Well, after all that, I needed to help daddy relax.
Now for the bad news. Tomorrow I have to go to the VET to get ALL FOUR PAWS CLIPPED! Mommy and daddy have noticed that my back claws are getting awfully long and I do NOT let them trip those. It is enough I bite and scratch them over trimming the front paws, I won't tolerate more than that. So, now she's asked the VET to do it. Bendrix and I are sharpening our claws and teeths on the couches and toys laying around today. We'll be ready for those VET techs. I wonder if I'll be gassed. I wish I could poop at will like Max. That would be great.
Get those claws super sharp, dude! Those v-e-t techs are gonna need a good scratchin'. heh heh
Dude, dat's a bummer. Mom sumtimes takes me to PetSmart cuz they'll clip my claws fur $8. Bonnie was front declawed an only gotted her back claws trimmed last year when she was "out" fur teef cleanin.
Mom don't like The Giving Tree much, either. So, where DOES the sidewalk end?
I almost feel bad for those vet tachs. Almost...!
Do you think they will use the Hawk Gloves for you? That would be cool!
Good luck with the vet! And have fun ;-)
Oh! You guys need to talk to Samwise about how to fight off the claw cutters. Did you know even Aunt Susan refuses to cut his nails? She says he is the worst "twit" about it she has ever seen and when Mommy picks Sammy up from the groomers, she always tips extra because they have to muzzle him to cut them. Oh wait, maybe you should not because muzzles are no fun!
I got your nice package today, thanks. Blogger is being stupid today and will not let me post on the other blog, but I will keep trying.And, I got both my cats front declawed.
I bet you and Bendrix really show the VET, Hendrix!
PS: Ivy wants to let Bendrix know that she's managed to escape a bit into the backyard. She made a successful attempt with Almost Dad, and now she's keeping a watch for more opportunities!
Hi Hendrix!
I am so sorry that you have to go to the vet, and for horrible nail clipping! It is not my favourite thing to have done. :(
Love Clover xo
We got our claws trimmed this weekend too. Kaze actually didn't totally freak out. She must have figured out its easier when the Woman does it alone and the Awesome Man doesn't hold us.
Pooing on command takes practice. I usually save it for when they steal my bloods. Hehe.....
you can prolly pee at will like me though!!! - Miles
oh yeah, Billy hates to have his claws trimmed and he squiggles and wiggles and bites when mommy tries it, but at the v-e-t he lays there in the assistant's arms like a perfect little angel boy and purrss and coos and acts all gooshy when they trim his claws. it makes mommy very sad.
That's a bummer Hendrix. Mommy always does ours, but she never messes with our back claws in case we need to defend ourselves when we're out and about! You should try the pooping the though, it could work!
Mommy thinks that little boy is rotten too!
She always thought it was just her that thought that!
Oh no! Not clippy claws!! We haf never had ours trimmed cuz we use them furr climbing trees and it keeps them short.
I feel your pain, my friend. I H-A-T-E having my clawrs clipped.
Maaaan, after all the help you gave'em and they're gonna take you to the Vet? Dude!
I-yi-yi, Mr. H... claw clipping is a major bummer. I don't like it any more than you do.
it looks like your beans are exhausted!! The Vet to get the claws clipped! Better that than shots, we always say.
Looks like Bendrix is going to be in fine form for the V-E-T visit.
Good luck.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Crap, our mom is a maniac and trims our claws NO MATTER WHAT! But, she useta take us to Petsmart to gets it done. Den daddy learned to hold us so mom could do it...traitor. At least she's quick about it and we get treats and massawjes afterwards. Mom calls it "spa day".
I have NEVER had my claws trimmed, I manage to keep them worn down enough on the scratching post. Kavan, on the other hand, gets long snagging ones front and back! He is not much of a mancat like you, he just lays there and lets Mom and Dad trim all four! You go Hendrix!
How're you doing guys....
hope you'll be doing fine during the claws trimming, we never have it.
We lost our tiny troop today, Monskitt, she went to bridge of rainbow last nite....and mommy Bunyu still not coming home, we're hoping she'll be back soon.
-meaouwy troops-
Good luck at the vets. Looks like your Daddy was very relaxed.
Simba x
Yikes on the water in your basement. Yuck.
Hendrix, we are amazed at how feral you are at times! We get the claws on all four paws trimmed once a week, and our front claws are sometimes trimmed twice a week (they grow quickly due to our fast Sphynx metabolism). We are glad we don't have to go to the vet to get them trimmed!
Good gracious, what a day! You gots to get your nails clipped? Oh man.....let us know how it goes!
good luck....to the nail techs!
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