Our sweet beautiful friend Missy Blue Eyes is very hurt and is at the VET. Luckily she won't lose her sight or her eye, but she still has a tough recovery ahead of her. Even her sister the tough KC is so traumitized over the accident that she is at the VET. ML is obviously very upset and worried. Please keep all of them in your purrs and prayers, they have had so much to deal with already and ML is so sweet to take care of so many little kittens. Mommy and I are sending all our healing purrs and prayers their way.
I did a very naughty thing Wednesday night. Mommy has been sleeping on the sofa since her tummy is upset and has pillows and books around the couch. I wanted to jump up on the sofa to sleep with her and I decided to take a short cut. I jumped up on the table where I am NOT Allowed,
and...I broke mommy's favorite bowl. Bendrix won't even own up to this one!
It was a one of a kind piece done by a local artist and given to them as a wedding gift. Mommy cried. I don't ever get up on that table and what possessed me to do it at 2:30am we'll never know. The table fell and it was so loud daddy woke up and ran out. He too is upset. I have been forgiven, but my beans are still very sad. They are also filling up the water guns again as my pattern of getting up where I am NOT Allowed is steadily increasing. sigh. I wish I could fix it for her.
I will try to make it up for her this weekend by helping her count birds. Why would I do that? Today starts the Great Backyard Bird Count 2008! It runs Feb. 15 - 18th and it is very important for the health of our bird populations in North America. Anyone, and we mean anyone from any age and any expertise can participate. It takes as little as 15 minutes. We kitties are made for this kind of thing.
Find out how easy and important this count is at Great Backyard Bird Count 2008. We hope you all can find 15 minutes to make a huge difference in the lives of our wild fev-ver friends. After all, if common birds become uncommon, what will we watch from our windows???
I am glad to hear that Missy Blue Eyes will not lose her eye. I'm sure breaking the bowl was an accident. That table looks really wobbly. If you'd been allowed on it before, you'd have known that was the case.
I'll count the birds after I eat them, okay?
Oh no. We are so sorry to hear that you broke your beans bowl. I hope they forgive you.
We must have crossed paths on our blog! We were posting a new entry as you commented to check in on our old entry!!
I was sad to learn that Missy got a hurted eye, too. I hope she gets better soon.
Mr. Hendrix, do not worry. Sometimes accidents happen. That was a very beautiful bowl though. Maybe your mom should just keep ugly bowls on that table, just in case another accident happens?
That was a very beautiful bowl. Maybe you and Bendrix should start saving your allowance so you can surprise her with a similar one..
Poor mommy's bowl :( There has only been one breaking accident at our house and momma doesn't know is it was me or daddy' mancat that came before. Most likely he was chasing me and a ceramic vase was knocked over and broken in the scuffle. ~Queen Snickers
Oh no...I'm so sad about your mommy's beautiful bowl. :( Moms understand that accidents happen.
And I am so happy that missy isn't going to lose her eye!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
We is keeping Missy in our purrayers and her Momma too! We udderstand how werried and upset she is....
Uh oh ... we knoos yu feel bad about da bowl...Momma has learned to put all impawtant breakable fings in glass covered doors...
Ones we can't get into...
We will keep you in our purrs too
Well, accidents happen. It's not like you set out to break the bowl.
I hope those water guns you're referring to only have a short range. You can run quickly, right? We would not want you to get wet!
Oh my cat - bendrix/hendrix - what a fabulously evil thing to have done! You broke a one of a kind, sentimental ornament. It's irreplacable - as are you!!! Great work my friend. Just ignore the human's tears - its character building. Oh I can almost see you rubbing your paws in glee! x
I'm sure your beans know that you're sad about breaking their bowl. But I know you'll do a great job of counting birds!
Oh dear Bendrix, Hendrix - or whoever broke the bowl, maybe it jumped off the table by itself? That's the story I would go with. I am sorry that your Mom is so upset, it looks/looked like a beautiful bowl.
I never knew about counting the birds, me and Mum are definately going to do that.
Have a good weekend!
My mom says she's taking me and her hurty neck outside in the cold to watch for fev-vers. Thank you for your encouraging words to her, Hendrix. The doctors told her that her neck problem is "structural" and also arthritis. They said her shoulders are very narrow and she should have breast-reduction surgery. I said NO to that ... whatever will I make biscuits on if she has those reduced??
Glad to hear good news about Missy's eye. That is really a shame that Mom's bowl got broked. But after carefully reviewing the photo, we've concluded that the table is obviously defective.
I am pleased that Missy will be okay. That dish, however. I wonder how that could have happened?
Oh no, Hendrix/Bendrix!
