Mom? She's just overwhelmed. Whitey is real easy to love! Thank you for your very kind words, Mr. Hendrix.
Thank your mama for the Temptations! I gotted them today. Did you get some, too?? They are really good, and I hope you got some.
your sweet ladycat girlfriend,
Three Cheers for Barb !!!We loved Whitey's story.
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