
Happy Labor Day

noun \ˈlā-bər\

1 a: expenditure of physical or mental effort especially when difficult or
compulsory b (1): human activity that provides the goods or services in an economy
(2): the services performed by workers for wages as distinguished from those
rendered by entrepreneurs for profits

2: an act or process requiring labor : TASK

3: a product of labor

4: a. an economic group comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages
b (1): workers employed in an establishment (2): workers available for
employment c: the organizations or officials representing groups of workers

5: usually Labour: the Labour party of the United Kingdom or of another part of the
Commonwealth of Nations

Hope you're all taking it easy this Labor Day. I even hope your beans get to relax a bit, after they take care of all your needs and wants of course...

noun \ˈrest\

1: repose, sleep; specifically: a bodily state characterized by minimal functional and metabolic activities
2 a: freedom from activity or labor b: a state of motionlessness or inactivity


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I always try and rest up on Monday after a hard weekend.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Glad to see your blog is showing up normally again. Whew! Thought someone has hecked it.

Have a restful day, I always do, especially when it is mild and sunny like today. Oh yes, SS can work!

Sparkle said...

The only ones laboring today should be your humans... catering to your every whim!

Mr Puddy said...

Tee Heh, Mr. Hendrix I don't think your human can get away with Labour Day, Might get away from work, but like Sparkle said : ) , Your human still have to do at home.

Enjoy your Luxury Life : )

Fuzzy Tales said...

All of us (including the bean) will aim to be as labour-free as possible today. :-)

Happy Monday!

Forever Foster said...

We are going to chill in solidarity with you, Hendrix.

The Island Cats said...

We think it should be called No Labor Day!! Enjoy!!

Katnip Lounge said...

Oh we know the difference...Mommy labors, and we rest!
Life id Good.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Thank you for explaining this to our Mom. After she retired, we think she forgot the meaning of labor!

Max said...

They need to rename it lackolabor day...

Mickey's Musings said...

Lookin' good Hendrix!!!!! Nothing better than a snoozing,happy kitty :)
Under rest,you forgot #3= cat !! heehee

Purrs Tillie and Georgia

Around Your Wrist said...

you're looking fine there, Hendrix!

appreciate the help with the definition of labor and rest, too. i've been working on my mom with that...and will let you know how it goes.


Marlene said...

Looks like you have the right idea.