First, here is a lovely cake for Carol's birthday. The flowers are because she started her new temp jobbie today!

Second, here is my "I'm contemplating deep thoughts" Man Cat face. You know, stuff like, if the catnip plant falls in the garden and no one is around to hear it, will I still cry? I'm holding steady at 12.9lbs according to the VET.

Also, will my Man Cat title be revoked if I say "I want my daddy to come home! I miss his scratches and naps and play time!"? He comes back Friday, but the last couple of weeks have been very sad without him. I keep mommy up all night waiting for him and go between following her around constantly or hiding (she calls it pouting). I miss my daddy! Mommy has been good about spoiling me with toys and treats, but I'll be happy when we're all 3 together again.
PS I'm still laying low because of the whole "name thing," but I think I'm in the clear. I still have my evak-u-ashun kit and an extra bag packed just in case....
Awe Hendrix, it doesn't make yoo any less of a big man cat to miss yoor daddy. It makes yoo a sensitive big man cat!
We also think that you are a beautiful sensitive big man cat. As wonderful as the moms are sometimes you just need your dad!
Purrrs, China Cat & Willow
You are no less of a man-cat to want your Daddy to come home! How sweet of you to have a cake and flowers for Carol.
I like your deep thoughts about catnip.
Wow, what a great day for you!!! I'm sorry about your Dad not being around...I'm miserable without the Awesome Man so I completely understand.
Concatulations on yer 100th post! (Pssst...Kimo is a daddy's boy too!)
Congratulations on your 100th post!
You have a great expression on your face in that photo! I think it's okay for Man Cats to miss their humans when they are away.
Congratulations on your 100th post! You are a furry pro-liff-ick cat!
Congratulations on your 100th post. And KC is a Daddy's Girl.
Congratulations on your 100th post! And that is a furry sensitive mancat picture of you, Hendrix!
Awe Bendrix! The cake and flowers are so wonderful and thoughtful for Carol.
Congratulations on your 100th post!!
And it's ok to be missing your dad, especially since your mom has had those migraines and such.
Luf, Us
Hendrix, don't believe that stuff about "Real Men Don't Eat QuicheNip" ... it takes a REAL mancat to miss his daddy and share his feelings about it!
Concatulations on your 100th post! It's okay to miss your Dad, and we hopes your Mommy is feelin' better!
w00t 100!!!
Hi Mr Hendrix!
I don't think you're less of a man cat for missing your daddy. It just means you're in touch with your feelings and that's a good thing.
And it's good to comtemplate, too. I love Man Cats who are thoughtful and deep.
The wallpapering is -- getting there. She still has a bit more to peel off but I heard her say that she might finish it tomorrow.
Thanks for asking!
100? Wow! Congratulations!
Nothing wrong with being sensitive, Mr Hendrix. I admire your honesty. I am cold and aloof much of the time so to read about a cat who is in touch with his feelings - well, it is inspiring!
Awww I sure your daddy misses you too.
Hey now, Mr. H... congrats from the Good Cats on post #100... and really, I'd think something was wrong if you *didn't* miss your Daddy. When my human isn't around, I miss him too.
Happy 100th, Hendrix! I think I saw this last night and only dreamed I left a concatulations. Darn time change has really done things to my tiny brain!
Congratulations on your 100th post. I'm a big man cat too, and I miss my Grampy.
Concatyoolayshuns on yer 100th. post. Don't worry, yer no less manly furr missing yer dad, it's only nachrull.
congratulations on your 100th post! we think it's very manly to miss your daddy. real men should be able to admit their feelings.
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