
Thinking Scary Thoughts

I'm thinking some scary thoughts lately. Why? Because of two things mommy said to me last night. ON thing she said "No more treats tonight" and MEANED IT! I did get the same amount of stinky and crunchies yesterday, but NO extras no matter how loudly I demanded it.

That is when I recalled something she said after she and daddy got back from walking but I didn't really listen to (as usual). She was trying to get me to "chase the mouse" and I didn't want to. She tried a few other toys but I wanted to lay in my fort. She said something along the lines of "Hendrix, you need more exercise. If daddy and I are going to be healthier, so are you."

But the VET said I'm perfect. PERFECT! I'm scared.


Pinky Ash and Boo said...

We think the Vet knows best right? If they said you are perfect, who can argue with that?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Harrumph. If you are perfect why do they want to change you?

Motor Home Cats said...

If mommy had a donut the other day, you should certainly be able to have more treats. We think you are perfect too.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Forever Foster said...

Uh oh. They haven't mentioned the 'D-I-E-T' word, have they?

Teddy Westlife said...

Hide in your fort, or under the bed. They can't get to you there.

Huffle Mawson

Parker said...

Perfection should not be messed with or made to exercise!
: )

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Is #2 making her crazy? No more treats? Exercise? When you're perfect?

Sheesh!!! That ain't right!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo should listen to your mom and dad....

Woo are going to need to be lighter and faster on those paws 'soon'....

Woo will be having a tomkhytten to chase 'round!

PeeEssWoo: Do woo need me to khome out with your workouts?

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

If she insists you get more exercise, choose your own time! Try THoE at 3 am. I'll bet she changes her mind!

The Island Cats said...

Hendrix, dude! We can't believe they are imposing their desire for healthiness on you! 'Specially since you are perfect! Sounds like you should call Bendrix in for support...

Tuck said...

Of course you are purrfect! Why does your human want to change you? Perhaps you need to give her some extra snuggles. That always makes them change their minds...

Elin said...

Hi! Nice to meet u!

Daisy said...

Well, more playing sounds like fun. I don't know about the no treats part though!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Uh-oh. We'd be shaking in their boots (since you don't have any) if we were you. This is not good!

Max said...

You can lead a kitty to the toys, but you can't make him play. Have a sit down strike, dood! And then sit in front of wherever your treats are kept and HOWL. Don't stop howling til they give in. This plan of attack usually works for me, because people are weak :)

Ikaika said...

Hendrix, we think you're perfect too, but try what Angel said ...


The Fluffy Tribe said...

oh dear, ~the Fluffy Tribe

muffinmidi said...

Be glad she's not making you walk on that treadmill thing.

Ingrid said...

Oh no ! I hope they won't put you on diet ! that's typical human, once the winter is over they want to get rid of some grease ! Fake to play !!

Quill and Greyson said...

I agree with the vet - he's a professional!

Clover said...

Oh no, Hendrix! Do you think you can figure out a way to get your treats for yourself? Then you could just have as many as you want...
I just read your post about being an enabler (hehe!) and I love that picture of you sleeping upside down beside your dad! Your parents are cute too!
Love Clover xo

Hansel said...

moms, dem no nuffin!

zevo hussein calamari said...

Our pet humans keep saying the same thing to Nubi- he looks alot like you too.
You are perfect... and don't worry there will be plenty of treats for you and Bendrix at our Cinco de Mayo party.

zevo & the gang

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Oh Hendrix!!!! We can understand dat fear oevfur here. Espeshully my frend Delilah. She iz not supposed to haz no cruncheez but she iz alwayz gettin' 'em somehowz. You iz NOT FAT.
-Dr Tweety

Mickey's Musings said...

I'm with you dude!!!! When you're perfect,you're perfect!!! We all know you don't mess with perfection !!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey

caspersmom said...

Hi Mr. Hendrix. Sorry it's been some time since I have visited with you but things have been a little chaotic around here for awhile. We hear that all the time, get up and playn get some exercise. Especially Cleo. Mom says she's young and needs to play more. I do pretty good with my ball now and then. Say, really like that box you were in last post. How nice your Mom is to grow you some nip specially for you.


Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Oooooooooo, noooooooooz! No treatz whenz u wantz dem! Dat be bery scaryz! An da exercize? Silly hoomin beanz dunt knowz dat we kitty katz in laid-backz beanz & we dunt needz as much exercize as hoomin beanz.

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Don't argue with the vet. Perfect is perfect and that is just what you are!
Opus and Ollie

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh no! No more treats? You need to find a better treat that is low fat!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

I know how ya feel. The Big Thing said I am FAT! So I can only a controlled amount of Stinkey Goodness an no treats.


Thoughts said...

Oh no! Sometimes it's just better to lie around surrounded by toys than to actually play with and chase them. I do it all the time. Remind your Mom that the vet said that, right? More crunchies please?

Theodore (and Sasha)