
Super Sunday

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! It truly is a super day here because we have great news. The temp job mommy has been at since last August asked her to stay on for good! She'll still be working part time (and working her part time WFH job) there so I'll still have her home four days a week and she'll make a little more money.

Yippie! What is nice is that now, she has a jobbie she can count on and can stop stressing and job hunting. She is already more relaxed and I can only benefit from that.

We are totally looking forward to Puppy Bowl VII on Animal Planet today too. Don't forget it starts at 3:00PM. Mommy DVRs it and keep it all year long (until the next one). The stinky boy J loves the "Bissel Kitty Halftime Show."

We are crossing paws and hoping against hope those slimy Steelers lose and lose big.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Khongrats to your mom!

As fur The Puppy Bowl, I KNOW which pup woo will be purring fur ;-)

PeeEssWoo: We don't watch football anymore but if we did, we'd be rooting fur the cheese people to mold the stillers!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Congratulations on Mommy's Job!

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Congrats on your Mommy's job and ...


Cory said...

When I'm not watching the Puppy Bowl and Kitten half time show, I'll be meowing for the Cheeseheads to beat the Steelers.

I love cheese.

Concats to your mom!!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Congrats to Mom on the great job news!

We probly will watch the last half of the Game. That cuz we dont have a team in the Game. But also we admire both teams in general and think it will be a close game (for once), so we might as well only watch tha last part. Heh-Heh.

Ivan from WMD said...

This is great! We are so excited about your mom's news! We saw your comment a few days ago but were afraid you might not see a comment on the last post then, and then we had all that "turn everything off" business.

Sparkle said...

Hey Hendrix, that is great news for your human on the job front! We do not do football here, so I'm having a Super Cat, no-football Sunday party on my blog today!

A few Good Cats said...

We're glad to hear the good news about your human mom's new job. Our human staff knows what it's like to look and look and look for a job, and how nice it is to get one.

We'll probably skip the football game, but we won't miss the Puppy Bowl halftime show. Wonder if they'll have rabbits again this year?

Katnip Lounge said...

Hip Hip Hurrah for your Mom! We are SUPER happy for her. And you...Mr Hendrix, having your Mom home 4 days a week will ROCK!

muffinmidi said...

Hi Hendrix,
Midi here. We're so happy that your
mother's job is now permanent. It's a load off her mind.
As for Joel, I' recommend letting him get one squeeze in, then running. Muffin would let the neighbor's kids maul him,but Raja hates it when Mommy's friends with stinky little people visit. She'll let them pet her once,then she runs under the couch.Me, I like people and am always happy to have visitors.But that's beside the point. Ty my idea and see if it works.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We are so happy your mom is now permanent! Maybe down the road it will become full time.