Happy Halloween everybody from me, Bendrix & Tole)! (click to biggify) This is a holiday made for evil alter egos.

Be sure to head over and vote for me or, and here's a hint...I may poop on your pillow.
Thanks Hansel for putting on the contest this year!
Those are cute costumes!
Luf, Us
Happy Halloween, Bendrix and Tole. Cool costumes.
I think going as Max the Psycho kitty was a great idea!!!
Okay...we know we're supposed to be scared, but Tole is the cutest!! And Bendrix, you're pretty cute too!!
Happy Halloween!!!
Happy Halloween!
That graphic is almost as hilarious as your "Max" costume. Happy Halloween!
U hab a funz & safez Hal-lo-weenz. OK?
Those are great picture. You both look adorable! Happy Halloween!
Great costumes! Were were scairt a little bit.
Happy Halloween!
Furry furry khute woo two!
Happy HOWLoween!
I hope woo get lots of treats without any trikhks!
Hi Bendrix and Tole! Happy Halloween!
You guys are so cute. Happy Halloween!!
We almost fainted from the cute! (Tole's cute, that is. Bendrix, we were terrified of you!). Happy Halloween!:)
HAPPY, HAPPY HALLOWEEN to Tole (haha), Bendrix and the Great Beans who take care of all 4 of them.
Many purrs to you, Halloween
ps Thanks for the advice to my Food Lady a while back. It was very, very helpful.
We voted fer you! Great "Max: costume... MOL!
Ohoh, Joel haf a evil alter ego too?
Happy halloween Mr Hendrix.
Hope you two had an awesome Halloween!
Great costumes. We hope you had a great Halloween!
Happy Halloween ! I danced with my cats !
Hee-Hee - that was adorable!
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