
Nip MeMe

Ages and ages ago, HRH Yaolin tagged me, Bendrix, for the catnip MeMe. Here it goes!
'All you catsters out there have to do is just list 5 things you do whenever you're on the nip, and don't forget to tag some friends! Let's find out just how whacked out some of us get. I'm going to give you all a bonus one. Why? Cause I can!
1. I have always loved the nip. In fact, when I was first rescued as a feral, it was the only thing that would settle me down. I tore up many a bag of catnip for sure. Man, I loved to shred stuff back then. Now it is a hobby, then it was a mission.

sample the nip

2. There is nothing like nip to make walls look interesting. I'm not sure if it is the swirly, whirly colors...or they way they tilt. The dancing elephants in tutus kinda freak me out, but they always wave back so we're cool.

oooo this is nice

3. I find a scratching mat, or towel or something to wrestle, bunny kick, chew up and go crazy on. That is great. Then I chill out underneath it.

this used to be mommy's foam yoga mat. now it is my scratchy mat. ha!

4. Playing on nip is fun, but sometimes all I want to do is enjoy my buzz. This is me last year on my 4th birthday after playing with some primo nip bags I got as presents. Biiiiiiiiiiiiiig nip stretch!

oh yeah, that is the good stuff.

5. Nip makes mommy has flavor.

taste the mommmy.

6. As a general rule, it is best to try to make the biggest mess possible with whatever you do, including enjoying your nip.

good times, good times.

Lets see how some of our new friends handle the nip. I tag
Moe & Mindy
and some long time friends
Jack, Persephone & Whisper
Max & Buddah


HRH Yao-Lin said...

hahah bendrix/hendrix you are cute no matter what you do and I LOVE all the mess you made!You truly are a nip lover! Bravo my friend. I do love the expression on your face, it is priceless. xx

Monty Q. Kat said...

DUDE. That is some serious nip love! :D

Anonymous said...

You sure do enjoy your nip Hendrix. It looks like Bendrix did a naughty with your mom's plants.

Daisy said...

Mr. Hendrix, I love the expression on your face in the second photo. It is priceless! And I see Bendrix made a huge mess in the dirt. That looks like fun. Craisy would enjoy that.

LZ said...

Nice! Good nipitude!


Anonymous said...

Wow, you are crazy on the nip!

Jimmy Joe said...

Dood, that is an awesome dirt mess you made!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

The Furry Kids said...

You sure get hopped up on the nip! Nip is the best.

Earl Grey

Samantha & Mom said...

Wow, Mr. Hendriz, those are some very interesting nip pictures and you look so very cute in them! We see that Bendrix was on the nip, too!
Your FL furiends,

Kimo and Sabi said...

Wowy - them is some GOOOOOD nip times!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Wow that looks like what happens when I get into DKMs plants.

Boy said...

I can see you a weawwy a kitty cwack connoisseur!

Team Tabby said...

Is that nip so good because you grow it indoors? We're gonna get mom to bring ours in!

Moe & Mindy

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Woohooo nip! We just love da kitty crack. We not only get da dried packaged stuff but fresh from da garden! So, we unnerstand...nice job wif da dirt Bendrix.

Lux said...

That second photo of you always makes me laugh out loud! And I love your paws sticking out! Cool post ...

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Such a great meme on the nip Bendix I mean Hendrix:)
I have an awardy for you my sweet mancat...come and pick it up:)
Love Miss Peachy

Parker said...

Nice work on the carpet dude! We had a serious nip party on the deck Sunday, but we didn't get to wreck anything. Rats...

Anonymous said...

He he!! Enjoy your next nip!