The thing is, the bed is soooooo warm, and it has been so rainy and cold that today, I decided I'm not getting up. Mommy called me from the kitchen, but I didn't get up. She tapped the plate with the fork, but I didn't get up. She kept calling, "come get your treat sweetie", but I didn't get up. Guess what happened.

Thats right! I got breakfast in bed!!!

After I ate, I got back under the covers, mommy tucked me in and off to work she went. I gotta say, I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning.
I tip my non-existant santa hat to you Mr. Hendrix. You are 'da man cat! Breakfast in bed! WOW!
I don't see that happening here anytime soon!
yoo gotsta tells me how to get muh mommie to do dat! She jus put my fud on day flors and I has to eats it befor she brings da woofie in frum his morning walkie.
Excellent job! Did you know that sometimes Samwise gets his dinner in bed? He will not eat without Mommy being in the room so sometimes when she is watching tv upstairs, he gets to eat on the bed. He's one spoiled doggie.
Well done Mr. Hendrix! Ahhhhh, breakfast in bed, that sounds heavenly. I will have to train my human to do the same.
You are right, Yao-lin would be very proud of you!
my mommie sez to tell yoo to tell ur mommie to go to to buy nip nanners. dey haz dem and dey donates to shelter aminals wit evewy purrrchase.
Boy, Hendrix, have you got your mommy TRAINED!
Wow, breakfast in bed. Yur Mommy must luv you very much.
MAAAA HAHAHAHA Oh My Bendrix/hendrix! That is FABULOUS!!! Definitely one for the files - you really do have your human well trained! breakfast in bed on a workday! Well done. I am thoroughly impressed!!!
You actually gotted breakfast in bed! Wow we never gets breakfast in bed. Mom says we make a big enough mess in the kitchen.
You sure got your humans very well trained. You should do a lecture tour for the rest of us. FAZ
Holy Moly - we can do that? Breakfast in bed? We're totally trying that tomorrow!
Mr. Hendrix, I bow down to you. You are my idol. Breakfast in bed! Good job training your mom.
Hi Hendrix!
Good work on getting breakfast in bed! I hope you had a good sleepy day!
Love Clover xo
Whoa! Breakfast in bed? Way to go!
WOOT!!! You are on to something there !Yer Mom must be easy to train. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow either!
Wow, excellent coup there, Mr. H! You gots her eating out of your paw now.
I am allowed to eat my meals up on the dining room table now instead of on the floor (ML never eats there. It's more a utility table). This started because I refused to eat in the same room/house as Annie, but now I tolerate her at meal time. But I don't want ML to know that because I like my own private table for one.
Georgia has learned that one. The problem is, when she gets breakfast in bed, Chey and I are kicked out...
Breakfast in bed?! Aren't you the lucky cat!
Now thats service!
Wowww..... that is very lucky that you could have breakfast on bed~!!! You do very good, must be sleep very well~!!
You are one lucky cat. That would never happen around here.
What a wonderful thing! Momma only gets breakfast in bed every blue moon so I do me getting it. :( Maybe we can talk daddy into bringing everyone breakfast in bed sometime... ~Queen Snickers
You really have trained her well!
Yes my pet human is now trained to bring me breakfast and supper in bed if i am too tired or hung over..... it is so nice once
you have them trained!
Atta boy. You've got your mommy well-trained.
Hendrix, you are one lucky boy!
Hey, my mom found this and thinks your mom might get a kick out of this:
I don't get it but my mom thought it was funny.
Oh, eeek, the link didn't come out. Have your mom bunch this up one one line:
Wow-that is somethin! I don't even get food upstairs, Mombean won't let us eat up there!
Oh man, I thought I was spoiled!!
"Breakfast in Bed"!!! Wow...
We dont get that. The Big Thing says he hasta pick enough kitty litter from it (it catches in our toesies) an he isn't gonna pick food offa it too.
Wow, breakfast in bed! That has never happened to me! Your humans must be furry well trained.
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