
Tommy Tuesday

Stupid router. Mommy wanted to post about little Tommy T this morning but our internet wasn't working. Daddy figured it out and now it works!

Remember a few weeks ago with Diamond Emerald Eyes introduced us to Tommy T? Mommy and daddy got to see him in person because we live right by the Cincinnati Zoo. So, without further ado...Tommy T in person!

Tommy T tummy!

My beans got to see him when they went to the zoo's Festival of Lights on Saturday. It is a tradition for them and this year was made even more special by Tommy's arrival.

Tommy T Tail

We are very proud to have such a great zoo right here in Cincinnati. We've seen a baby elephant, TWO Sumatran Rhinos and many other wonderful and rare wild animal babies born here and now we get to witness the birth of three baby cheetahs. Two of the babies are going to be at the Columbus Zoo, but Tommy T is staying here.

Tommy T toes!

Although the zoo has a wonderful Cheetah Ambassador program, we've never had a cheetah that was born here until now. Tommy T will go for his ambassador training after the Festival of Lights ends and will be a major part of the brand new Cheetah Encounter.

Can you see Tommy's little "mohawk" down his back? To cute! Everytime he yawned mommy squeeed like crazy.


Just Ducky said...

He is such a cutie. No wonder your mum was going 'squeeee'.

Forever Foster said...

We don't blame your mum for the squeeees! Our mum would get in on the action too! What a precious little baby. It is so cool that your beans got to see him.

Ivan from WMD said...

Double plus squee! Will you just look at all those spots! My mom just about fell over with her squee-ing.

SophieKitty said...

My mommie is squeeing right now!

Anonymous said...

OH wow your Momma is so lucky!!
hehe that is the fist thing we noticed.. his mohawk.. he is a fierce babeh wen only a babeh!
We hopez he grows up big and string and healthy :))


River said...

He is cute, esp. stretchy tummy. My mom went to see a festival of lights, too.

love & wags,

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Tommy T is pretty darned cute!

Quill and Greyson said...

Cute little fella!!

Rascal said...

He's pretty cute. I just won't let my mom see so she can't squee.

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh he is adorable.

Huffle Mawson

Motor Home Cats said...

He is adorable. Mom got to "play" with a baby orangutan when she was a child at the Berlin Zoo, and it forever made her love baby orangs.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Simba and Jazzi said...

He is so cute! I bet he's win at bitey face.

Simba x

Parker said...

Mommy can't stop Squeeeeeeeing over Tommy T.! She thinks it's worth a trip to Cincinnati to visit him!

Anonymous said...

Tommy T's tummy, tail and toesies are very kyoot!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

The PM almost fainted when she saw that! He is such a cute furball! Your beans are so lucky to have had a close encounter of the cheetah kind.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Tommy is so squeelicious! Love the mohawk too!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I love midnight Monday and today is such a special day to see Tommy, he is sooo adorrrrabibble.

happy preparing for Christmas to you Hendrix and Bendrix

Jodi's Book Reviews said...

oh how cute Tommy T is.

Clover said...

Aw, Tommy is very cute! Oh yes, my Mom was "squeeing" just looking at his pictures!!
I love the pictures of you in your Christmas village too. :)
Love Clover xo

Everycat said...

Aww Tommy is gorgeous, we love his punk stylin' with his mohawk! Uh oh, Mum is going into SQUEEEEEEEEE mode too, I must get my earplugs!

Thanks for sharing such sweet pictures Hendrix

Whicky Wuudler

Tristan Tabby Cat Longtail said...

He's like really cute. I was probably that cute as a kitten too. Then again, the massage therapist squees over me from time to time, so I must still be cute.

Sunny's Mommy said...

His mohawk is very interesting! What a cutie!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh boy is he ever cute! Our mom is glad we haf a good zoo here too. She sez she feels sorry fur beans who live where der is not a good zoo wif a good aminal management filosofee, whatever dat means. We just like to see da pikshers of our big cuzzins.

Anonymous said...

He is adorable, as long as he doesnt eat us ...

The Island Cats said...

Awwww...Tommy T is quite the cutie!

muffinmidi said...

Look at those awesome paws!!!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Tommy T has a very cute tummy!!!

My Littel Island said...

O MY LORD U ARE so lucky iam her squeeling and iam just looking at the photos he is so beautiful thanks

Shrek said...

Wow! his got a tummy like me!