Don't forget, if you want to donate to
Mu shue Pooh King Cat's treatment, email me at 1hendrix@fuse.net and I'll give you the info!
Purrs and snuggles to my Sugar Pie
Brandi and her mom that Carol feels better and it gets warmer soon!!!
Mu shue Pooh King Cat's treatment, email me at 1hendrix@fuse.net and I'll give you the info!
Purrs and snuggles to my Sugar Pie
Brandi and her mom that Carol feels better and it gets warmer soon!!!
Mr. Hendrix
Yu do look tiny compared to yur Daddy. But yu is de-fine-at-ly a BIG MAN CAT to me!
Yer daddy is trying to hide from the flashy box too!
Nice nap spot! I love to sun my paws.
hahahaha! I guess it's all in yer perspective!
(ps: did you get my e-mail?)
Mr. Hendrix,
We did email you yestday, but we not hear back!
Luf, Us
That looks like a terrific sleeping in the sunshine spot!
China Cat & Willow
hey - yur daddy likes ta nap in sunny spots too? cool.
Dat should be labeled Tiny Tuesday next to Big Man. Size is all releeveent. You still am a big man cat.
Hi Mr Hendrix, thank you for visiting me. I am going to put a link to your blog on my page. I am just working out how to do these things.
Looks like all big mans know how to nap! Tara
I like that picture a lot! It is very cute how you are laying with him!
You made my mom laugh aloud! You both look very comfy and warm.
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