
Traumatic Tuesday

Yesterday was terrible, just terrible. Mommy came home early from work and I thought "cool, someone to wait on me." Well, not long after that, I was snatched from my sofa slumber and shoved into my PTU.

See, I'd been sneezing since Sunday morning and rubbing my snout on stuff for a couple of days. I tried to tell mommy it was because she hasn't dusted in a squillion years, but she didn't buy it.

So we got to the VET and before I could do more than gouge mommy's wrist, I was stuffed into the "happy box" and gassed. When I woke up later I thought it was a bad dream except my spot #13 hurt and it felt like I had shots. That pissed my off but I was to tired to fight. Bendrix was still dreaming of skipping thru a field chasing butterflies with the pink hippos in tutus.

Turns out, I have a Resperatory Virus. It was caught early and isn't in my lungs.
Still, I'm on 20 days of anti-biotiks and will start an immune stimulator in a couple of weeks. The VET thinks with all the stress of July (daddy being gone, than mommy being gone, then mommy and daddy working lots) I got sick. With my FIV, that is not unusual.

Since I'll have an immune system stimulator now, hopefully that will help prevent me from getting sick from this type of stress again.

I'm taking it easy today. Mommy's VERY VERY nice boss called this morning cause she heard I was sick and told mommy to stay home with me. I'm still angry with her for taking me to the VET and shooting anti-biotiks down my throat last night, but maybe I'll let her love on me later. I'm glad she is here. She is scheduled to Work From Home tomorrow so I'll have her then too.

Any purrs you can send me would be appreciated.

The bright side is that the anti-biotik could cause my to have "loose stool." It will be fun to watch my beans clean that up! snigger

Guess what! I'm happier already cause Huffle Mawson gave me this:

Lets see, I'll pass this on to:
Pablo in Australia
Willie Snapp
The Cat Street Boyz Gang
Tyler at Tyler's Tattles
William of Mass Destruction
Victor Tabbycat
Sebastian & Yaffa Kitty
Mr. Echo & Tenny


Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

I'm so sorry that you aren't feeling well and had to go to the v-e-t yesterday. Willow and I will send over some nice soft purrs for you. I'm glad that your mom's nice boss let her stay home with you. I love it when my mom is at home with me!

Purrrrrrrrrs, China Cat

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We are so sorry you are sick! Binky, our beautiful black FIV sister who came before us had to be so careful to stay away from sick kitties. We didn't know you were FIV too. She lived to the ripe ol' age of 13. We will keep you in our purrayers and thoughts that you get better real soon.

What a nice boss your mommie has! Ours has a nice boss too and lets her bring us to work if we need watching.


Laila and Minchie

The Cat Realm said...

Poor Mr. Hendrix - I will send lots of purrs RIGHT away! Our maid says she wants to work where your Mom works - she has NEVER heard of a boss like this, at least not in this country. I have lose stool sometimes - yes, it is FUN! Try and miss the litter box....
Mrs. OZ

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

We hope you feel better soon! Purrrrrrrrrrr

Forty Paws said...

Dood. That sux. We are so sorry to heer that yu ist sneezing an such. See what all that stress does? Jist like beans. We kaint deel wit too much stress. Hang in there bud. And keep dreamin ov doze pink hippos in tutus or whatever it was yu wuz dreemin of. Ok?

Luf, Us

Texas said...

Sorry you had to go to the vet! If they said you had feline herpesvirus, you might want to ask your vet about lysine. We get it from the vitamin store, much cheeper there. Not all vets will automatically suggest it yet since it hasn't been "proven", but it worked for me! Hope you feel better soon!

Full Monty Q said...

Aw, Hendrix, I's sorry yur vet trip was yucky. I didn't get to see any flyin purple mousies dis time. I just sat on E. Kay Gee's lap so she could take pictors of my heart.
Hopefully wif the medicines, you an Bendrix will be all the way better in no time.
PS what a nice boss-lady yur mom has! Mom's boss-man is ok, but not THAT nice!

Full Monty Q said...

Pee Ess - yur Mr. Linky at the CB broked.
Ha! My comment verification werd is "frradi" like fraidy cat! I's no fraidy cat, I's brave!

Halloween said...

Hi Mr. Hendrix! I am so sorry you are sicky. We will be purrings lots and lots for you. You and Bendrix are very strong, so I am sure you will get well soon. Maybe you can take a pic of your mommy cleaning your loose stools and put it on your blog to punish her for going away. I hate that too. Also thanks for tagging me. I will get to the meme tonight!

Purrs and purrs, Halloween

Ingrid said...

Poor Mr. Hendricks a running nose is not funny ! Lisa has a running eye but that is due to her grandma age. I am so happy that the vet found out immediately what you had, now, be a good boy and take your pills without trying to kill your mom !

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Oh, we just read that you were not feeling well. We are so sorry. Please know that we are purring and praying around here for you.

We hope that you get well soon!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are sorry to hear that you are feeling poorly. We are sending out lots of purrs for you to get better!!!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

O, Mr. Hendrix, we will send you our strongest, most powerful purrs an purrayers.
How nice of your Mommy's boss to be so unnerstanding. Wow. All bosses should be like that.
You rest....
on behalf of all the Sherwood kitties:
Missy Blue Eyes
Faith Boomerang

Anonymous said...

