First the awesome kitties at A Few Good Cats gave me the International Blogging Award! I am very honored and enjoy all my friends from around the globe.

The rules for this award are simple:
1. To link to the person who passed you this prize.
2. Display the badge, the rules and the questionnaire in all or one of your blogs
3. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List..
4. Have fun!
Also post the following Questions & Your Answers:
1. The person who tagged you: A Few Good Cats
2. His/her site’s title and url:
3. Date when you were tagged: June 16, 2009
4. Seven friends you tagged:
My sweet ladycat Brandi
Max the Psychokitty
William of Mass Destruction
Adan & Lego
Fat Eric
Diamond Emerald Eyes
Simba King & Jasmine
Next, thanks for all your kind comments about my "sympathy weight." I was feeling a little embarrassed about it, but now realize it is just the camera adding 10 lbs...What would I do without my friends?
My friend Khyra was very excited to hear my woofie cousin was over and I promised her a photo. Here is a picture of Mason and my daddy and grandpa watching him run around our backyard. Mason will be 2 years and was rescued in Sept 2008 from a local shelter by my Uncle Kevin, Aunt Erin and bean cousin Karissa. Poor guy had spent his whole first year at the shelter. I'm sure he's forgotten all about it now! He loves loves loves to run and play with the tennis balls.
The C-Section has been scheduled and #2 is coming on Friday, July 10th. Because of mommy's bad back, they don't want her to labor at all so they schedule these things a week early. So far so good.
My beans saw the funniest movie they have seen in YEARS this weekend. It is called The Hangover. Now, I've seen my beans with "hangovers" before and although funny to me, don't seem funny to them. But, they came home almost choaking with laughter after watching this movie.
They have rated it a $10 movie and they usually don't rate comedies as a $10. They highly recommend your beans go see it and so do I cause it puts your beans in such a good mood they want to play and laugh and pet the kitty.
PS Mommy and daddy rate movies the following way:
Totally worth the $10 a piece price (plus snacks)
Best as a matenee price (with snacks of course)
Wait till it comes out on DVD
Only on Pay Per View cause the trip to the video store is to much
Don't bother!
Only three weeks til #2 arrives! Are you ready?
Huffle Mawson
Mason look pretty cool for a woofie! I am glad he has a great forever home!
Thanks for the movie tip - I'm sending the 'rents to go see it. #2 in less than 3 weeks - how exciting!
Congratulations on the award. It looked like Mason was having a good time! Three weeks and counting till #2
Wow! That time frame is getting close!
Congratulations on your award!!!
Tank woo fur sharing your woofie khousin!
Tank woo furry much fur purrring to those saints...Mom says since Laska is a Sibe, St Jude might be worth adding to the list too ;-)
Good lukhk to woo as the little khytten gets khloser and khloser!
WOW - that must be SOME good movie to get THAT rating! Tanks fur the tails up!
Hi Hendrix!
Are you getting excited for #2 to arrive?!
My parents are going to see that movie tonight and they are really excited!! Thanks for the good review. :) I like the way your parents rate movies!
P.S. If you want, you can come keep me company while my parents abandon me for the movie theatre!!
Wow! #2 is gonna be here soon! Seems like only yesterday you were telling us about #2 for the first time!
Thanks for the movie review...our mom and dad rarely go to the movies cuz they say there's few movies worth the $10. Maybe they'll hafta see this one now!
WOWZA! Dat was a lotta news ta read an' ta catch up on!
The blurpy isn't far off! That's the day before Our Mommy's mommy's birfday.
Bugsy thanks you for your purrs and prayers, he came out of surgery just fine and will be home tomorrow!! And thanks for the pill tips, too, The Mommy is hoping for liquid meds (a little easier to give) but these will come in handy if needed.
Purrs and hugs back atcha,
The Kitty Krew
Hmmm. Your pawrents have an interesting rating system. Jan's is just wait till it comes out on tv. Now that it's changed to digital and the converter box won't work with this tv, it's going to be never!
Congrats on the award.
Congrats on your award and all the other exciting things. My humans are going to look for this film because they like funny movies (although there are not so keen on hangovers). FAZ
Wow! Only three more weeks.. .
Wow, we can't believe #2 is almost here. It looks like Mason was having lots of fun.
We like your beans rating system.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
How exciting that #2 will be here soon! Mason looks like he was having fun running around!
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat
Hi Hendrix!
Just wanted to tell you that my parents went to see the Hangover last night and they really liked it. Your parents were right - very funny!
My mom says that today for some reason, she just keeps picturing Alan saying "there are skittles in there!" and laughing...
Hi Hendrix!
We are happy to hear your Mommy is all scheduled! We will be thinking about her and sending our prayers and support for a safe delivery of the blurpy thing!!
theodore and sasha
c-sections aren't bad according to my mommy. your mommy's tummy is going to be sore for a week but they'll give her lots of good painkillers. the hard part will be walking for the two weeks after as well as not being able to do stairs, not being able to lift heavy objects, and the worst: NO DRIVING FOR 2-3 WEEKS.
--jen (edda's mommy)
We should be back online by then, but in case we're not, I'm sending good wishes to your Mom and your family :-)
Oh wow, #2 will be there to see you soon!! I bet you are pretty excited!! Mason is a cutie and Congratulations on the Award! Mom saw Hangover twice and she never goes to movies like that!! She said she never laughed so hard!! Hehehehehehe!!
Your FL furiends,
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