Sorry we haven't been around much. Joel has been so fussy and gassy that he wanted to be held ALL the time the last couple of weeks. The fact I even felt bad for my beans tells you how bad it was!
We think we figured out the cause and the last coupla days have been much more pleasent for all of us. Cross paws we found the solution & #2 doesn't have to see the GI specialist.
Oh man, babies and gas are a horrible combination...until dey get older. We gots a sticky bean dat will wait until he is sitting on mom's lap and den he rumbles! He does it every time and laffs and laffs. He also bounces up and down to make "music" wif
Those blurpies really keep you busy!! We're glad to hear that you might have little Joel's problems under control!
oh gassy babies - ewwwwwwwwwwww
Great fort though
We like your fort!
Toddler bean used to have awful gas when she was a baby. It used to make mum cry! However she changed the brand of formula she was feeding her and the problem went away
You look comfy laying there, Mr. Hendrix.
Hope #2 is feeling better and won't have to go to the baby vet!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Thank Bast you may have found a remedy!
We like your fort! We are so glad Joel's problem has been resolved! Babies are sweet, unless they are fussy from pain.
I hope he starts feeling better. I am glad to see that you are getting some rest...
You are too cute laying on your patio, Mr. Hendrix!!
We all have our paws crossed for little Joel!
When blurpy feels better, everyone feels better.
Did woo change the stuff in his litter box?
Did THAT help?
PeeEssWoo: I hope things do get better!
My paws are crossed that you and your fambly get some peace and quiet. And that Joel's little belly feels better.
Paws crossed
That is one sweet fort!
Hope #2's gas issues are behind him *giggle*.
We're glad to hear you might have solved the gassy problem. We hope it means a lot more rest and relaxation for you all!
I'm glad little Joel is feeling better- the world is just not ready for Bendrix and Tole!
Whicky Wuudler
We hope Joel feels better soon, and his gas passes.
I dig your apartment and gardens. We need somewhere like that, with low maintance.
Well, I hope things settle down for ALL of you Mr Hendrix.
Huffle Mawson
oh boy he's so young to have to see a specialist. we will cross all our paws!
I like your Cardboard box fort! I love boxes myself...little bitty ones and great big ones but I've never had a fort one. You are a lucky cat Hendrix.
We know that you will have to blog somewhat intermitently because of the little gassy blurp in the house. Your mom and dad probably need every second of sleep they can get right now. We are just happy to hear from you from time to time.
I hope da peace lasts! Mom sumtimes goes out in her yard to get sum peace, but den the woofies next door acide to YAP YAP YAP BARK at hers. I hope you don't get yappie woofies while yur enjoyin yur porch!
Purrs fur alla yous,
Mr. Hendrix, you look quite comfy! BTW, stay away from the gassy baby...I know of what I speak!
I used baby drops to help with baby tummy gas, worked wonders. I am
glad Mr. Hendrix is having fun with
his fort. :)Jewelgirl
Adorable photos for Mancat Monday!
We're so glad to hear that little Joel is starting to feel better. Mom said that our boy bean was like that when he was a baby too, but that was 18 years ago!
we miss u on her but having littel beans is a big job come and see no one is blogin much ladly
Amy, have you found the solution?
What as the probem? Is the poor little guy feeling better? At least he has bonded with you and Greg, seeing you both as sources of comfort.Are you going to consult the GI doctor?
Breast milk may be he best for the baby, but breastfeeding can be hard on the mother.I'm glad the pumping/bottle situation is working out. This way Greg or the grandparents can take over and let you get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. And Hendrix, you've been a real trooper through this all.
Oh, we got a box cut out fer us too. Isnt them grand?
I really like your box fort, Hendrix. I hope that little Joel is feeling much better and that you all got some rest, so you will be ready when the Ham Tour arrives.
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