This is dedicated to all my kitten friends. You little kittens are sooooooooo cute that when I saw this, I just had to post it. Poopin marshmellows and rainbows. tee hee hee

This is from I Can Has a Cheeseburger, but mommy couldn't get the photo itself to link.
Oh Hendrix, we must tell you that after living with Fagin for three weeks now, we know that kittens do not poop rainbows and marshmellows. If Mommy gives the little kitten too much stinky goodness oh boy, you had better watch out!! He's pooting something and it ain't rainbows and marshmellows! YUCK!
Captain Jack and Dante
Oh goodness I just had to giggle at Fagin from Purreagous Pirates...
Mr. Hendrix that was one cute picture of those kittens...
Maw visits ICANHASCHEEZBRGR everyday!
Luf, Us
oh dat is tooooo cute!!!!
We love cheezburger!
Captain Jack and Dante are soo funny!
We love the picture - as long as we don't have to get a kitten!
Oh my goodness, my Mum and I both SQUEEED over the cute little kittens.
Ha, ha, ha,.....Captain Jack and Dante's comment is so funny!
So funny!
That is just too cute. Mom says she wished that we pooped marshmellows and rainbows around
That is cute :-)
We go there a lot and our Aunty is addicted!! hehehe ~Queen Snickers
No, I do not believe kittens poop rainbows or marshmallows either...
Dude, that just can't be true...can it?
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