
Thinking on Thursday

I'm thinking "what the heck"? When mommy gets up at like 12:30AM cause she didn't have a snack and she is hungry, and I'm sitting in the window looking outside and she comes over and says "Anything exciting going on out there" and I say "No, not now," why when I come up on the bed at 3:00AM to tell her something exciting is happening does she get all cranky and say "it's time for sleeping now, lay down."

I mean, why would she care at 12:30AM but not 3:30AM? What the heck? It was so good I took off like my tail was on fire and ran to the window. She didn't follow. Sorry I can't tell you all what it was, I don't want her to find out since she blew me off.

I think next time I'll just let her sleep since she has no appreciation for my efforts.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Isn't dat just da way...we woke mom up because der was a raccoon outside and she just said "will yoo stop". Well fine, da next time something aciting happens she can read about it da next morning...stoopid hoomans

Just Ducky said...

Mum sometimes gets up too and looks out the windows in the night. looking for night visitors.

Forever Foster said...

I don't understand women either. That is why I'm having lessons. It's them that need lessons though. The women are the weirdos.

Cory said...

Sometimes my momma finds something really important like a piece of dirt on my mom or dad at 4am and when she tries to lick it off so they wake up nice and clean...they call her a "pest"...! Ingrates...

Max said...

Doood...I've spent years trying to figure people out. It's reached the point where I'm afraid that if I ever do, my head will pop. As it is, all that figuring sometimes makes my head hurt.

Sweet Purrfections said...

The beans are only interested when they are awake. I can't wait to hear what was happening at 3:00 am.

Quill and Greyson said...

Do they think nothing exciting happens just cause they are sleeping? We get no respect!

Teddy Westlife said...

I'm telling you, they just do not understand. Once we grow thumbs, they're outta here.

Huffle Mawson

Parker said...

Mom's can be strange like that!

Clover said...

What the heck, Hendrix?! Moms are so weird.
Love Clover xo

The Creek Cats said...

We totally know what you mean! Beans!

Ingrid said...

I think my cats agree with you, because they too don't understand that I am not happy and curious what happens at 2.30 am !

Gemini and Ichiro said...

And I'm sure what you had to say was so important! Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Well, we certainly would not have told her what is was either. What's up with that?

Unknown said...

Oh Hendrix, that just sucks. At least when she asks you tonight after work what was so exciting outside last night and you can say "Oh N-O-T-H-I-N-G!" Ha!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Hendrix, if you scream and scratch at the window she might get up to see what it is ;-)

meemsnyc said...

3:30 am isn't that late. Hahahahahha.

Mickey's Musings said...

I don't understand beans either!! I mean,sometimes it's fun to be up in the middle of the night and all they want to do is sleep!!
I do like being indoors when it is snowing. It looks cold outside!! It is warm inside. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!
Purrs Mickey

Anonymous said...

oHMY I can't believe your Momma did not want to know??!
Although at that hour it was prolly a ghostie and not much you can do about them huh? Guess the hoomans just aren't that interested :P hehe


zevo hussein calamari said...

Humans are so hard to understand. Have you tried biting her at 3:00am? Maybe she will pay more attention then.


Rosemary B❤️ said...

I am really surprised your mom was not interested at 3:00 in the morning. I wonder if she really cared at 12:30.... hmmmmff

Take a good nap this afternoon and forget about it.

Fat Eric said...

I got a Christmas card from you today, Hendrix! Thank you furry much!

Nina Torbie said...

Hendrix, I think maybe your mom wasn't in the mood to look out the window anymore. Just yesterday, Victor wanted to play and I didn't, so when he tagged me, I growled. But then, a few minutes later I wanted to play, so I tagged him. I think maybe that was it.
~ Nina

Moms just don't get it. If Mom gets up, it must be time fur zoom groomin an treats an breakfast! We has a routine! Does yur mom wanna know what's outside or not? It's a simple question.

My Two Best Friends said...

Meow Meow Mr Hendrix

We don't think your Mom appreciates you at all. My Mom is just as bad, I try and wake her up at night to tell her something important and she locks me out of the bedroom! I think that stinks!
MrSippi, Mama, and Carolina

Tesla and Hansel said...

STOOPID mommehs. dem neffur likes nuffin.

Ivan from WMD said...

Moms! Who can figure them out?

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Interesting that. My SS is the same. She groans and says unprintable stuff when I paw her at 3 am to alert her of interesting stuff going on outside.