That is right. Mommy left at 7am and didn't get home until 9:30pm cause she spent time with 1200 scrapbookers.
Then after mommy left that place, she cheated on me! That's right, my grandbeans are out of town and she is watching their cat. She spent hours with him last night, went over to see him this morning and tonight she says she is going to SLEEP OVER with him!
I almost passed out. Look, no one likes being abandoned by their beans, but why does he need my mommy? I want her here taking care of me.
I am also bummed because mommy tried hard to make me an outfit to wear for the Oscar contest, but it did NOT turn out well at all. I won't be to upset with her, I already have a St. Patricks's Day outfit ready to go!
Being abandoned stinks.I 'm sure that whatever you wear you'll look great.
Poor Mr H - sympathy - I too know what it feels like to be abandoned, fortunately they always return - eventually. FAZ
This is awful! Being cheated on AND abandoned - tsk. tsk. tsk!
Perhaps next week will be better!
Dearest Mr. Hendrix,
We completely unnerstand how upset you is. It's so hurtful when you realize you have been cheated on. There are lots of ways for you to communicate your hurt feelins' maybe tinklin' on your mommy's pillow...have you given that a thought?
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Bless your little heart. You poor thing! You can come over here and play for awhile.
Luf, Us
your human's infidelity should not go unpunished. The scrap book thing is ok - humans need a little bit of recreation time to keep them happy. Staying out to care for another feline is, however, unforgivable. I think you should shred her clothes and throw them out of the window, then change the locks. Then phone Jerry Springer and 'out' her indiscretion on live tv.
I think you might need Bendrix for these pursuits.
You know how you act at the VET's? Well,act like that when she comes home!!!!
Bad Mommy!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Oh no! I cannot believe your mom cheated on you with another cat! I think a bitey is due.
Well, maybe when your mombean comes back she will have some extra special treats for you! Hint hint....Also, it is possible you are part of the scrap book, Mr. Hendrix, so maybe you weren't being ignored after all.
Your pal, Halloween
Too right, Mr H!!! My SS went away to look after 2 cats during Christmas and left me to my own device (and her sister). We injured kitties should stick together and show our pleasure.
She spent the whole day away and then spent the little time left with another kitty???! SO not fair! Sit on her forehead tonight as she sleeps.
Your mom sounds very busy and very concerned for you grandma beans kitty. Don't be too hard on her, after all she does get you stinky goodness.
Our Mommakitty spent ALL day at a knitting convention on Saturday so she did not put together our Oscar outfits! Our beans need to git their priorities straight!
Oh, poor Mr. Hendrix. Bad enuff she spent a whole day away from yoo playing wif her frends but den she abandoned yoo fur ANOTHER KITTY! Time fur Bendrix to make an appearance.
Wow, that's a whole lot of people! I definitely think she not be staying with cats other than you.
Oh man, Mr. H., that is terrible. Maybe you should just give her the Mancat Back of Disapproval. Or even a tail-flick. I think she deserves it.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
ohhh your mom was with other kitty!!! dat's shocking!! me don't believe it!! but you know she loves u no.1!! me think so. Scrap booking is fun! me want to go too!!
Bean wish to make scrap book of me, but she not sure where to start. She think she need to start by going to scrapbook store to get supplies but it is always closed when she not in work.
Poor Hendrix. Hope your Mom is home now.
your bud Pepi
We are sorry to hear you were abandoned and cheated on....
You did look stunning at the Oscars last night. Did you borrow that suit from George Clooney?.......or was it Bendrix at the Oscars???????
Oh my. I can't believe your Mommy is cheating on you :-0 I hope your Grandbeans come home soon, so your Mommy will stop her cheating!
How rude and utterly uncalled for. She should have been home with YOU!
jans funny farm
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