I got to meet then both at my house yesterday. Both Bendrix & I were on our bestest behavior. Well, even with the air conditioning on it was to hot to be anything but sleepy.

This is SeanBean calling his grandma to tell her I look like her kitty Brunswick! I wonder if he has an evil alter ego too.....

This is mommy and Kim after dinner the other night. Mommy is hiding her glasses behind her back. She hates pictures with her glasses on.
Sorry I haven't been able to visit around much. With work, meeting friends and a BIG HOOM-ONGOUS fundraiser for the shelter she volunteers at this weekend, mommy has been awfully busy. We're going to catch up with everyone tomorrow night after the fundraiser and of course this weekend. Next week mommy hopes to have my new banner up designed by Zoolatry and redesign for my website. Cool huh?
Don't give up on us!
Cool!!! I really wish I could meet some of our friends human's. I guess we just live too far away from most bloggers and my humans don't go anywhere interesting ever.
How wonderful to see your bean! And to see Oscar's Kim, and she is smiling!!!! It broke our hearts to read her latest post yesterday, I am really glad you and Bendrix and your Mom are cheering her up!
Very cool! :) Your mom, Kim, and Sean all look great. :) Visiting the zoo sounds like a lot of fun!
Looking forward to seeing your new banner. :)
That was great that your mom and Oscar's mom got together. Our mom has gone to the National Zoo in D.C. several times.
It is good that both you and Bendrix were behaving well.
I'm glad your human had such fun. We'll be looking forward to what zoolatry has come up with for you banner!
That is so exciting that your mom got to meet Oscar's mom and SeanBean! I like the picture of the two moms; they are pretty.
Furry neat! Oh we is really glad yu met. Dat is so sweet.
Woohoo, woodent it be kewl if all our beans cood meet? We'z haffing a party this weekend cuz da beans will be gone, yoo shood come over and party wif us.
That's fun to meet nice kitty-adoring Beans! Both Bean mommas are very pretty.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
OH how nice that you got to meet Oscar's Mum and Sean bean! I'm sure it cheered both of them up seeing you. Especially, since Bendrix was gone for the day ; )
Well Hendrix,it's good the two Mom's got together.They are both fine looking beans too.
Since your bean is helping out at the shelter,I think it's OK that she is not there to help post.
Tell her good luck with the fundraiser.
That sounds like a very good time. Did you have a long talk with Bendrix so he behaved well?
That is wonderful for you and your Mom and Oscar's Mom to meet and to get to see SeanBean! Wow! Everyone looks happy! Cool! That would be fun to meet other cats humans. Hvae a nice time with them.
Your FL furiends,
This is so cool that you bean got to meet another bean. My Lady is jealous. They look like they had so much fun.
Oh I wish I coud meet some efficient humans. I would gladly offload my slave onto some other cat in exchange for a clever human. *sigh* you two look so very efficient at caring for cats. It isn't fair.
Oh Hendrix...I enjoyed my visit with you here today so very much! You are a wonderful host to the sweet momma Kim and Sean. it is so good to be surrounded by family when in a new town...you are a hero and your mommy too:)
Thats why I love you specially...Miss Peach
Oh man! Mommy wishes she could have joined you! It looks like a good time was had by all!
Such SWEET photos! We got all misty.
Be sure to stop by and see what Zoolatry did for us.
Most of it is YOUR FAULT.
How cool that your mom and Oscar's mom met!!! Lovely moms, both!
We understands, seems like this time of year we starts gearings up for the holiday season....and skools and all sorts of stuff, our momma wonts even let us blog as much cause she is too buzy too. sighs!!!
Cool beans! Great photos.... Did you go to the zoo too?
Don't feel bad about being busy. Our pet human is always working and does not make time for me to comment on other kitty blogs... so unfair.
That is way too cool that you got to meet Oscar's MomBean and SeanBean!!! Too bad you couldn't go to the zoo with them.
We hope the fundraiser was a HUGE success!
Luf, Us
That wuz grate that yer mum met Oscar's mum and SeanBean. Sounds like they had a wunnerful time.
Dat's awesome dat yoo got to meet a new bean!
Wow, that is really cool! It sounds like a lot of fun!
Thank you for praying and sending purrs for Figment!
THat was very good of you to be on yer bestest behavior when strange Beins came an visited. But we figure you could sniff that they were good kitty people.
Skeeter and LC
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