I hope you'll all come over today for my grazing party.The food and booze will be out all day!

Milk & toona cookies for the kittens

Lotsa ham and sides

Bones for my woofie friends!

and Blue Toona Gizzy's for the grown kitties
We can take Joel's stroller out for walks if you want!
There are plenty of sunbeams today for napping in.
All four of my nip plants grew back and are ready for nomming!
I'm seven years old today! The VET said cause of my FIV (I had it when I was rescued)I would only be around for "a few years" but I'm still going strong. I'm a little concerned that since I'm seven years old, I'll start itching. Have any of you had that problem?
Enjoy the food and company!
Happy Birthday, Hendrix!!! Thanks for inviting us to the par-tay!!! We hope that you have a wonderful time today!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
Happy Birthday Hendrix!! Me and Maverick are having a wonderful time!! You throw a great party!!
Your TX furiends,
Samantha & Maverick
Happy Birthday, Hendrix!! This is a great party!!
Remember, if you start to itch...just scratch it!
Now let us at those Blue Tuna Gizzies....
Happy Birthday Mr. Hendrix!!! Not to worry dude! Our Mom had a black kitty, Binky Baby, who had the FIV and she lived to the ripe ol' age of 13 1/2! You gots lots of years left!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HENDRIX!! :) Of course Chewy and I will attend your party. See you soon!!
Thank you for inviting us. We are having a good time and the food is good. The seven year itch! How funny!
Very cool PARTY Mr. Hendrix!!! Hope you have a fun day, many Happy Birthdays to come!!!
Purrs, all the Sumac Kitties!!!
Happy Birthday!!!! I have some extra ham just to make sure no one runs out...
Happy Birthday, Hendrix! Wishing you manny more.
Thanks for letting us join the party. The sushi (and those blue drinks) look great.
Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day, Mr. Hendrix. We're glad you're still going strong.
Happy Seventh Purthday Hendrix dude! We're so happy you were found that day. You are a super cool cat and a great advocate for all cats with FIV everywhere, showing just how good life can be.
Have a great day dude!
*heads for the blue toona gizzys*
Whicky Wuudler
Gerry & Mum
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY PURRFDAY!!!!!! what a wonderful party!
Happy birthday Hendrix! You really know how to put out a spread.
Funny thing, I am 7 years old and I itch a lot! My human thinks it a combination of the weather and the fact that I insist on eating less than high-quality cat food. But now I know it's being 7 years, so maybe she will stop trying to give me the bland, grain-free food.
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Purrth/Gotcha Day Hendrix and a squillion more. Mom sez dat seven year itch thing only applies to men beans who are PIGS.
Happy birfday, my Sugar Pie. Your party food is wonderful (especially the hamm). I of course hope you have a very sweet time, as I promise to be here until I have to go....
Happy GotchaPurrrrrrrday to woo!
PeeEssWoo: My mom says glug glug glug!a
Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day, Hendrix! I hope you have an extra-special day filled with hugs and kisses and treats and toys. Thanks for letting us share your special day!
We will have somea' those cookies and a little of da milk, please!
Happy Purrthday Hendrix! (and Bendrix too) I didn't itch none extra when I was seben. Hope yoo don't neifur. Mmmmmm dat ham look tasty, fank yoo!
Sanjee and the resta tha Hotties
Happy, happy Birthday, Hendrix ... and many more! You set out a wonderful feast for all of us kitties -- thank you!!
Ummm...I ope the kittens don't mind but I GOTTA try one of those toona cookies. I've never had a toona cookie! Because I AM DEPRIVED!!!
I hope your day has been, like 52 kinds of wicked fun!
Hendrix, wishing you a great birthday and many more...
Oh Hendrix! Happy Birthday. Just remember that my best buddy and mentor Jonathan ::bows head in respect:: lived to be 20+ years old and it took FIV that long to catch up with him. So my piece of birthday advice is to stay healthy, eat right and prove that silly v-e-t wrong!
Heading off to eat the goodies and drink some of the booze!
Hope you had a wonderful birthday today. Your party was the best. Lots of good food, drinks, and loved the photos of the birthday kitty. Wishing you many more years of birthdays to come!!
Happy, happy birthday, Hendrix! You sure know how to throw a party!
Happy, happy birthday and gotcha day to my twin!! What a spread!!!
CONCATULATIONS AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR. HENDRIX! Yes indeed, you were very lucky to be rescued by your people. They love you very much and we can see you love them too.
Here's a smooch from across the country, (don't tell Rocky!)
Happy Birfday and Gotcha Day HENDRIX! May there be many more...
We had a great time at your party sampling the good foods and playing wif all the friends who were also there.
Happy Purrthday to you Hendrix! I have a great day to share with you. If you get an itch, I hope it is only your age and not fleas!
Happy Gotcha Day! I'm glad you found a wonderful forever home and that you are proving the vet wrong.
Happiest Birthday and Gotcha Day Mr Hendrix!!
Hip hop happy birthday, Hendrix!!! Let's get this joint a rocking! Woot!
Happy birthday, Hendrix.
Happy Birthday and Gotcha day!
Happy birthday Mr Hendrix! I'm on my way for some ham.
Hendrix! hi ! what a great party!! thanks for having us all. Hey, we didn't know you had FIV- or maybe we did and forgot? stupid mom. Mom says she's seen fiv kitties go a long time! a long long time- even when vets said they wouldn't! i guess it depends on the cat. And hendrix- you look darn healthy to us! to many many more gotcha days!
Happy birthday, Hendrix!! and happy birthday to Bendrix too!!!
Dude, no way are you 7 already! We gotta sing fur you!
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Deer Hendrix,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes!
... an many moooooore!
Can I has a toona cookie an bloo tuna gizzy? ::spin:: Please an fanks!
~ Victor & Nina
Happy Birthday Hendrix! Sorry we're a day late! Looks like it was a great party!
Don't worry, I don't think I started itching at 7. I did at 5, but that was fleas, which my OTW had never seen before!
Oh NO! We missed sashimis?!? AND Blue Toona Gizzies?!?!? ::pout::
Happy Birthday Hendrix! We're sorry we missed you're party! (But we're glad you had a good time!)
Oh NO...we missed the party!!! Hey, is there any food left?
Well, belated happy purrthday, Hendrix and many, many more.
George, Tipper, Max & Misty
The Crew
Oh Nos!! I missed your party! Is the party still going on? Are there still left overs?
Happy Happy Seventh Birthday anyway! May this be a wonderful year for you!
Happy Purrfday Hendrix!! You are doing fine at 7 years old, and none of us have started itching!
Luf, Us
I am sorry that I missed your birthday party, Mr. Hendrix. I am glad that you had such a great time.
Happy belated birthday Mr Hendrix sir, I hope seven is a great year for you. Thanks for all the party treats - awesome!!
Happy belated birthday, Mr. Hendrix! Sounds like you had a wonderful party.
We wish you a year full of happy times, lots of treats and tons of cuddles!
Tamar and Charlemagne
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