Yes, yes, we're posting early. I guess it is OK cause my toesies are the same every day (unless I have to wear stoopid soft paws when Bendrix is in "scratching mode...")
Anyway, I have great House Panther toes and paw pads. I only have a handful of white on me, 2 white whiskers that come and go and like 3 on my chest. My paws are jet black.

The pretty snuggle was made by Timothy Dickens Grammie! Isn't she sweet? I lay on it, I lay under it and if there is a sunbeam on the tile floor, I sit and stare at mommy until she puts my snuggle on the floor so I can lay on it. I love my snuggle!
Uh oh, I see clippers coming out! Run Bendrix Run!!!!
Clippers! OH NO!!
However, you do have lovely house panther toesies!
Snuggles are the best.
Mr. Hendrix, I can't wait to print that picture for Grammie! She's been thinking 'bout making some more :) There's a bean at Grammie's home that might be interested in buying some of them to give to kitties!
Run from the clippers!!! The are apt to take away "the claw of doom"!!! Hide under the bed! Hiss if necessary! Just. Get. Away!!!!
That's a great snuggle and very impressive paws!!!
Great toes, Mr. Hendrix. We think that snuggle would be perfect to curl up on.....but we'd need to get 2 cause we don't snuggle wif each other.
Mindy & Moe
Oh, Mom bought me some soft paws cause I've been scratching up everything! She hasn't had the nerve to put them on yet. Are they terrible???
Miz allie cat apologizes but mommy's files crashed and she lost everyone's addy for the swap n tails, can you please send your again? meow...
I do not wike those cwippers too, but I bear with it, being the mancat that I am...
We love your snuggle blanket. Maybe our Nana will make us one.
Cl, Cl, clIPPERS!!!!????
EEEeeek! Run!
You have wonderful house panther toes. Make sure you leave a linky to this post at Housepanthers.
Your snuggly looks really comfy and warm.
Hendrix your toesies are so shiny and so is your coat. How did your fur get to be so lustrous?
We all laughed alot on your paw of death photo on Super Sunday - the first one of that post - it is sooo funny :)
Love and purrs from the SnowForest family :)
Clipppers??? ACK!
Love your toes! If you can't get away from the clippers...bite the hand that clips you.
your toe lookz yummys!! Me want to lick it puleeze?
My mommy loves your toesies, Bendrix . . . and I love your snuggly! My mom has several unfinished snugglies around the house . . . I should crack my whip and get her to finish one for me!
Your paw pads look very moist and well-kept! Do they feel sticky? Mine do.
Hendrix, you have such cute licorice jelly bean toesie pads!
I hope Bendrix hides in a good place so your Mum can't find you and cut your toenails!
You stare at your Mom to put your blankie down! heehee You have her well trained :) You also have nice toes.Mine are black too, but have a "few more miles" on them ;)
Enjoy your naps :)
Purrs Mickey
Clippers Run Run !!!! Cute toes :)
woofies Mr Hendrix and all...u shood send ur rescue story to wildcatsthree http://blog.ourdoglog.com/she takes rescue stories from boff kittys and doggys...check it outs when u gits time...
b safe,
You do have lovely toes--all nice and warm and black. Hide from those clippers!
Great toes, Hendrix! Hide from those clippers!
Ugh, clippers! Run!
Hope those evil clippers didn't get you!
Mr Hendrix,
Doze black padz iz crazy man. Dey are def & happenin. I yam milk toast compared to doze padz.
That is a very nice snuggle.
We have a really big one in our PTU - Mom will put it back in our stroller when it gets warmer.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Looking pretty cozy! :)
Love the toe shot. Mine are a little discolored, I am a little self conscious about them. We have never met the clipper monster. Sounds dreadful.
~Goldie and Shade
That is a great snugglie. What a very nice Grammie to make that for you :-)
EEEKKK, clippers. We do not like clippers either. This alter-ego Bendrix doesn't seem like such a great guy!!
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