
We're Perfect!

Lots has been going on around here and mommy thinks I got a little stressed. Since I was kinda acting funny, (eating and poopin OK, but not playing like I usually do and generally not being "me") mommy took me to the VET on Monday. They took lotsa tests and did the bloodwork I was due for and the VET said I am "perfect." They couldn't ask for better numbers.

Of course at the VET I bit one VET tech and scratched another before they decided to gas me. Hey, you'd bite too if you saw a thermometer heading toward your "exit only."

So, the VET says I'm perfect. I gained .4 lbs but am still in good range. They are happy to see this cause of my FIV+ status. They plan on keeping an eye on me...once they get back from their "babymoon." more on that later

Mommy had her appnt to check #2 over yesterday and her bean VET said that she is perfect too. She hasn't gained to much weight and measures just right. So, we're perfect! We celebrated with extra stinky goodness for me and a Krispy Kreme donut for mommy.

Today is Earth Day! We go green here and nothing makes us happier than plants. Hey, know what is green? Four flavors of cat grass and four catnip plants.

Also, mommy takes care of the birdies and wildlife. All the plants in these pots are for hummingbirds and butterflies. She has a perrinial garden to support both too.

You may ask, what was I doing while these 3 squirrels were on the deck...

Hey, the mommy gets up 5 times a night to pee. I'm TIRED!

My beans are abandoning me tonight for a short "babymoon." They will be gone tonight thru Saturday around noon. Luckily I have beans (including my grandbeans) who will take care of me and make sure I'm fed so I don't have to eat mold like General. Scary, scary.

Please don't forget me! See, this little #2 is even making my beans want to leave for DAYS and he isn't even here yet!


The Creek Cats said...

We are so glad to hear that everyone is doing purrfect! Glad your appointment went so well, except for the gassing part! We don't blame you for biting and scratching.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Hold on, Sugar Pie! I am on my way!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'll be the judge of how purrrrrfekht woo are!


Us4 Cats said...

yay!on the good reports!!

Lucy Belle said...

Happy Earth Day! Am glad that you checked out good at the vet.

Simba and Jazzi said...

We are glad it all went well at the vets.

Simba and Jazzi xxx

The Cat Realm said...

Congratulations on the perfect! We knew of course you are perfect even before that, because you ARE perfect!

catsynth said...

Glad to hear that everyone is "perfect."

Looks like you have a lot of fine greenery for Earth Day. For us, it means walking and using public transit - but that's something we try to do a lot of the time, anyway.

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

It's good to hear you both got good reports. is a babymoon kind of like a honeymoon when a Mommy is expecting?

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Glad every one is doing well! Happy Earth Day!

The Island Cats said...

Yay for being perfect!!! Happy Earth Day!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow, yoor mom's impending blurpy is tiring yoo out already! Well, we recommend lots of naps, some resting time followed by more naps. Glad to hear yoor both purrfect...we won't ask about da human male because mom sez dat all human males are odd in some way.

Anonymous said...

We are glad to hear that the news is so good at your house!

Mickey's Musings said...

WOOT!!!!!! That was a great report from your Vet!!! We are so happy you & your Mom are OK :)
But to leave you :O Sheesh!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Ivan from WMD said...

A healthy boy, always good! (Both you and #2.) But I think it's time for a Hendrixmoon, don't you?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Perfect is a great diagnosis.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Of course you're perfect, Hendrix. Was there ever any doubt? Hope your mum and dad have a lovely time away (they might return with a present for you!!)

Ingrid said...

Good news for both of you ! Probably you just suffered from a little spring lethargy.

Forever Foster said...

Hooray for perfect moms and perfect Hendrixes!

Teddy Westlife said...

As if we could forget you Mr Hendrix! I hope your grandparents spoil you rotten.

Huffle Mawson

Anonymous said...

That looks like a very nice garden you have there!

Nomi said...

Excellent results, great garden, nice napping pichur. I suspect you are going to need lots of naps !

The Crew said...

Not to worry Hendrix...no one will forget you!

PB 'n J said...

They could never forget you Hendrix! And it's good to hear that you are both so perfect (not that we didn't already know that).

Rosemary B❤️ said...

It is good news that you are in great shape Hendrix. That makes me very happy...
I hope your beans have a pleasant babymoon, soon they will be up all night with the moon and the stars haha okay.
Happy Thursday and purrs

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

We're very glad that the vets said that you and your mommy are perfect. With four flavors of cat grass and four pots of catnip, your garden sounds amazing!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We are so happy everyone is doing well at your house. Our Mom knows how important it is to keep FIV+ kitties as stress free as possible.

Your plants are so pretty too. Our Mom has such a black thumb, whatever that means.

Zeus said...

I'm definitely glad to hear everyone is doing well, especially you, Hendrix. As for biting the vet tech, s/he had it coming. I would just love the opportunity to do that to a homo sapien with a thermometer one time.