Bloooggggeeeeeeerrrrrrr! Why hast thou forsaken my photo attempts???? This is the picture I posted yesterday. It is a new favorite spot I discovered over the weekend!
Thirteen things Bendrix does I'm not supposed to do that make mommy and daddy go "Hendrix, why? Why are you doing that? You know you're not allowed *fill in the blank*"
1. Get up on the player piano where the antique glass is (one of only 3 things I'm not allowed up on)
2. Get up on the kitchen table (another place)
3. Get up on the kitchen counters while mommy makes dinner
4. Scratch the carpets EVERYWHERE (Bendrix doesn't have a favorite spot. He is an equal opportunity scratcher...)
5. Scratch the doors leading into the "forbidden storage area" of the basement and cry when it won't open
6. Scratch the screens when the windows are open (then they get sprayed with "No Scratch" AND "Bitter Apple" so he won't do it for a while - ps they aren't open far enough I can fall out!)
7. Scratch the wall by the nightstand. Why? No one knows....
8. Scratch the arm of the couch right next to where mommy is sitting. Why? No one knows....
9. Get hissy and bitey when I get my claws trimmed, or my teeth brushed, or my ears cleaned.....
10. Try to scratch at the tall speaker face. Kitties, if you try this, be prepared to run fast. Beans do not like this!!!
11. Stick my face in the glass of whatever mommy and daddy are drinking. Not just water glasses. Again, beans do not like this.
12. Lick potato chips in the bowl mommy sat on the table while she answered the phone until they were soggy.
13. Beg, beg, beg for more until mommy says I'm behaving like her 2 (yup 2) woofies.
That Bendrix, always up to something! But I must admit to doing #2, 3, 4, 9, 10, and 11 myself. Or, maybe it was Craisy that did it, not Daisy. Yep, it was Craisy.
ps: You are right about #10, be ready to run FAST!
that Bendrix is just efil!! hee hee hee.
Pianos are dangerous! Our Fred got on top of the piano and sat down by a candle and set himself on fire! He's such a doofus he didn't even know it until we saw him smoking and had to grab him and smother him to put it out!
My my, that Bendrix! My first visit to your bloggie and already I'm learning what having a sibling can be like. I'm sure glad I'm an only cat, although I wasn't always. Actually, I have two sisters but they're rats and they really aren't let loose very often. Anyway, thanks for visiting my blog and my Mommy says thanks for the kind words. She added you to my bloggie too!
Oh, Mr. Hendrix ... Tell your mama that you're just doin' normal kitty stuff. We get yelled at for those same things (oh, not the piano thing though 'cuz we don't have a piano) ...
Try flickr for your photos!
Yup. Oh, we luf doin the lick the potato chip fing. An crackers. Yup. Maw gave up yellin at us. With 10, why bother? Some poodin is always doin sumfin dey shouldn't. Whatever. She's got a plaque in the kitchen "The cook is not responsible for pet hair in the food."
Hopefully something will get organized in Ohio over that little girl's dog. I doubt if laws would get changed here if it weren't for THLN and Operation Kindness. There are tons of illegal puppy mills, cock fighting, and dog fighting out in the boonies here. It's heartbreaking to talk to animal control and humane society people. I admire them for what they do. I could never do it. It would tear me up.
Keep writing those letters!!! They do help!! Write to that prosecutor and tell him you support his efforts and back him. That helps alot!
Luf, Us & Maw
I like to get on the coffee table. Mommy lets me do it, but I never do it when Daddy's around. Cause I'm smart. ;)
It sounds like you have to do some intensive re-training. Don't your humans know that WE DO WHAT WE WANT TO? What they say is irrelevant.
Ooooh...We do number 9!!! Yep, regretfully, we do...
I like this new spot you found. Very private and sneaky.
We do a lot of this stuff too. ooops.
we're bad.
We try to do stuff like that too, but the OTW 'works' at home so she's ALWAYS here and catches us, so we don't get to do stuff much.
Oh well, we get lots of cuddles and play time instead though, so I guess it's ok.
YOU Bendrix are gifted - the art of doing what you want, when you want, is a talent all cats posess. Getting your huamns to allow you to, however, is no easy feat. Once again, I salute you!
Your list is sure a lot like mine, and I didn't even make one. I am real good at scratching. Momma has this awful silver tape on stuff now, talk about looking tacky!!
Precious (AKA Squirt)
Sounds like yer a furry busy poodie Henrix, just like you should be ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO
hehehehehehe! Momma doesn't let us up on the counters when she's cookin' either. And the other day I tried scratchin' on their tall speaker face, and both Momma and Daddy said, "No, Mao! No, Mao!" They didn't like it too much. Can't figure why 'cause to me it looked like it might make a nice scratchin' post.
Hee hee, you should check out my Thursday Thirteen from last week - it's furry similar to yours.
Hi Bendrix {wavey paws}!! Thank you for your lovely Birthday Wishes!!
Luf, Bow
OOps, I scratch the couch, the carpet and the speakers too. My people get real mad so I do it when they aren't around.
hmmm...sounds like you've got a scratcher in your house. we're furry impressed that your mom's brave enough to have the antique glass around. our Lady put it in storage. Midnight likes to push things off shelves for fun.
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