lemme out lemme out lemme out!

Gonna tray chewing thru these bars
It was even worse because I had to go with the stinky boy. Jeez. It threw me off so bad that I only got to scratch one VET tech. I didn't even get the good gas. sigh.

See, he my be two but he is totally evil...
We're sorry you had to go the v-e-t but hope you're okay.
We're getting a malware alert when we visit your site, it's because you have Daisy on your blog roll, we suspect. Take her off, temporarily. See our two posts today, or our comments on the CB to explain. Several blogs are having this issue when being visited via Google Chrome.
BTW, Daisy's blog was not hacked, but a site she links to was, and that's why she's been identified as having malware and passing that malware on.
Man I hate vet visits.
We hope you are OK. Get well soon!
You think YOU had it bad?! I had to go to the vet TWICE this week! My human is lucky I am still speaking to her... and jumping on her desk and poking her.
Hendrix, that certainly sounds double-plus-bad! I hope you're doing OK despite the torture!
Ugh, I hate the stabby place. I hope everything is ok, in spite of being stuck going with a sticky little person...
Jeez, Hendrix...we're sorry you're not feeling good and hadta go to the vet. Maybe you should sneeze a good one on that stinky boy.
I hope the results of the vet visit were good even if you did have to go!
Mom Paula
Always a bad moment to go to the vet ! Hope you are OK now !
So THAT'S what I heard!
I thought woo were singing Happy Gotcha Day to me!
The vet is your friend.
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