I know it is just me, but I'd like another scratchy post thingy. This looks fun because I can sleep on 3 different levels!

Cat Seat $129.99
Includes posh, 15" bolstered stool
Large round base prevents tipping
Catnip treated carpet
Christmas Kitty Catnip Toys
Listen to this description....
Teasing, tickling stocking stuffers contain alluring catnip inside. 3-pack which includes one of each: Mousletoe swat toy, Stocking, or Tree feather toys with bell. Assorted plush, felt, and polyester with polyfil stuffing. Each approximately 4"-7" long.

Feather-Tail Mice
Brightly-colored, feather-tailed mice come in a convenient 12-pack, so your cat can hunt them all around the house! Durable nylon rope wraps a bean-filled plastic core for intriguing rattles. Spot clean. 4" mice. Assorted colors.
All of these are available at Dr. Foster and Smith
* I wish my mommy would heal and my mommy, daddy and entire family will stay healthy all next year (not to much to ask!)
* I wish Brandi's mom would find a job that she likes and where they appreciate her.
* I wish all the domestic animals in the world would get a LOVING FAMILY.
* I wish all the beans in the world would have healthy food, clean water and a LOVING HOME.
* I wish efury person in the world would do one nice thing, for one charity, once efery 3 months (that doesn't seem like a lot right??) After all, if this happened, maybe my other wishes would come true.
By the way Kimo & Sabi, I haf a SCRATCH-O-RAMA mat with nip and it is soooooooo fun to play with. This is it upside down. When it is upside down the evil string toy slithers under it and I POUNCE and destroy....

thats a gud list Hendrix
My Mommy and I wish that your mother is feeling better soon.
That's a mighty fine list you have.
excellent list - we gotta agree ta efurry one of those.
Yep, yep, yep - the Scratch-O-Rama mat is definitely at the top of our list!
That's a great list! I hope all your wishes come true.
a fine list you have there, mr. h--we hopes it all comes true! how is your mom today? swelling and headache gone? our mom's office manager had a opperation yesterday (what's a gawlblater?), an' she swole up when she got home! hope your mom's smoothed out and comfortable by today!!
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