Here is my photo of my beggin' eyes! Mommy is saving up for a better camera so these photos don't keep coming out so dark (this one was well lit but no flash so I didn't squint). You'd think there was no light on at all!
Anyway, my efforts worked and I got extra treats.
Also, I'll get lotsa treatsies and spoiling tonight because my daddy is finally coming home! I missed him so much. So did mommy. We can't wait! It is nice to be a former feral because I have a mommy and daddy to look forward to seeing. Here I am dancing around mommy's legs last night because I was so excited. OK, it was because she was fixing my evening goodness plate, but I'm still happy about daddy.

Have a great weekend all!
Glad to hear your daddy is coming home. :) Your begging eyes must be very effective since you were given extra treats! :) Have fun spending time with your dad!
Haf fun wif yoor daddy, yoo must pounce him as soon as he comes home! Dey reely seem to like dat, and it will get yoo extra cuddles, skritches and treets.
Yay! Make sure your daddy gives you extra treatsies for leaving you.
Hi Hendrix.
Love the picture. You are one dark and handsome boy.
I'm glad your daddy is coming home. It's always nice when everyone's together the way it's supposed to be.
Make sure you give your daddy extra love and attention when he gets home! Have a good weekend!
Mr. Hendrix, no bean could resist those beggin' eyes!
excellent! no one could resist that look, plus you're sitting so nicely. you certainly should get all the treats you want!
You look so cute looking up like that! I'm happy about your daddy.
Hendrix, you're such an adorable little beggar I bet you get just about anything you want! Have a wonderful weekend with your daddy!
& everybody at Artsy Catsy
Great news about your Daddy! Give him lots of purrs and lovies.
Hendrix, I am very happy that all of your hard work has paid off!! I am also especially happy that your dad-bean is coming home!! yay!
Dat's so nice yur Daddy is coming home. Do da food dance lots fur yur Mom.
Glad yer dad is coming home cuz dad's are good furr snuggling wiv.
Nice effort with the treat acquisition! I find that whimpering with the sad kitty eyes tends to reap more treats than "eyes" alone.
Great begging eyes.Glad your daddy's coming home and you should give him lots of purrs and kitty kisses.
Hi "Bendrix", We're glad your daddy is coming home!!! Yay!!!
You know, you would think that beans would keep their poodins in after they hear our story, but they kinda think Maw is the wack job when she tells them the story. Most people don't want to believe that something like that could happen. Maw will start Davy's story tomorrow.
Luf, Us
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