We'd hoped to have my new bloggy done by today, but mommy wound up having to work more this week than expected and since she is working tomorrow, we'll have to live with this ugly background for now. How rockin awesome is my new banner that Zoolatry made me??? Also, there is a great scoreboard to track the Bengal's games that they made me at the bottom of my bloggy. I'm leaving it blank until Monday's game which will hopefully bring us a much needed win.
Ah Autumn. Open windows and fat feathered birds scarfing up seed at the feeders by my windows. Fall also brings MY Halloween Village out of the basement. I rule my village with an iron paw. Bendrix likes to bat at the witch that "flies" around the house.

Here I am assuring my serfs know who is in charge.

Yes, the paths are swept clean for my delicate paws.
I even have my very own pirate ship!

They'd best not even think about plundering my stinky goodness.
There will be many many more photos of my visiting my kingdom to come in October. Anyone want to come over and walk my kingdom's streets with me? I have toona juice, toys, 2 catnip plnats (one is recovering) and fun scratching mats to celybrate my One Year Blogoversary.
PS Does anyone know why my Blogrolling list went away???? I've tried copying the html code, but it only gives me the "Blogroll Me" link thingy. Mommy is getting a headache from this.
Happy Blogoversary, Hendrix! :) Congratulations on a year of blogging!
Happy blogiversary. Is your list that's gone or everyone blogrolling list? Maybe something happened to the code while you were fiddling? If it's back, blogrolling was probably down for awhile. If not, then perhaps something got changed in your code (a missing letter or something) that is causing it not to show up properly.
I don't see the blogrolling code (except the one that says "blogroll" me on your sidebar.). Maybe it needs to be put back in? A lot of personalizations get lost when you change templates.
Happy Blogversary. It's been great getting to know you and your mommy.
Happy Blogoversary!!! We are very happy to know you and Bendrix.
Happy Blogiversary Hendrix and Bendrix! Furry good tellin the serfs who's in charge.
Mommy sez yoo gotta be sure to use a sidebar widget for HTML/Javascript AND use blogrolling code in Javascript (not the ofur choices) and be sure to put allllllll the code in.
All that's a mystry to me. I hope yore Mommy can get it werkin and get ofur her headache!
Happy Blogoversary Hendrix (and Bendrix, too)!!! I like the look of your new template and header.
What a great Halloween Village you have. I would love to walk through the streets of your kingdom. Can I bring Craisy with me?
Happy Blogoversary Hendrix, congratulations on your first year of blogging!
Happy one year anniversary to you and your Mom :-)
Ah, Hendrix, a whole year of you and your split personality! Honestly, where was the internet before the onslaught that is Bendrix? A very droll and boring place if you ask me!
Your halloween village looks AWESOME. I MUST have one. Oh, I love the new blog look by the way even if it isn't exactly what you were after!
Happy First Blogoversary, Hendrix!! We're so happy we've gotten to know you over the past year!! We'll come over to help you celebrate, your village looks like lotsa fun!!
That's an awsome new banner Hendrix. Congratulations on your one year anniversary.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Happy Blogoversary, Hendrix!!!
Yer new blog is looking good so far.I can't help you with blog stuff,I don't know :(
I would like to see your Village though!!! :)
Happy blogoversary to yoo Hendrix and to Bendrix too.
A Halloween Village! Now that sounds like fun! My Mother has NO Halloween decorations. She says because the only kid that comes over is the niece, YAH, but what about me? I might want a Halloween Village too!
Oh and Happy Blogoversary!
Happy Blogoversary Hendrix, and Bendrix too! We'd love to come over and walk da street of yoor town...
Congratulations on your ONE YEAR Bloggaversary! Yay!!
We hope you had a big party!
Ah, Happiest of all Days to you, sweet Mr. H!
I just love you so much forever and floofy-ever because you pimped your buddy, Victor, to me.
Er, I mean, you spoke highly of him to me.
Sadie Badie, ever the Lady
Happy Blogoversary, it has been wonderful getting to know you this past year.
Happy Blogoversary! We would be very pleased to walk with you!!!!!
Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Happy blogiversary, Hendrix! I'm so glad to know you!
Happy 1st Blogoversary Mr. Hendrix!!
And many, many more!! Wow a whole year that is awesome! We love your header!! It is really cool! Maggy & Zoey and their Mom are so artistic.
Thanks for your complement on our blog, Henry's Mom did it for us, we just gave her color suggestions. We aren't too computer savy.
Your FL furiends,
Happy Blogoversary, Mr. Hendrix! Is it Bendrix' blogoversary too?
Hey, Happy Blogoversary! I like your new header a lot, too!
Congrats on your Blogoversary!!! That is great to have you here in the cat community!!
I would love to teleport over to your place to watch and play with all your funny Halloween stuff!!! We do not celebrate that here in Sweden (or Germany or Australia), so I have no experiece in that.
Have a FUN week end!!
Concatulations Hendrix ~ I guess it's been a great year for you ~ meeting so many friends as you said ~ you are a lovely member of the cat blogosphere ~ can't wait for the new background... purrs from the SnowForest clan :)
Congratulations on your one year blogoversary. Very exciting.
Happy Blogoversary! I love your Halloween Village! (I'm so jealous. I need a good realm like that to lord over)
Happy Blogversary Hendrix!
Thank you's so much for my gotcha birthdays wishes.
Hey now, Mr. H! Congratulations on the anniversary. When you were homeless, I bet you never thought you'd be known all over the world just a few short years later!
Congrats on yer one year blogiversary! Isn't it so cool? We had ours last Big Moon an we were so happy!
Skeeter and LC
Thank you dearest Mr Hendrix for loving me so very much and sending me your healing purrrrs and purayers. I have eaten my dinner and drank some water. Mommy puts me in my litterbox and I go pee, then I scratch the carpet and headbunk her. I purrr as she puts me back into the frying pan. I hope she still likes me after I put a hole in her thumb...she should be faster with that pill thing!
Love Peachy
happy one year blogiversary mr hendrix/bendrix. You hardly look any older!!
I hope you have lots more years of sharing your fun stories.
Happy Blogoversary Hendrix! I'm gonna' come over and survey your village with you - Here I come!!!
I looked at your source code...the blogroll cosing is missing, all that's there is the code for blogroll Me. It has to be out back manually...you can go to blogrolling and get it again.
Happy Blogoversary!
One whole year, wow. I'm coming up on my hundredth post soon. I thought that was a lot. You've got a whole year under your paw. Wow!
Halloween. Is that where the little kid beans come knock on your door asking for candy? hee, hee. We don't get them anymore. Well, maybe, sometimes, just one.
The birds at my feeder are eating like crazy. You'd think they'd pop the way they scarf down that seed. Mom bean's gonna go broke feeding them. Cats eat less, right?
Happy blogoversary! Thanks for stopping by too! Personally its my first time experiencing autumn and Halloween, I hear I can get some temptations on that day though, can't wait!
Happy Blogiversary, Mr. Hendrix! That's superduper -- you've got a great bloggie and you're a great furriend.
Thankies so much fur your purrs for my sistur Brainball -- she is doin' a lot bettur today, eatin' bettur and Brainballin' around and doin' her Alpha Cat patrols (YAY!); she's also gettin' in more naps, though, which is good. Momma thinks she still needs some more good bathroom trips before she feels 100%. But she's much bettur and Momma will keep an eye on her to make sure she keeps gettin' bettur or else she still might have to go to the v.e.t.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Happy Blogoversary Mr.Hendrix :)
Congratulations, Mr. Hendrix!!! Happy blogoversary. We made a button for everybody to pick up (if they want to) for their first blogoversary, you find it in the sidebar here:
underneath the IDYA#2 buttons.
Beautiful new banner!!!
I do hope you get your blogroll back - I have NO idea what it could be, we are pretty "web publishing illiterate" here...
I'm a bit late, but congrats on the blogoversary! It's great having you around. Love the banner, by the way!
Oh we are late but momma hadn't time to visit our furriends blogs lately.
anyway we wanted to wish you a belated Happy Blogoversary!
Purrrs, Kashim & Othello
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