First, mommy's new medicine is working OK, but Toby's mommy gave her advice on acupuncture and she is going to look into that. She feels it is strange that the doctor thinks the pain medicine she has taken over the years for her back pain (she had surgery in 1999 and has sacroiliac joint and perioformis muscle problems) are behind her migranes, but gives her pain medicine to manage them. For now this appears to be working. She worked yesterday and today all day! Well, since this post is supposed to be about ME, I'll get started.
Five reasons why I blog:
1. We found Timothy Dickens and Max while surfing the net. We enjoyed their stories and came back to visit almost every day. Mommy even bought "Something of Yours Will Meet a Toothy Death"" and we really loved that. We got to thinking that I was a pretty cool cat, so maybe others would enjoy hearing about me. Long story short, we thought others might get a kick out of me the way we do them.
2. There are lotsa pretty lady kitties out there. I was lucky enough to find sweet Brandi and she agreed to be my girlfriend cat.
3. For mommy. She gets lotsa advice on not only my health and well being, but she can give tips on how to protect other animals from household dangers. And she likes to look at the floofy bellies, tortie colors, tails, bright eyes and kitten faces. sigh.
4. I have a lot to say and no siblings to make listen to me! Now I talk to you all.
5. I get to make lotsa friends from all walks of life and learn about how they are different shapes and colors, but still do the same stuff (using the litterbox while it is being cleaned...jumping onto "nononono!" kitty kisses). Maybe beans should learn about that.

Let's see, I'm going to tag 5 kitties for 5 reasons!
My Sweet Brandi
Mu Shue Pooh King Cat
Lilly Lu & Iris
Chairman Mao
GT of Forty Paws fame
Thanks for taggin' me, Mr. Hendrix! And I enjoyed reading your reasons furry much.
Thanks for taggin me Bendrix!! I'll do my best to represent da Forty Paws.
Luf, G.T.
Pee Ess. We hopez yur mommy continyues to feel bedder an we liked lernin bowt u.
deer mr. hendrix,
thank u fer tellin me abowt mi idol da grate derek jeter an wut he did fer dat hero-boy.
it jus makez me admire da yankeez captain mor an mor!
I really like you and I like your blog. I also really hope that your Mommybean keeps feeling better. Just give her all the loves you can!
Oh what a gorgoeus Fluffy Kitty you are. We are so glad we found you Mr Hedrix. Purrs. Give your mommy many scritches to feel better too!
those is great reasons!!! and that's a great pikshur too! Mommy saided "awwwwwwwwwwww, how cute!"
Mr. Hendrix, I think you are too cool for words. Brandi is a lucky kitty to have you! And, I love your name and where you got it!
I'm glad to hear your mom is going better, and hope that she continues to improve.
Those are all wonderful reasons to blog. :) Making friends in one of the best reasons. :)
I love this picture Mr H, it makes you look very inscrutable. FAZ
p.s. I haven't mentioned the soft claws to my humans in case they get some for me to wear.
Those are good reasons! And that picture of you is very cute, too.
I'm very glad that your mom is feeling better! I'm happy you're a blogging kitty.
We hope your mom is feelin' better real soon.
Thanks for checkin' in on us while we were missin' from the blog - we 'ppreciate the kind thoughts.
Those are great reasons Mr. Hendrix!!!!!!!
Have yoo tried giffing yoor mom a nice kitty massaj? I mean besides her medisin. We find it makes our mom feel pretty good. We're glad yoo blog cuz if yoo din't we neffur wooda met yoo, and dat woodent be good.
Mr hendrix I love your reasons. Yours is one of my favourite pages, I think you are really funny!
furry good reasons to blog Mr Hendrix ~Poiland Tribe
How do you get your fur so fluffy? Do you have grooming buddy like me? I can't get my fur to do anything. Kon usually helps me groom my face, but he is kinda dumb (he tries to groom mom every morning too) and I don't think he has very good style...any suggestions?
Oh poor Bendrix. We understand why you were embarrassed to pass along the floofy message from your mom. You just get no respect do you? But it made Maw laf & laf as JH would say.
Luf, Us
Mr Hendrix, you are one cute kitty indeed! I love looking at you in your blog! I am glad you mom got better enough to work 2 days in a row, WOW! I like your reasons Mr Hendrix, very good answers!
i'm glad your mom found you, mr. hendrix! you're quite the handsome fella.
you mentioned a store we've never heard of. is it local to you?
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