1. Mommy's feet have now swollen from her prepregnancy shoe size of 6 to an 8 1/2. Yes, she had to buy even more new shoes! Oddly enough, she is not happy about this.
2. I hacked up a nice wet hairball. Why is that special? Because it was at 3:30am and I did it on the sheets right next to daddy. Nice huh?
3. Mommy and daddy started putting the baby stuff together for me to inspect. Daddy checked that the stroller is sturdy enough for off roading.
4. I've been helping mommy feel loads better by making her lay down more.
5. Mommy gained 5 lbs in just the past 2 weeks! The doctor told her yesterday that it is mostly fluid which is why mommy has that "Jabba the Hut puffiness" about her.
6. I have been feeling kinda supercatty!
7. Mommy pulled out a weird little bald doll thing and put lotion on it so I get used to "smells." If she thinks I believe that is what #2 will be like, she really isn't getting enough sleep.
8. Mommy's friend got her one of the most awesome registry gifts ever.
That is right. Mommy registered for Jose Cuervo strawberry margarita mix...obviously for after #2 comes.
9. Mommy implimented a new rule. If it won't hurt the kitty and isn't sharp, and it falls on the floor...that is where it is staying until someone else picks it up.
10. Mommy and daddy opened a Costco account and they bought tons of meat so mommy can start making frozen meals in advance. Mommy found she loves Costco, especially the 72 pizza bagels for $9.99!
11. Daddy has been keeping me playing and petted cause mommy says I need to get more used to turning to him. I don't like it much yet, but I'm getting used to it.
12. I haven't been able to sniff the fresh air cause mommy is so so hot and it got humid here. Bummer. All the neighbors have their windows open, but the cold blowy thing is on here.
13. Our neighborhood got very lucky. The house across the street got struck by lightening and caught fire. Why is that lucky? Because the house has been empty for a year. The family was transfered, and although it royally sucks big time that the house caught fire, it is the only one of the 35 houses in our neighborhood that is empty. All the others have families, pets, furniture, pictures etc.
We purr for the family who has been trying desperately to sell the house, but are very greatful no one was hurt, and nothing was damaged that couldn't be replaced.
You have all been very busy. Hope your Mum gets lots of naps in.
Simba and Jazzi xx
Wow - lots of good news at your house. Many changes with more to come, but I am really sure you will take it all in stride. Exciting stuff over there.
That photo of you being an upside down supercat is awesome Mr Hendrix!
Huffle Mawson
Great job with the 3:30 AM hairball, Hendrix!!
Wow, your neighborhood really was lucky that the empty house was the one stuck by lightning. That was a blessing!
Sending your mom comforting vibes. We've heard pregnancy can get furry uncomfortable.
Grrrrreat work on the hairball!
Woo are just prepping them fur what the new humankhytten will grace them with soon!
Keep up the pawesome job of watching your mom!
PeeEssWoo: Mom says sorry woo are in the next state: she wears a 8-1/2 and she would have shared her shoes!
hahahaha our bean finks pic #2and 3 kinda look alike you and you bean on your back You will do fine wif your baby bean so long as mamy and day let you and we know they will good luck
Did you know that Pablo is getting a #2 as well?
It's so exciting, your little sibling is almost here!
If if makes your Mom feel better, even all swollen her feet aren't nearly as big as the Woman's size 10 boat-feet.
Wanna hear a funny story? The Woman has this friend (your Mom mighta friended him on Facebook, his name is Ian) who has sticky people. When the first sticky person was about a year old they were really close to having a second, so they bought him one of those fake babies so he could get used to the idea of another sticky person.
Well, he loved his fake baby and carried it around a lot. But one day Ian found his sticky little guy at the top of the stairs...where he tossed the fake baby over the baby gate. Ian said "No! We don't throw babies! Babies don't bounce!" and the little guy looked up and said "Dey do now!"
Freak your people out and sit on the fake baby. It might be very exciting!
