I do NOT and never will like to be held!
I always get treats after mommy and daddy make me "pose" while being held for photos...it almost makes it worth it....almost but not quite!

UPDATE!!! I can't be mad anymore (ok maybe a little) because my sweet Brandi's mommy Carol got a jobbie! The one at the children's book publisher she really wanted. Mommy and I are so happy we're leaky in the eyes and dancing! Stop by and wish her concatulations!
I totally understand - my Food Lady always does the same thing, picking me up when I don't like to be picked up! I like the treat idea though. Next time I'll try to get treats after a pick-up. China Cat does however like to be picked up and held. Wierd!
Purrrrs, Willow
I like being held on laps, ONLY! I'm to big and it's unfortable to be held in Mommy's arms. The treats' angle is something I'll have to try. I could stand 10 seconds of holding if I could get treats out of the deal!
Yes, WHY do the beans insist on trying to pick us up when we CLEARLY do NOT like it? If she MUST pick up a cat, Victor likes it. Pick HIM up and leave ME alone!
Mommy not only picks us up, but she insists on carrying us around like we're babies! The indignity!
I like to be picked up and carried around. But I have never gotten a treat for it. I think you have a pretty good deal going!
We don't like being picked up either...Beans don't get it. If we junp in your lap, then we are up for snuggling. Beans just don't get it that it's on OUR terms if and when we are touched.
Treats - yummy! :) My humans give me treats after they clip my nail or clean my ears, and I get an extra serving of stinky goodness after a bath.
You are so hansome, my Sugar Pie! I don't like being picked up either, but sometimes I get good stuff like scritchies or Temptations and I change my mind. Sometimes.
p.s. Did you hear? Mama gotted a jobbie! She starts next Monday!
I feel your pain, Hendrix. I HATE being held too. And that usually means I'm going to get a manicure. I don't like it at all, nanner chips or no nanner chips!
I completely understand. Cats are NOT supposed to be held. Sheesh.....At least you got some tasty treats afterwards.
Cute pictures, Hendrix!! I don't like being picked up either. At least you get some good & yummy food afterwards.
I'm going to say Congratulations to Brandi's mom right this minute! yay!
I do not like to be held either! (But I will when I'm really sleepy - like after hangin' out in front of da fireplace.)
What a nice picture of you and your Mommy! You're such a handsome kitty, and wowie, your Mommy is purr-etty.
I like to be held sometimes but mostly in laps, 'cause I never know when I'm gonna wanna get down and hunt evil coffee stirrers 'n' such.
Hummmm. We'll have to ask for treats after Maw and Paw pick us up from now on. Most of us don't like it either.
Luf, Us
we all love jumping into a lap or climbing on a person who's laying down, but we don't like to be picked up either. nothankyouverymuch!
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