
Midnight Mancat Monday

My mommy knows that a House Panther needs to feel like he is in a jungle sometimes. So she brought in one of my catnip plants (remember kitties, I have FOUR) to enjoy.

I did enjoy it. Real mancats even chew the stems

She left the plant out for me while she goes to work today. We are all curious to what the outcome will be...

My weekend s*cked cause my beans were gone for most of it. I am a little discombobulated this morning. How dare they leave me to work when I want attention! Maybe I won't even destroy the plant like I usually do. That will get mommy all concerned and maybe land me more treats.

On the plus side I kinda got a new napping place. I say "kinda" cause mommy said she'd fight me to the death over it. I think she meant it too! Scary. She did say she'd "share" but she gets first dibs. humpf! Her mommy and daddy got it for her and #2. What the heck am I? Chopped liver? mmm liver...

My ladycat Brandi has an update. Thank you all for the many purrs and prayers for her mommy. They are the best medicine!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Maybe they could get a second chair for you?

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

So, your mom is going to khontribute to your nipped haze?


The Meezers or Billy said...

oooooooooo lookit the nippity nip nip nip

Cliff and Olivia said...

What a beautiful nip-plant. Our nip is in the cat yard and we can't wait for the weekend to go nipping.

Reese =^..^= said...

Is dat nip??

Thank you for visiting me! I've added you to my sidebar. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Kewel on da 'nip plantz in da house. Ourz are all outside soz our momma haz ta cut it an' bring it in fur us ta eat an' sniff.

Nice score on da chair. When youz 'beans not home you can snooze in it an' dey won't be da wiser☺

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're glad Brandi's mom is doing better!

Don't share the chair! You should always get first dibs. Yeah, they SAY it was a present for them, but we all know it was actually a present for you.

Max said...

You get the whole plant all day???


Thoughts said...

Ooooh Hendrix you are so lucky you got a real catnip plant inside the house. Mom only puts ours outside since we knock them over and rip them apart until there's dirt and plant stems all over the place. Destruction is my middle name.

Theodore (and Sasha, too)

Anonymous said...

haha Mr Hendrix you is a spoilt man.. just the way we shoudl be.. I am not so sure about the chair, I mean the seat looks nice and soft but a man-cat needs soft sides as well.. we needs to cuddle into something... :P hehe

Daisy said...

Hendrix, you are a real Mancat to even eat up the stems!

The Island Cats said...

You got 4 nip plants??? We don't even have one inside the house!!!!

Mickey's Musings said...

WOW!!! That plant is huge!!!
Our plant did not survive the winter(why Mom?????)have another one yet(why Mom?????)
That chair looks comfy! I think you should have your own too ;) heh,heh
Remember...cats rule!!!!!
Purrs Mickey

SophieKitty said...

Fresh nip. You are so lucky!!

Tuck said...

That is a nice napping place! And an even better looking nip plant!!!

Quill and Greyson said...

Is fresh catnip as strong as dry?

Cory said...

Our nip forest is getting huge! I suppose I better have someone show how it's now over our heads! Mom will harvest and dry it when it gets about a foot taller.

Anonymous said...

Mr. H., your human mom has to be taught to understand a cat's needs: first you 'nip, then you nap -- and wherever you desire to nap, too! Keep working on her, OK?

Motor Home Cats said...

We are anxious to know if the nip plant survived the day. That looks like a great chair. Mom says she is going to buy us one one day, but it is going to all be uphostered (what ever that means).

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Forever Foster said...

Can we add our names into the ring for the chair fight? That looks seriously comfy.

Teddy Westlife said...

Obviously that chair is for you to try, and if you like it your mum will get one for her.

Huffle Mawson

Poppy Q said...

Mmmmmmmmmmm catnip and a new chair - you are living the high life.

Milo and Alfie said...

Four? You have FOUR catnip plants? You are SO lucky!

We think you should haff a chair each! It's only fair.

Sunny's Mommy said...

First dibs? What's that? You're going to love your new rocking chair, Hendrix :-)

Anonymous said...

That sure does look like a gud comfy nappin space!

Ivan from WMD said...

Wow, what a great new napping place! I hope by now you've gotten a lot of fur on it and all!

And the nip!! ::faint::

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Being a jungle cat is wonderful. We think that chair would look nicer with your furs on it. It was made for you right?