1. I do not like to have my tummy or the spot on my tushy by my tail rubbed.
2. I do a "power roll" and flop down when daddy scratches the perfect spot by my ears.
3. I have a split personality. I discovered this while watching One Life to Live. My evil split personality's name is "Bendrix" and he is the one who scratches the carpets, keeps the beans up at night by sitting on their tummies and jumping up on the piano. Not me, Hendrix, I'm the good one....
this is Bendrix...
4. When daddy tries to hold mommy's hand or cuddle with her, I, I mean "Bendrix" gets jealous and looks at him like "hey man, that it MY mommy."

5. Mommy is no teetoler, but suggests to other beans out there that even in Vegas, a drink (or 2) this size is just not a good idea...especially when it is your last drinks of the night....

6. Mommy loves Elvis. She thinks he was great and would love to see Graceland one day. She was very excited when she saw him on Freemont Street!

7. My daddy is very very nice. He is the only person "allowed" to hold me for more that 10 seconds. He walks me around the house so I can see all the stuff Bendrix gets into when he climbs.

8. My daddy is also very handy. He built the whole deck that my visitors come up on almost all by himself! My 2 grandpas helped a little, but he did 95% of it. Same with our basement. I wasn't allowed to go down there alone while daddy was fixing it up, but he would often carry down to "forbidden territory" so I could see what was going on. I almost forgot I don't like to be held!

9. We don't have any blurpy things yet. With mommy being sick so much and Mr. Bill piling up, they are going to wait another year. I'm cool with that. I like babies when they visit, but I'm not ready to give up my "only kitty baby" status yet.
10. Although Bendrix gets me into trouble a lot, we do agree on a couple of things. One being Fev-vers! We both looooooooooove Fev-vers.
11. I have 2 rescued cousins. One a floofy kitty named Echo, and one a big sweet woofie named Sonny. I, I mean Bendrix, is terrified of Sonny because he is big...and a woofie, but he really is a big love.

12. I don't usually show off my tummy (cute as it is) so when I do, the flashy box comes out in force.

13. I have the sweetest girlfriendcat in the whole universe! Isn't she pretty pretty pretty? *sigh* My sweet Brandii.

Her mommy is very brave too. She was laid off a squillion nappies ago and now has a wonderful new job she loves. She is still having a rough time until she gets caught up, but Brandi is helping her to keep her spirits up. All the kitties and beans on the blogosphere leaving her nice comments helps bunches and bunches, thanks to everyone for their support of my Sweet Lady Cat & her mommy.

Thanks for sharing! It sounds like except for Bendrix everyone in your house is perfect! You're lucky to be an only cat...
Hahaha! I really like that pikshur of Bendrix. So kind of him to pose.
Great list Hendrix! I enjoyed learning more about you and your humans. :)
Come on over with your remote-control mouse. Lots of room here. :)
Wonderful list of stuff about you and your beans. Your dad is very handy. Maw has some projects that need completing around here if he has the hankering to mosey on down to Dallas....
That drink looks VERY large. Bigger than a Hurricane in New Orleans. (The drink, not Katrina)
Luf, Us
Our Mom loves Elvis, too!
That was a great looking drink!
We love yoo bof, Hendrix and Bendrix. Ders gotta be some trubbul or da beans don't 'preshiate da good times.
We like Bendrix's big toofies.
I could tell as soon as I saw that first picture that it was Bendrix, not Hendrix. I think Bendrix and Crazy would be good friends.
My, Echo is exceptionally floofy!
I wonder if I could convince Mom there's a naughty kitty living here who does all kinds of mischief? What Mom...there's already a naughty kitty living here. You don't mean me, do you?
Your friend
I don't like my tummy to be touched either!
You have a great family! Your list was very informative. Your Daddy is a great manbean. He and my Daddy would be hanging out all the time! Meanwhile, your Mommy and mine would be hanging, too! My beans got married in Vegas!
Mommy would smooch your belly if you would let her, AND, she's in agreement with your Mommy about that last drink in Vegas thing, she said she's been there, done that and regretted it the next day on the plane!
Hey Guys.
Looks to us like everyone is having a great time.
Louise, Nugs and Beaks
Maybe I got a split purrsonality too. Or maybe it's Rascal an' I'm just nice all the time.
Wow! So many things that I did not know about you, Mr. Hendrix ...
I'll have to try that dual-personality/evil twin/doppelganger thing ... Hmmm ... What to name myself?
PeeSsss: My cousin Zoey has a brand new bloggie! Stop by if you get the chance! You can find her at http://mkandthecrew.blogspot.com/
Cool stuff about you and your family.
I am having fun learning all this stuff about my cat friends. Have a good Friday.
Wow, I really feel like I know your family now. My Momma loves Lost Wages. I don't think she has ever had a big drink like that, though. Mittens and I were in Lost Wages several years ago, but had to stay in the camper.
I really enjoyed getting to know you and your humans better Hendr..Ben..Hendrix. Mom's taking note of the drink advice....
In the first photo you are terrifying. This is the face of the feline world domination, muhahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Hey bendrix/hendrix, that is really cool information. My slave is a fan of Elvis too and she plans to have a wedding in vegas with the king. Well, that is her dream wedding anyway!
I nominated you for the thinking blogger award because you are so funny!xz
Being picked up and held is very nice. It's a way of getting the humans to show you love.I love it when they cuddle me.
I tried your headbutt &face-rubby-thing on Mommy. It made her smile.
Whoa, I wouldn't want to mess around with that Bendrix fellow. Good-looking dude, though.
Thanks for sharing!
evil twins can be both bane and blessing. it looks like you need to watch out for bendrix though. that picture...he was all fangs!
Hi Mr Hendrix, I think Bendrix would be good to have to help out in an emergency! He looks very tough. Maybe we could borrow him in turn when we have trouble controlling our humans.
Hi mr Hendrix ... I mean Mr BENDIRX!
Hummmm.... I wonder if I have a evil twin. Yeah, like Sneezer, yeah that would be idea!
Hendrix is a beauty! And what a cool dude! Reminds me of my Jax. We've got a soft spot for black cats from here on out.
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