we suggested Mike wear his shades when telyporting. the colors and soundtrack ("All Along the Watchtower") are fantastic, but can give those not used to it a headache if they don't wear shades.
Me and Bendrix have a visitor this week and we are so excited! Mike took a day after cely-brating Gretchen's birthday to recoup, and now he is here. I think we'll have a ton of fun!!

Mike has some great outfits and toys in his bag. We wanted share ours with him.
Bendrix showed Mike his favorite toy from Tyler and Daddy played and played and played with us!

Then we sat in the window and I (Hendrix) showed Mike my 16 birdfeeders (we have our 2 hummingbird feeders up now) and how the squirrels run up in a row to get to the deck...and the peanuts mommy puts out.

I can't wait until 3am so Mike and Bendrix can get into some Mischief!
PS mommy and daddy are having kinda a rough weekend so it is nice Mike is here to keep them occupied. not to get into it, but warm purrs their way will help. thanks lots.
That sounds like a great weekend, buddy! You are a great guy to share your toys with Mike. I hope your momma and daddy get through the weekend okay.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
What a nice bud to have visiting! We hope all is well...
Wow, you look like you're havin' lotsa fun with Mike!!
We're sendin' purrs for your mommy and daddy.
To Hendrix's Mom:
I am thinking of you a lot and sending my love. Long distances hugs are also being sent your way and just know that there will be a next time, I promise. And it will be soon too, I know it! And as I have said before, I am never wrong!
Love Always,
Purrageous Pirates Mom
I'm glad you are having fun with Mike! I cannot wait to see what trouble Mike and Bendrix get up to. I hope all is well with your mom and dad, and I am sending purrs to them.
Hendrix..Your mom and dad have all the warm purrs and purrayers we've got! And it looks as if you and Mike are having an absolute blast!
I hope you and Mike have a great visit!
Oh Mr. Hendrix,
We are sending lots of warm purrs your mommie and daddys way. Moki sends headbutts, Orange Boy sends hug, Mini Munch sends kisses, and Lucy Bell send lots of biscuits.
Mike is in O Hi O!
Have fun playing and here's some purrs for your folks -
Purr Purr Purr...
Purr Purr Purr...
Purr Purr Purr...
Purr Purr Purr...
This sounds like you are having a fun time! Great Mike came to visit you! Have a great weekend!
Of course we'll purr fur yur beans. How can they not feel better wif Mike bisitin an you guys playin THOE at 3 AM? That would please my beans!
Good that you have a bbuddy visiting right now. Mike is a cool cat!!
Purrs for your Mom & Dad!! Hope things are OK!!
Purrs Mickey
Okay, we'z sending warm purrs to yoor beans...haf fun getting into mischief wif Mike. He's always fun!
Oh cool, Mike is visitin ya! We hadda great time when he was here.
Skeeter and LC
I hope your Mommy and Daddy are feeling better today.
I'm so excited Mike has come to visit you. I can't wait to see the rest of your adventures with him this week :-)
We are sending the purrs!!! PURR PURR PURR and hope that they are not needed anymore!!!
We didn't know that Mike is visiting - that is sooooooo exciting!!!! He is a wonderful guest - and you are a wonderful host. S far. Let's see what happens when Bendrix and Mike meet......hahahahahahahha
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