Well, your mom is still looking great! If it makes her feel any better, my Mommie wears size 9 shoes. And that's just her regular size!
We get the cheese pizza Bagelbites from Costco! Hahahaha!
Wow, what an update Mr. Hendrix! Lots of chnages are a happenings for you. Sounds likes things are goings well and busy.
And I gaves you an award today, comes by to picks it up when you has time!
Hendrix, I think there's way too much excitement going on. If I were you, I'd nap more with your mommy.
Your mom is very organized and busy. Pizza Bagels from Costco sound wonderful! But, how about having the Dad person take up the culinary arts and cook for you and your mom?
Our Mommy says to tell your Mommy to check her email! Now that that is said - DUDE!! Great job on the hairball!! YES!!!
Jade did you one better last night - she pooped on the bed while Mom was asleep - let me tell you, Mom was not happy! It looks like you are all getting ready for #2. We hope you continue to make your mommy get rest because that means more rest time for you too.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Those are some things, glad about the house... if you can be happy about something like that.
You've got a lot of stuff going on in your house. Glad to hear you and your dad are spending more time together.
And you mommie looks cute!
Hendrix! My new blog is ready and I am a regular blogger now (I hope). I can't remember if I gave you the address yet...
If you would like to link to me, can you please list me as "Sunshine and Mud Puddles"? Thanks!
Love Clover xo
P.S. Your mommy looks great!
Congratulations on all the good thing happening to you!
There appears to be a lot going on at your house!
tell your humans to get a vibrating baby chair for the baby. they come with hanging things which you can show the baby how to play with and the baby sleeps well when they set it on "stun" -- i mean "vibrate".
I think you and your mommy need to rest lots and let daddy get on with things.This will help mommy's hormone levels, water retention and general wellbeing ! By the way, I'm truly impressed with your hairball story. Gee that must have been something to behold !
Hendrix, I think we missed your Mom at the cat blogger gathering as she had a baby shower. We were in Cinci just after that--I think we got there Friday and stayed through Monday. We were at the Reds game on Sunday against the Cubs when they went into Overtime. Yes, all the docs asked if the Reds had won when the Woman was at the urgent care clinic and no one knew yet because they got the clinic at the bottom of the 12th! It is too bad that we missed you when we were so close. The Male lived in Lebanon and they ate the Golden Lamb (where he worked in High School)
You and your mum are wearing the pregnancy very well, Hendrix:) We love your supercat photo.
Our mum is well impressed with the coolest baby shower gift ever!
Wow, this was a blogful!
Your mom is getting HUGE!!!! just kidding, hahaha
You are such a wonderful kitty Mr. Handrix and you have been so good too. I love the new baby/kittie holder. Have you sat in it?
Love and purrs always always, Prinnie
I think your parents are trying really hard to help you adjust to number 2.They love you. How's Bendrix coping?
You have very special humans who love you and are taking great care to get you ready for the new arrival.
Here are some good links to more info, but your pawrents are doing a great job it sounds like!
You are a SuperCat!
Even swollen, your Mom's feet are tiny compared to my size 12s. At least I think they are twelves. I got tired of trying to find women's shoes big enough and switched to men's athletic shoes long ago. I love your supercat pose. It must be exciting with everyone getting ready for #2.
It must be so exciting in your house that you have a little bean on the way!! We've been lucky that none of our cats have had hairballs lately on our bedsheets. They used to do it a lot.
Congrats to your mom and dad!! Looking forward to meet the new addition.
Our humans said to tell you they are jealous that you have a Costco close to you. The closest one to us is 45 minutes away, and they have no plans to build one here (the newspaper asked).
You and your mommy look so happy together!
Wow, al lot going on at your place. Just wait I bet when the baby comes there will be even more things happening.
I am glad that no one was in the house that got hit by the lightening. If it had to happen that was the house to go for.
There is a lot going on at your place. We're sorry your Mommy is puffy and uncomfortable. Don't worry Mr.Hendrix Daddies can be a lot of fun to play with, just keep getting used to it.
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