You'll also see this on the sidebar as I wait it out. Mommy and daddy noticed a week or so ago that I won't be in a different room than mommy. I am keeping a close eye on her. Even if I'm napping when she gets up to use the bean litterbox, I'm sitting right outside the door when she opens it. I won't stay in the basement with daddy.
I'll burn off lotsa this sympathy weight keeping this watching schedule up.
BTW, I want to meet #2 right away so I can start establishing my rules, but it turns out he'll be like 4 days old before I get to. What is up with that? Hopefully he'll be to sleepy to start plotting any overthrows of the kitty before he gets home...
Oh Hendrix aren't you the sweetest thing. What will you do when she has the baby--who will you choose?
We think you are going to be a very protective big brother. We like your graphic.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Wecan't wait to meet your blurp, either! It must be a very exciting time. You're a good mancat to look after your mum.
Oh khome on!
Your dad khan smuggle woo into the blurpy plopping spot!
Let the blurpy know you are to be obeyed.
Only two more weeks to go! Work fast, Mr. H. The little human kitten will be there before you know it.
Oh this is exciting! I think you'll have time to train #2, I hear they sleep almost as much as us!
You are so good to watch over with Mom!
I think you're gonna have fun with him when he gets home...at least until he turns from a blurpy into a sticky little person. Then you're gonna be running A LOT.
FYI...their laps just aren't big enough to sit on at first. I'm not sure if this is by design or if it's a defect, but it's probably inconvenient for you. The ONE person who would let you sit in a lap whenever you want, and you won't fit.
We think you're gonna be the bestest big brofur ever!
You'll teach that blurpy who's boss, no problems.
Huffle Mawson
hmmmm.... is that what blurpys do? We only met one! and it was a terror!
Awww, what a sweet graphic for you! It's good that you look after your mom so well, but don't let your daddy feel left out either! We know you'll take care of the blurpy too.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
PS - Bugsy's home!
Hendrix, we can't wait to meet #2 either! We know that you will be a good fur brother to him or her...we just worry about Bendrix a little... ;-)
That is so sweet, keeping an eye on your mom. Take good care of her.
MOL, hehe, I likes da count down you has Mr.Hendrix!
I hopes dat everyfing arrived okay for you for after da baby comes.
Da graphic is pawsome too!
I can't remember-are you getting a boy blurp or a girl blurp?
This is really so exciting! I can't wait to see the baby pictures and find out how your mom is doing. I am sure you will be a terrific big brother to your new family member, Mr. Hendrix!
Hendrix you are too sweet, watching
Mommy so closely like that. I have a feeling Theodore would do the same thing to me, you big old love-cat.
Purrs to you and your Mommy,
That is a great graphic. You are being a good mancat to look after your mum.
So, how is it werkin out? We wanna know. We've nefer seen a blurpy.
What a lovely picture Hendrix. Many many congrats to your parents for the upcoming baby. Sending lots of purrayers and hugs your way :)
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