Because not only will I be napping in the sunbeams today, I'm also sleeping off a big pile of fresh nip leaves I was given this morning. I looooooooove today!
PS I was very resistant to being forced to "move around more" and thought I'd worn them down...until they brought out the remote control mousie. I can't resist that thing.
fresh Nip! That is the best. And a nap in teh sunshine Have a good Sunday!
Ah fresh nip and sunshine... Way to go.
Fresh nip is the best! Ours is getting bigger everyday!
Please don't use up ALL the sun!
Hendrix, did the beans give you the nip so that you wouldn't "snoopervise?"
Fresh nip! I'll be right over!
You must be tired if you aren't even up for snoopervising. Enjoy the rest.
You have a remote control mousie!! L U C K Y!!!
nip and sunbeams! That is the perfect sunday!
-Kodak, 3 Perf and Blossom
I don't suppose your mum wants to come and help us get rid of our clutter when she's finished there? MOL!
Easy does it Hendrix! You indeed are in perfect shape. Best to ignore the hoomans and rest in your new fort.
I gave you an award. You can pick it up after basking in those sunshines. Love and hugs :)
"Wow" fresh nip your a lucky kitty.Enjoy your day :)
Looks like you had a very fine day indeed! We spotted some fresh nip growing in the flower garden... hope they keep growing and no outside kitties find them!
Hendrix, you know how to properly spend your Sunday :-) I don't know about your beans though. Busting butts cleaning, getting in shape, and ACK putting you on a diet??! What's up with that? Have their lost their minds?
You know the true meaning of "Easy Like Sunday."
Remote. Control. Mousie? Tell us more about this toy! It sounds furry fun!!
Sounds like the purrfect day!
We are busy catching up with everyone after our weekend away.
Simba and Jazzi xxxx
You have a remote control mouse? Where can I get one of those?
Huffle Mawson
well i'm sure dem will bring yoo breakfast in dem sunbeams now?
Always better to rest in the warm sun light than work I always say. You are doing a great job at snoopervising.
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Fresh nip leaves? You are SOOOOOO lucky!
Theodore and Sasha
Sleeping off some fresh nip in the sunshine sounds like a great way to spend the day. We were doing a lot of de-cluttering here at CatSynth HQ as well, and still have a lot more to do.
Fresh nip and a warm sunbeam??? What more could a cat want - besides a big pile of stinky goodness.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
The remote control mousie sounds like fun!!!
Thank you soooo much for our Swap N Tails gift, we love it!! Dixie dog was so surprised to be included as well! We will post about it next week!
Thanks again, we just love everything and so does mom. You have no idea how bad she needed note pads! And cute ones at that!
we love your live so cosy
Yahoo for fresh nip!!!! Ours is just peeking out of the ground. :{
That sounds like a really great day Hendrix - hope it was as pawesome as it sounds!
We haven't gotten Mommy to the post office to send off your Swap n' Tails yet - she's soooo lame! And now she's jetting off for the weekend somewhere. We'll definitely get her to the post office when she gets back though (it's all packed and ready to go and everything)!
Pearl, Bert and Jake
Mreeoow, Mr. Hendrix! WE were catching up on comments on my blog place, and saw yours from WAAy back. Had to answer 'cause your namesake is a verry favorite gueetar player of my human bean brothers. So you must be a really cool cat!!
You got fresh catnip...that's really cool. I gotta nag MM to get some. Enjoy the sunshine for me...all we have is clouds, clouds, clouds.
Meow Meow Mr Hendrix
Fresh Nip Leaves!! Purrs, that sounds so wonderful and your napping spot looks great!
Mama and MrSippi
Your shadow ears look furry pointy under the sun beam.
~Slash & Bronzy
Sunbeams and fresh nip. What cat could ask for more.
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