One of the sweetest kitties out there, Miss Peach, honored me with the Nice Matters Award. Bendrix & I are very proud to have recieved it, especially from Miss Peach.
It will be hard to chose only a few kitties on the blogosphere to give this award to because there are so many nice ones.
I would like to give this to Zippy, Sadie & Speedy. They are always very nice to everyone and take the time to send nice thoughts out to kitties, woofies, bunnies and beans who need it.
I'd also like to give it to Missy, KC and ML. They are always taking care of everyone, and are such nice kitties and bean. They always take the time to keep us all posted on news and events no matter what is going on.
Beau is certainly the perfect Southern Gentleman cat. He helps lots of us on the blogosphere and never has a nasty word for anyone.
William of Mass Destruction has been very supportive of me and my "issues" with my evil alter ego Bendrix. His posts are always creative and he is nice enough to share his blog with his sisters (even if they bite his ears!) He is a great kitty, and my twin!
I like Peach Man because he does us all a great service with his Dear Peach Man segments. Yes, he may pick on his sisters, but I think all siblings fight sometimes. He does let them share his blog so that is nice. He always makes me laugh and takes the time to visit lotsa kitties on the blogosphere.
I'm going to nominate a special bean too, Karen Jo. She is a wonderful person who helps lotsa kitties, woofies and beans on the blogosphere. She makes us all feel special with her Kitty Limericks and she take the time to do one for each of us. She is a great bean and I think we've all virtually adopted her as part of our bean family. I wish she could have her own kitties cause they'd be the luckiest cats to have her!!
Congratulations on your award, Hendrix, it is very well deserved! :) You've picked some wonderful bloggers to receive the award as well!
KC said...
O, Mr. Hendrix, congratulations on yours award, it indeed was well-deserved.
An i's almost don't know what ta say, u's nomynated me and Missy Blue Eyes and mine Mommie ML. Fanks. Mommies eyes are tearing up again, at least this time it's cause she's happy. That is a furry good list of bloggers, too.
Fanks again,
Purrs, KC
Congratulations, Mr. Hendrix! You are very nice. Bendrix, too!
You are very nice indeed, Mr. H! Congratulations on your award!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
congratulations on your award!
You definitely deserve it, Hendrix buddy! What a nice guy you are!
Omigosh! Furst we gotsa say, yoo deserve dis award. Bendrix may not, oh, well, he's a nice kinda nawty too. And thank you so much!
Congrats Hendrix!I think you chose well too
Congratulations on your award Hendrix, you deserved it and you picked some wonderful Kitties to share it with! If was nice seeing you at Latte party. Have a nice weekend.
Your FL furiends,
Hi Hendrix! Guess what, my Mommy talked to your Mommy on the phone today. I heard them from my side of the bridge. I think they're planning something but I just don't know what. Do you know? Do you get to meet my Mommy and Seanbean? They miss me and I know that they'd love to meet you!
Anyway, I'm blogging from the other side now. I hope you'll come visit me. Bendrix wanted to be a member of the extreme cats club. Peach Man and I are working on it now. Let us know if you want to join. I miss you buddy.
Thanks so much for all the wonderful, caring things that you said in my honor. You have no idea how that help Mommy in her time of need. My passing was sudden and then the outpouring of support was just so overwhelming! She loves you all and so do I!
Congratulations on your award, Hendrix. You richly deserve it. I feel so honored that you are passing the award on to me. Thank you very much.
I loved yout post yesterday. Humans can be so dense sometimes. That's why we givw them "the look".
You definitely deserve this award! With your wonderful and ongoing support you really helped me through the last hard days! Thank you so very very much! It is good to see you again - wonderful pictures! Anastasia would have loved the look... She and Oscar are just not shutting up! After she discovered what Oscar is doing I am afraid she might be reaching out from beyond the bridge once in a while herself.... Beware her comments!
You have a wonderful weekend, and thank you for your friendship!
Your friend Karl
Congratulations. Your a very nice kitty and great friend :)
now, this is a wonderful award. I know that Hendrix fully deserves it. Not so sure about bendrix however. i thought he was in league with me in being evil!Just kidding, its great.
Mr. Hendrix, I think you are the VERY NICEST cat in the blog sphere because it was YOU who first brought my darling Victor Tabbycat to my attention and it was YOU who reminded me of his adorableness!
We would not have hooked up without your persistent matchmaking magic!
Yay Congratulations!
This is a well deserved awardie
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