I spend the night making funny licky faces and being kinda out of it and you might imagine. I hardly got any food and water! It was torture. Mommy said the only reason she was allowed to give my anything was so I could take my anty-biotik. I gotta' tell you, I was so hungry, I didn't even care about the anty-biotik. Mommy was happy I didn't get all puky or anything. She fed me small bites.
She would've updated sooner last night but I was following her everywhere and the computer is upstairs and she wanted me to settle down and rest. She says she's sorry for the late update and wants to thank KC for posting about me on the blogosphere. It was nice to have such good kitty vibes my way because I don't like the vet.
Here is my funny licky face.

Now, I'm a little worried about my legs. You see, with the IVs and blood work etc., I GOT SHAVED! I feel like I'm wearing some weird chaps or something. Do you think my
Sugar Pie Brandi will still find me handsome???? I am so embarrassed.....
Oh sweety, don't worry about the chaps, your hair will grow back soon. I am quite certain that your girl will not think any less of you. She will just be glad that your breaf don't stink when she kisses you.
oh, yes, mr hendrix--it'll grow back just fine; my "rolled up sleeve" from the IV when i had a seizure is plushin' right back in. and even xing's shaved backside (from the lanced abcess) is lookin' better. and your sweetheart will love you, no matter how you look. don't worry!!
Mr.Hendrix, I agree with everybody, your sweetie will love you with or without yer chaps. I have never seen TWO shaved legs before. You must be very, very special. Or else they shaved Mr. Hendrix, and realized they needed to shave Mr. Bendrix's leg too. I am glad you are home with minty fresh breath and clean teeths.
Oh my Mr Hendrix any gurl wood swoon ofur yu. Don't yu efur fink yu is not handsome. Glad yur dental stuffs wasn't so bad. I knoos what yu means bout seein yur Mommie after being put out last year when I had my dental I wuz the same way.
I'm glad to hear everything went well at the vet's!
Don't worry about your shaved legs. You are still a handsome kitty. Remember: bald is beautiful!
Your shaved patches actually look cool since they are symmetrical! And your fur will grow back.
I'm glad to see you are back!
Awww. Poor Hendrix. You furs will grow back, but you look cute with your chaps. At least they match.
It'll grow back!! Even Obi's shaved tail and butt grew back and he has very long hair!!
We're glad your teeth are pearly white and minty fresh now!! And no need for extractions!!
Luf, Us
Oh we think you are still very handsome. Those shaved legs look good.
Oh we's glad to see you's home and doing ok :) I's sure yore sweet will still luv you! Yore fur will all grow back too :)
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
It wuz awfully nice of da vet to make da shaving match on yoor legs. I bet Brandi thinks yoo are furry brave! And now yoo have beyootiful white teefs too.
You just has yur sleeves rolled up. Bonnie had one leg like that fur awhile. When I hads my teefs cleaned, I stayed ofurnite, so I snuck out an emailed Sanjee bout the strange fings I thot I sawed. She sent me back to my cage an teleported ofur to keep me company. Isn't that nice?
You'll be feelin lots better soon. Can yur Mom give you Temptations Dentatbites? That's a delish way to help yur teefs.
Think of it more like a badge of honor. Your people will look at you every day and be reminded of how brave you are! I'm supposed to have chicken flavored goo rubbed on my teeth for tartar control, but I HATE it and even both Mom & Dad can't hold me down!
Maxwell Smartkitty
Glad your dental visit w/the vet went good. I love your icky licky face, lol! And I'm sure Brandi will love you despite your weird chaps look, hehee.
I'm very happy that you're ok. It must be hard without food or water! I once went bald too when my Bunny Daddy was grooming me. The hair came right out and I had a big circle bald patch on my back! So I feel your pain, but don't worry, no one will love you less.
Well, at least they shaved them both so they are even. They only did one of mine. But, it grows back out!
Sweetie, never fear,I still love you. *blush* And both legs match. That's kinda special, just like you.*blush*
And your beautiful furs will grow back. And now your toothies are clean and fresh!
I am so glad you are okay and home again.
we're furry glad yur home an all wented well. yur fur'll grow back fast. the spots Midnight an i scratched up unner our necks is missin' fur just like that, but now that our itchies stopped, the fuzz is growin' back. minty fresh bref sounds nice. i like ta lick the Lady on the nose an on the mouf, but i no sumtimes she duzzn't totally 'pree-she-ate my bref.
we is glad you is ok. I didn't get any furs shaved off when I hadded my dental. mommy finks you look like you haf nikers on.
I bet your teeth are all pearly white now, like mine! But I can't believe they shaved both your legs. I think that was pretty mean.
o, Mr. Hendrix, u's still a furry hansum big man cat, efen wif shaved legs.
like what Daisy said bout shavin Hendrix and Bendrix, hee hee.
purrrrssss, KC
Hey, maybe you'll start a fashion trend...ALL the kitties will want shaved legs! That's kinda cool lookin' ya know..
I think Max has the right idea. Just think of yourself as a trend-setter. I'm glad you made it back from your teeth cleaning OK and that your teeth are good.
I is glad you am ok Hendrix! I kinda like yore leg furrs but don worry, it will come back & you am still kute, Momma sayed so!
Mao sez: hey there, you're a handsome fellow. I bet my sisters would swoon over you if they wasn't spayed.
I'm glad you're okay! I love most peoples, but I've gotta say, I don't much like going to see vetpeoples.
Oh, how cute! Matching patches! I think you look wonderful, and I'm glad you are doing OK.
And thanks for the nice words on my blog, I've been kinda sad and depressed all day.
Mr. Hendrix:
You have been hugged by all 10 of us here at the 40 Paws!!! Go out and hug 4 other poodins!!! See Mu Shue's blog for details.
Luf, Us
We agree! All your furs will grow back - don't you worry - our furs all growed back after our surgeries.
BTW - we tried to e-mail you about MuShue and it came back today (finally) undeliverable. We really wanted to help MuShue out. Are you still taking collections?
Bugby and Calico
You've been tagged with a hug by me! Check out Mu Shue's blog for more info. I love you!
We wanted to hug you, too. So it don't count for our four, but
We're so glad you made it through your trip to the vet wif flying colors! Wouldn't it be cute if yur fur came back anofur color?
Guess what! I'm tagging you for a hug -- big, warm fuzzy huggies! Come by my bloggie for details.
I'm glad your okay. I think your sweetie will love your shaved legs they look cute.
What an experience! Glad you're okay. At least your chaps match, and the first should grow back soon.
We're sending hugs your way.
Oh gosh, I'm glad that's all over for you now! Actually, your legs look rather attractive (to Silky, anyway).
we're glad you got back safely furrom the V E T. We fink yer legs look rather smart cuz they match.
You look very manly with your chaps. Maybe I'll go to the V-E-T and get me some chaps...
Mr Hendrix, I just read about your v.e.t. experience. I was there over the weekend and had my leg shaved too! (not to mention all the other unpleasent things they did to me) My Momma helped me draw a tattoo on my bandage.
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