It was from Nika, Cauita, Whitie and Paula, at Gato Dependente sent mommy and me a lovely package.
My mommy got beautiful scrapbook papers, a card with a black kitty stamp on it, stickers and a pretty kitty. But enough of that silliness...
I got cool mousies!!!
I wanted to post more photos, but the Dread Pirate Blogger won't let me! I've tried all morning!
How exciting to get a package from so far away!
New mousies! I love em when thay are fresh. I kno yoo are haffin fun wif em today!
Wow, what a cool package! :) That mousie looks like lots of fun! :)
Do Portuguese mice taste better?
WOW very cool mousies! I bet you will have fun playing with them!!
PS: Leo was a very speshul boy, Mommie loved him as much as she loves me. Which is a lot!
PPS: I didn't know that you are your mommie's first kitty! congrats!!
That's very cool to get a present from an exotic and foreign land!
Hendrix, I LOVED your 6 word Meme, it was very, very good!
Another package, how exciting! You are having a very good week!
We thinks the Black Furrball may need to take on this Dread Pirate Blogger and give him the bitey and some whaps too!! How cool that you got new mousies. We want new mousies - MOM!!! Hendrix got new mousies and we want some too!!
Wow, that package came a very long way!
I really like your new mousie!
A package from overseas! Wow. Your Mom got really great stuff. And your mousies are great.
What a great package! Sounds like a fun exchange! You look so cute looking at your new things!
Love Clover xo
Inconceivable.... the dread pirate will not let you blog?
Great new mousies! Congrats...
Ooo, Portuguese presents! That is very exciting. I hope your tum-tum is all good now so you can enjoy extra treats.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Wow now thats exciting, getting a package from so far away! Your new mousies look like lots of fun!
Momma bean finally revealed what we received from you today. All of the kitties loved, loved, loved them! I think they are Mini Munch's favorite by far!!! Thanks again for sending us such a great gift!
Those red mousies go very well with your black fur.
Wow - that came a long distance. Mom works with a lot of kids who have family that come from Portugal. Do you think they came in box like your toys did?
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Wow!! That is some really nice stuff in there! I bet the quilled things are for your Mom huh?
Those mice look fun though :)
Purrs Mickey
That is muy cool, Hendrix..fresh meeses, and a happy Staff..what more could a guy want?
hello dear! is cool you getted your package!! it's great that you loved!
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