Lots of rest Hendrix, lots of being waited on paw and er, paw by your humans, some great food and then some more rest ok?

Sending you big rumbly purrs so you may get well real soon.

Ana said...

We are sorry you are sick and not feeling well. But great your Mommy can stay home and pamper you! Take care!

snowforest said...

Hendrix we is sending you lots and lots of purrs and purraying that the infection goes far far away soon ~ take it easy, rest and get well furry soon ~ all our purrs and love...

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Hendrix, we is sorry you are sick! we is sending lots and lots of purrss to you

Buckwheat Snapp said...

Hey buddy thanks for the award, that's so cool of you! That totally stinks that you had to go to the VET and get all of that done to you, and to make you go to sleep so you couldn't defend yourself is just wrong. I hope the icky medicines will help you get better really soon.


Tybalt said...

Hendrix, I am so sorry to hear you are sick man! That's awful. I'm glad you have your mommy home to take care of you today and tomorrow, though. I'm purring for you, buddy!

Boy said...

I hopes you feel better soon!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Congratulations on your award. I really like your person's boss! What a marvelous person to be so concerned about you! I hope you get to feeling better soon.

Carolina Cats said...

Sending lots of purrrs & hugs from Norf Carolina.


Finny Buddy & Jasmine

catsynth said...

We're sorry you aren't feeling so well, and had to visit the VET. Stress can definitely cause sneezing and respiratory virus. Luna got sneezy after our big move in February, which was quite stressful.

Asta said...

I'm so sowwy that you awe feeling poowly and had to get a shot in youw bumbum..and now the anti-by-tics..but I hope they help you feel lots bettew..fowgive youw Mommi ..she loves you lots, that's why she took you..I bet it huwts hew to see you huwt..
I'll cwoss my paws fow you
smoochie kisses

Mr. Echo said...

Dood that sucks! I hope yoo git ofur that viruss reel kwick. Yoo docktered her so its time she duz the same fur yoo.

And thanks for the award and the nice things yoo sed on my bloggy. Mommy tole her story thinking it kood be a ray of hope fur others in the same playc.

Purrs to you my kitty furrend!

Unknown said...

OH NO! I am so sorry you are sick. I can't believe they gassed you right away and you didn't get any good whapping in.

Feel better soon sweet friend - and your Mum too!

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Mr. Hendrix, we is so sorry you are sick! We will purrr and purray for you to get better quick! That was so nice of your Mom's boss to let her stay home with you! Get lots of rest and scritches!
Your FL furiends,

Daisy said...

Oh Hendrix, I wish you were not sick! Be good and take your medicines so you can get all better soon. I am purring for you!

The Furry Kids said...

Sorry about the V-E-T and the medicine, dude. We are purring and purraying that you feel lots better soon.


PS - Loose stools are good for freaking out the beans. heh heh

Purrageous Pirates said...

Oh no Hendrix! We are sending you healing purrs and Mommy is too - all the way from Florida. We hopes you feel very much better very soon!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Congratulations on the award.

We're glad your mom had you checked by the vet so you can be treated and get better. Be good and take your med without a struggle.


PS - Bendrix, Thank you for your nice birthday offer. But we don't know where our neighbors moved. Otherwise you could pee away in her lemonade.


Sunny's Mommy said...

Lots and lots of purrs for you, Hendrix. I hope that soon you are over your respiratory virus. 20 days of medicine sounds awful for you. I am so glad your Mommy was able to stay home with you today and tomorrow!

Congratulations on your award! It's very well deserved.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We are sorry you had to go to the VET. Not fun!!
Your Mom has a very nice boss. We are glad she can stay home and help you feel better!

~ KittyBoy and ~ Timothy

Turkey Cats said...


We hope you feel better soon! I am still asking my daddy about the cape he promised.



Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Shoot, we was hoping it was from mom not dusting...oh well, enjoy da mom time and cuddles. Maybe yoo can get some extra "sympathy" treats.

muffinmidi said...

Hope you feel better soon. We're purring and praying fo you.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I'm so sorry you're sick, but it's good they caught it early. Your mommy's boss is very nice to let her stay home with you. I hope you feel better soon.

zevo hussein calamari said...

We are purring real hard for you. If it wasn't YOU at the Eagles concert last night.. was it Bendrix?

Please feel better soon. Sending lots of healing purrs and head butts.

LZ said...

How horrible! At least they caught it early so that's good. I get sick when my Lap Lady is busy/away. She's worried about her bacation in a few weeks. Feel better!


Mo and The Purries said...

HUGS and PURRS to you, Mr. Hendrix!
Get Well Soon!!!!!!
The purries from Purrchance To Dream
and all the House Panthers, too!

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

We're sorry you're not feeling well Hendrix and Bendrix. We'll send you lots of purrs. A ton of them. We hope you feel good again really soon.
Boni Maroni and the rest of the Hotties

My Littel Island said...

o mr H i do hope u feel better soonand dont get the ppppp from you meds i will be back to morrow to how u and mamy ar doing ok u be good boy

Anonymous said...

