1. I make sure the couch is nice and tenderized by sinking my claws into it & kneading. I want it to be as soft as possible for the humans. Sure they don't sit on the back...but just in case...
2. I never let the woman be late for work. The man is on his own, but the woman feeds me my stinky goodness breakfast and I can't have that be late.
3. I make sure that the kitchen table is checked for bugs (and stray crumbs that might bring bugs) daily, even if it means I get squirted.
4. I keep the beans from eating to much junk food by sticking my head in the bag or snack bowl and licking the salt of the chips/pretzles and eating any cheezy snacks available.
5. I keep the man company when he works from home by walking across his keybord so the excel spreadsheet adds up funky numbers. hey man, just use ctrl Z. I make sure he always double checks his work.
6. I also make sure the beans gets their daily exercise by chasing me off the piano, entertainment center, kitchen table, mom's dresser and away from the back of the couch when I scratch. They need it.
7. I keep watch to make sure those evil squirrels don't come in the house to get the humans. I got a good thing here, I won't let any furry rat take over my domain.
8. I help Hendrix get stuff he didn't even know he wanted. Since I walked across the woman's craft table so much (to get to the window) he got a new window seat. I demanded so loudly, he got extra stinky yesterday. I ignored the scratching post in its new spot by the window so long, we got a window box next to it to help us jump up.
9. I keep the woman warm at night by laying RIGHT ON HER CHEST. The key to this is to lay just to the right or left so she has to hold me up with one arm. Since she can still breathe won't move and disturb me.
10. I make sure the plants in the house can stand up to anything. I chew them and whap them and dig in the dirt. These sturdy plants (mommy makes sure nothing inside is toxic) can stand up to any visiting sticky little bean if they can stand up to me!
Now you may ask, why did I do 10 instead of 7? Well, I like breaking the rules and I am VERY helpful.
I'll tag:
Brandi, Sweet Lady Cat
Dante & Fagin (Captain Jack was already tagged)
Fat Cat Muffin
and Tyler at Tyler's Tattles
Fellow Mancat and Birthday Boy Rudy
Miz Allie Cat
Bonnie Underfoot (who scared Bendrix straight at Miles' party the other night! He loved it!)
and Ivy
If I lay on my humans chest they might not wake up lol.
Simba x
Bendrix, you are very helpful indeed! We also make sure that our dad isn't late for work. It's a very important job. Merlin keeps our dad from eating too much junk food too.
Bendrix, I just knew you were helpful! I can't wait to let everyone know how useful I am . . .thanks for tagging me!
Those were 10 very useful things!
We especially like the 1st picture; it looks like yer hanging downside-up. ;)
Bendrix, you have been very busy and helpful! We enjoyed all your pictures!
It sounds like you have been acting out your kitty duties quite well, Bendrix!
Bendrix, you are very, very useful. Hendrix couldn't make it through a day without you.
Bendrix, you have a lot of important responsibilities!
You are very helpful Bendrix. More kitties should take lessons from you. We will work on this ASAP!
Oh Bendrix - you are so very useful, I don't understand why the beans think you're so difficult!
Mr. Hendrix, that is really very, very helpful. BTW, I liked your idea on my blog about a stand-in for the vet. I think I've have Steve get Shill's fur died "Quasi-color" to fool him.
I did the meme you tagged me for, come check it out.
I think you are a very good helper~!!!!!!
Your human must be very happy with you!
Checking tables for crumbs is a great idea!
HAHAHAHAHAH Bendrix - we love you!!! You are such a great cat! We are sure Mr. Hendrix is VERY happy to have you, hahahahahahahahaha!
And thank you Mr. Hendrix for you kind offer of help with the wedding - we might let our wedding planner know about this.... and we appreciate it VERY VERY much!!!
P.S. Don't forget to come by our blog tomorrow we will have an important post up!
Bendrix, that is a great list of things about you. We gave up on being an alarm clock a long time ago.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
You need to get paid more treats for all that work you do!
I love the "crawl along the couch" trick. The beans do not appreciate such skill though.
hahaha...you're so funny!
Hi folks, we’re back! Now it’s Wordless Wednesday: Our Furryhood Nice to see ya all again:) and how’re our cats’ power doing? Please share yours in here , we’d love to hear from you.
Bendrix, I think you might possibly be the most useful mancat ever!
You are a very busy cat, Hendrix. Your beans are lucky that you help them so much!
I missed Bendrix getting scared straight? I am bummed that mum shut off the puter!
KC said...
My goodness, you haf a lot of fings to do.
Hi Mr. Hendrix,
We loved the meme. You reminded our momma bean of a couple of us!
P.S. We also wanted to thank you for keeping Sissy and us in your thoughts a purrs.
He, he!! That were good answers. I do a lot of these things, too!
Hi Mr Hendrix: we just wanted to let you know to check your email box for our Best In Show tag which we've sent to you... you're our choice for the coming week! (Not bad-bendrix tho!!!)
Your photos are great! Sounds like Bendirx is helpful to have around.
Wanted Mr. Hendrix to know that I have his name meme up that he gave to me. I really had fun with that.
Breaking the rules... Good Job Bendrix! We enjoyed you Meme a lot!
My goodness Bendrix, you are a furry busy boy! We have picked up many good pointers.
You are working all the time! All that busy stuff must make you very hungry. We're glad you got extra stinky.
We try to keep the beans fit, too, by eating their chips, but they usually take them away and put them in the pantry. :(
Thank you for tellin' us about Fat Eric and the Gorgeous Gingers group. There you go again, doing useful stuff and bein' helpful! We appreciate how much you been helpin' us learn all about stuff in the cat blogosphere.
Bendrix, People might start thinking you are a nice cat with all the helpful things you do.
I want to thank you and your other half for the birthday wishes
It's only natural you had to keep going after 7 because you are such a helpfully useful kitty, Mr. Hendrix, and thanks so much for your kind good wishes to our Ted-Bean!
Bendrix! I need some pointers on keeping the Belly-Snorgler from eating too much junk foods! She keeps shooing me away! She's even eating cheese RIGHT NOW and just 'patting' my head! Patting it right away from her cheese!
In return, may I make the suggestion, next time flop down ON the keyboard! That mucks up their workk much better!
PS. Have you seen what Faith Boo is up to? She doesn't even NEED an Evil Twin! She IS the Evil Twin!!!!!!!
Oh, Bendrix, I've done the meme! I'm a furry useful cat, not like some goody-four-shoes I could mention.
Purrs, Bonnie
Those are extremely helpful things that you do! I hope those humans appreciate the immense effort on your part. ;)
Cool Bendrix! You are so helpful!
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