Hey mommy, watch it with that "widebody" stuff. I've seen your "winter weight" after the shower and that bag of Cheetos in the cabinet....
My friend Monty Q gave me the Caring Cat Award! I am very proud to get it. I am puuuuuurrrrring with happiness.

It is very very hard to decide who to give this to. We have such a great community here!
I'd like to give it to the Cat Blogosphere for always keeping us informed about anyone who needs help.
My sweet Brandi who, even when she was havin troubles, send purrs and prayers to anyone who needed it. Her mommy also makes sure to give her bloods (*shudder*) to help other beans who need it.
And the gang at Jan's Funny Farm for always keeping us informed about animals and beans who need help or to be found and brought home.
Thank you all for your nice comments on my pretty furs. Since I have FIV & IBS I am on Prescription Hill foods. They are high in fat and vitamins and that makes my coat look shiny. Also, I refuse to be brushed...ever. Bendrix and I think it helps us look natural.
Thank you, Mr. Hendrix. We appreciate the award.
And we stopped by to meet Brandi. It sure is cold there.
jans funny farm
Congratulations on your award!
You certainly should not qualify as a "widebody." You are just one handsome and manly mancat.
Ivy wants Bendrix to know that she has been busy climbing the blinds.
Hendrix, congratulations on your award! It is very well deserved. :) You've picked great blogs to pass it along to!
Don't worry, you look gorgeous!
It is so very nice of you to give the Cat Blogopshere the award - we wouldn't know what to do without them, they are the greatest!
I don't think you look widebodied at all. How cruel of them to say so.
Concatulations on your award!
Mr Hendrix:
WE think you are just tall dark and handsome...no question about it.
Concats on your awards...
Yeah,the camera adds 10 pounds and then you need your Mom to only use the best camera angle. That was they cannot look at you abd say "How's mama's sweet fat boy today" Sheesh!!!!
(though I only hear that for my sisfurs,heeheehee)
Congrats for your award and the great place you passed it on to!!
Purrs Mickey
Congrats on your award, Mr. Hendrix! You are not a widebody!!!
I think your glossy furs must be related to your moist-looking paw pads!
Congratulations on your award. Yes, my human needs to watch the widebody thing too!
Woah Mr. Hendrix. You 'd better be careful with the Winter Weight remarks or you may find your food arriving later and later. Remember, the Food Lady has a lot of power!
not a wideboy, a cuddly boy! Gorgeous! Hunk of furry love! x
Congratulations on your award!
We don't agree with that widebody stuff, sometimes there are less than flattering angles of a kitty - but we should never be called widebodies!
P.S. Jake's just mad cause Mommy called it "Fat Jake Day" - instead of Fat Tuesday yesterday! - Pearl
hi there Mr Hendrix, do you want to Swap over at Miz Allies Swap n Tails this month? If so please email her your address she is assigning partners today... meow.. mizalliecat@msn.com
No, it's not Widebody - it's the camera! You are just right!
Congrats on your award!! And we don't think the camera added 10lbs to you!!!
Kodak, 3 Perf and Winton
Congrats on the award! You don't look wide-bodied at all. So don't you worry! You are still a dark and hnadsome mancat.
Congratulations on your award. And good comeback about the widebody crack. I'll have to try that on my mommie.
I call on you because you dressed up in REAL clothes for the Halloween contest and we are having another dress up contest here
and so far ALL the entries are image edited!!! So here is your big chance to shine in real clothes!!!
Congratulations on your award. You do NOT look fat. You have beautiful shiny fur. Is Bendrix yiour brother?
You look stunning.... love the Beatle song too!
See you at the party.
That's a lovely award, congrats! And I think that you look just fine. The picture of kitty health and happiness.
congrats on awards!! it looks very purrity and YUMMY!!
Yes I do agwee. Your fur is beautiful!
Congratulations on your award, Hendrix! And I think you look just wonderful!
I gave you that award today too! I know you already had it, but now you know I think you're a very caring kitty!
Very shiny indeed!
And I see no 10lbs...only furrocious mancatness.
Congratulations on your awards!!!! Mr. Hendrix~! You are a very great job!!
Widebody?!?! You look great in that photo, Hendrix. Your Mommy doesn't know what she's talking about.
Congratulations on your award :-)
Oh yes Hendrix/Bendrix, us kitties with evil alter egos should form a club! That would be great.
Congrat on your award, Mr. H! Indeed, the camera adds 10 pounds. Momma complains about that, too.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Dude - you look good!
What kinda Hill's Rx foods r u on? We get a mix of z/d (protein allergies) and i/d ("tummy troubles").
ConCATulashuns on yur awardie! It's furry well-deserved. And you are a great lookin, shiny and handsum mancat!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Hi Mr. Hendrix. I think you are gorgeous. But it is not nice to mention the cheetos bag! Treats may cease for a few days after such an observation.
Your admirer, Halloween
Cogratyou nationz Hendrix!!! You iz deffynately a carin' cat. We lovez you!!!
Congratulatons on your award!!! You deserve it and 'bout a bajillion more!
We just wanted to say "thanks" for all the nice comments you have leaved on our Blog. Felix is home now but not feelin' so good. We is all lovin' on him LOTS. If you have a spare minute, please say another prayer for him, 'kay?
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
We just wanted to let you know we have the award you gave us posted. Thanks.
jans funny farm
I think we have the same Mommy. Mysteriously Cheetos appear out of nowhere at our house too. Hmmm. Scout likes to lick the dust off them. Gross!
Congrats on the award!
So, yer saying ya weigh like 4 pounds in real life?
We do not think you look wide, Mr. Hendrix. You look great.
Congrats on your award.
You are not a widebody. You look tiny in fact.
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