How awful for you! We're glad you got the bad virus taken care of in time though. Purrs and cuddles from all of us. And "you sure are nice" purrs to your mom's boss too!

Team Tabby said...

Be very good and take your medicine and we will do our part to purr and pray for you. We also did not know you are FIV, so you gots to be extra careful.

Tiger Lily said...

Please get well Mr. Hendrix. Bendrix dreams funny dreams!

prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We hope you feel better soon Hendrix and we're glad the infekkshun wuz caught early. We're sending you lots of get well purrrrrs and (((hugs)))

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Oh Hendrix, please do get better really, really soon! Being sick really sucks! And that is really great that Mom got to stay home with you ... she does have a super boss! We are purring and purraying for you, furriend!
Love, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Parker said...

Mr. H - you have all of our healing purrs and love. Please feel better and make that awful sickness go away!
Your Mommy has an awesome boss.
Smooches to her/him too!

The Island Cats said...

Hi Hendrix! We hope you are feeling better soon. It's no fun being sick!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Monty Q. Kat said...

Dude, you better get better. If yous need any green papers let me know.

Castle said...

hiya Mr Hendrix! ise come by to sit and purr by you until you is all better! seems we both got draged to the vet on the same day...i was just a check up though...so i will send all my strength to you to get better! xxx

Teddy Westlife said...

Poor Mr Hendrix. At least your mum will be home with you for a couple of days - I'd milk this for all the sympathy you can get. And congratulations on your award! I hope it makes you feel a little bit better.

Huffle Mawson

Cat Street Boyz said...

Aw, you look so sad behind bars but we have lots of paws crossed for you feeling better very soon!

THANK YOU Mr. Hendrix for honoring us with our FIRST ever..AWARD! That was SO nice of you to think of us..THANK YOU, from Toy... THANK YOU, from Tinker...THANK YOU, from Tang...THANK YOU, from Ty.....THANK YOU, from Setzer and a big THANK YOU, from Cherokee =^Y^=

Sweet Purrfections said...

Special purrayers are being sent your way! Even though a trip to the VET is not fun, it is worth it if they help us feel better.

Just Ducky said...

Feel better soonest Hendrix. I have never had to take 20 days of pills, but then I don't have FIV either!

Ivan from WMD said...

Oh, Hendrix, I'm sorry you're sick. I've had that sneezy swill when I got stressed, too. Hope it clears up soon.

Thanks so much for the award! I think you're very cool yourself!

SophieKitty said...

Feel better soon, Mr. Hendrix!I'm sending good kitty vibes your way.

PB 'n J said...

So sorry to hear about your cold - but at least your Mom gets to stay home with you! And I bet she feels really guilty for letting you get so stressed out and sick - so make sure to get lots and lots of extra treats!

Pearl, Bert and Jake

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Hendrix, you take care, mm'kay? And thanks so much for the cool award! Purrrrrrrrs!

Mickey's Musings said...

Big Purrs to you Hendrix!!!!! We want you to be well!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Oh no, we're sorry you're not feelin' good. We're sendin' purrs and purrayers that you feel better soon!! Your mommy's boss is pawsome!!

MaoMao said...

Awwww, Mr. Hendrix, we're so sorry you've been feelin sickies and hadded to go to the v.e.t.! alla us Ballicai are purrin and purrin and purrin fur you. Sounds like yur Momma has a supernice boss, and we're so glad she'll get time home with you! We hope you feel bettur soon!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Lux said...

Oh, Mr. Hendrix, I was so sorry to hear about all this. I hope that medicine works quickly and you start feeling lots better soon!

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

We's be purring really hard for you Mr. Hendrix. Orange Boy has a leaky butt from the IBD at the moment and I am sneezing all over the place so you should come over to our house, you'd fit right in...
we can take turns playing with our pawsome catnip banana's!

Oh an no worries about making a mess, we have our maids or should I say beans well trained to clean up after us!

Karen Jo said...

I hope and pray that you get well very soon, Mr. Hendrix. Your Mom has the nicest boss that I have ever heard of. Congratulations on your award.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Hendrix, we are sorry to hear that you are ill and had to go to the vet. :( Sending lots of healing purrs your way!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Take care of yourself and have lots of naps! I hope the medicine kicks in real quick! Purrs out to you and your mom and dad.

~Goldie and Shade

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh dearest Mr Hendrix I am ever so sorry to hear of your troubles right now. I know you are a strong kitty and will recover from this with all the love we send and the auntebiotiks you are getting. Please know I love you and will purrrrr my very best for you...
Miss Peachy

The Lee County Clowder said...

Hendrix, we're sorry your feeling poorly. Purrrrrrring that those nasty goops they're forcing down your throat kick those germs right out of you.


TabbyNormal said...

Awww, shucks! That is really a bad day. So *both* of us were at the vet on Tuesday? Sounds like you got the worse deal though.

I am gonna do your meme tomorrow (Thursday)! Thanks for tagging me, it looks like fun!

I hope you feel better soon...
Abby Normal


Mr Hendrix
We are all sorry you haven't been feeling well, but we're glad that you caught it early!