You won't believe it, but TYBALT did something similar! He jumped up on the dresser where mommy kept a framed print that Almost Dad gave her for her birthday . . . and he knocked it over and somehow BROKE it! I wasn't blamed that time!
That was a nice bowl. I'm glad your beans forgave you.
Water guns???? I think it's not your fault, Mr. Hendrix. What was the valuable artistic bowl doing on a table next to the sofa anyway? I think that's asking for problems.
I know you didn't do it on purpose and helping counting birds is a yummy, er, good thing to make it up! :)
oops, accidents happen and we'z sure yoo din't mean to do it. Mom dropped a furry expensive (and beyootiful) vase dat a frend made her fur her 30th birfday. It made her sad...
I am overjoyed at the news about Missy!! So happy she will be OK.
I'm super sorry about the bowl.Just when you were going to comfort your Mom as she is sick :(
I think she(and you) will have great fun counting birds! Yum! Er, sounds like fun,heehee
Purrs Mickey
Uh Oh! Better suck up wif some extra snuggles!
Dearest Mr. Hendrix,
We is glad to hear that Missy Blue Eyes is gonna be okay. We is still prayin' for her.
Sorry 'bout that bowl incident...that happens in our house a lot...we gots a kitty that lives in our house that does all that kinda stuff. His name is "anonymous". We blame him for all of that. Maybe you need to git an "anonymous", too.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Ouch. Jan feels your mom's pain. She's had some things broken by - we don't know who broke them. It wasn't any of us. We don't care if we were the only ones here. Well, Jan was here. Maybe she broke them.
Guess you got caught flat-pawed though if Bendrix won't even own up to it.
Oops. Percy was typing too fast and typed in the wrong url for our comment. Sigh. Guess we'll have to go back to using blogger's ID so everyone thinks we're Jan instead of the funny farm.
Jan's funny Farm
I hope Missy will be OK. Sorry to hear about the bowl incident. Looks like nice pottery too. Maybe it was a clean break and ban be glued? The PM collects pottery on her trips and some tears have been shed too due to such accidents. Pretty to look at but apparently not cat proof.
Accidents happen Mr. Hendrix, and mommy and daddy can't possibly stay mad at you for long. After all, you are a kitty ... that was only a bowl. Oops, momma just said that some things other than kitties are important too, even though not as important as we are ... dang!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Uh oh. I'm sorry to hear about the broked dishie. And we Ballicai are keepin Missy and her fambly in our purrs!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Missy Blue Eyes is a gorgeous kitty. I hope she will be ok.
Sigh... Sometimes we NEED to get to someplace, an we take a path we shouldnt. Sometimes we dont know what is up there to land on safely, but we try it anyway...
Sometimes the results are bad. We didnt mean for it to go badly, but sometimes...
Like, Ayla knocked a new little bed lamp on The Big Things head wile he was sleepin. It landed onhis thick head and broke all up.
She was embarrised and we was worried cause the glass was all sharp an cutty around him.
So you can imagine how reliefed we were that he got up very carefully, pickt up and vacummed the bed and petted Ayla saying "its OK".
The Beans gotta forgive us that stuff, ya know? We dont mean ta do damage, an we dont know what stuff costs (we're not even sure what that means). But if we break somethin important, we know ya upset, and that makes us upset. So we're sorry when it happens.
We never mean ta do any damage, jus some places look really solid when they arent...
We know that it was Bendrix,not you, that broke your mommy's bowl.
We know you feel bad about it,and would buy her another one if you could.
I think Daisy's right about ugly bowls. It's sad when beautiful things break, but accidents (and sneaky cat maneuvers) happen. At least your mum still has you. And your dad. And Bendrix...
Oh Bendrix..... But these things happen, humans should know that and not get upset!
P.S.: we noticed that there are things in this house that are locked away....
Hi Mr. Hendrix. I have never broken anything important around here but my brother Onyx broke a rosary holder my Food Lady had since her Confirmation. He broke it when he jumped on her dresser. You will be forgiven - someday! I counted a birdie on the hill where we live. You can see it on my blog!
xxx, Halloween
I am sure you didn't mean to break the bowl, you were just trying to be loving and helpful. I am sure your human knows this. FAZ
Ooooops! I, myself have done things like that. I hope you are forgiven...
Oh, HeBean broke a glass given to MomBean&him on their weddin' day. He felt so bad about it 'cause he knew Mombean's best friend gave it to them, but after she 'took a lap' she forgave him.
But I think there was chocolate involved. I can suggest a few brands if you need help...
Maybe your mommy can find an expert bowl fix-it place and it would be good as new? She probably knows you were just trying to take care of her, even though the accident made her very sad.
Now how do they know that a poodin was involved in the bowl incident???
Just sayin..
Luf, Us
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