Our good news is, mommy woke up Saturday with just a mild headache (she has had them daily for months) and because she felt so good....she started sewing the bandanas! She sewed lots yesterday and today. I even helped! She hopes to finish them next weekend and get them mailed out the following week.
Here are some of the ones she finished/is finishing as soon as she finishes typing for me.... Here I am inspecting mommy's work. It is approved by the way!
Here is some of the fabric she has left to cut.
We're sorry we missed Jeter's party, it sounds like it was a heck of a great time, but mommy & I were working so hard we lost track of time. I'm just exhausted! No kitty ever worked harder. I sniffed the fabric, made mommy freak when I jumped up on the ironing board while she was ironing (cardio for mommy!), sat on the fabric she wanted to cut - doing this every time takes skill and attention and snuggled on her lap while she was doing the actual sewing.
Mommy and I are hitting the sack and hoping that she'll keep feeling better every day!
Sounds like you had a busy day supervising! I know how important that is!
Hope you mommy feels better.
And she didn't appreciate her cardio? Sheesh, humans are SO ungrateful. You look very busy indeed!
Glad to hear your mom felt better and I hope she continues to feel good!
Nice job helping out your mom with her sewing. :)
Yes, snoopervising is furry igsa, exau, er, tiring work. We'z glad yoor mom's hed didn't hurt so much. We like to give mom a cardio workout effury now and then just to keep her healthy. She neffur 'preesheeates it eether!
I'm glad yer Mommie is feeling better. Don't work too hard!
Glad your mommy's feeling better! And what a great helper you were for her! Love the bandanas, they're great!
Hendrix, I can see that you're a snoopervisor extraordinaire! The next time LittleGirl isn't feeling well, I may need to hire you to fill in as our quality control manager and help me keep an eye on our humans' artwork.
I hopes your mommy's feelin' better.
I hope she feels better too! You are very sweet for helping with the bandanas.
Oh we hope your mommy feels better everyday too!!!
It is SO very important for you to supervise her work and approve all of it prior to shipment. That is your job, and it sounds like you're doing it quite well!!!
{{{Hugs}}} to you too!
Luf, Us
I hope your mom and you feel better really soon! A cat nap always helps. And, I think your fabric is very pretty and will make lots of great quilts!
Wow, your Mom's been busy! What would she ever do without you????
Mommies need lots of supervision when playing with string and fabric. Good thing you were around. I hope you got lots of treats for all your hard work!
Glad your mommy is feeling better and good thing she's got you to help with all her work. FAZ
those are lovely - you and your mom make a purrfect team!
Hey Mr Hendrix we will buy a bandana if you haf any left over. ~Merlin, Shadow, KO KO
You have a very impressive work ethic. I wish I could stay awake long enough to have one.
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