I snoopervised my grandpa and daddy putting them together and made sure they got all the pieces out of the boxes.
I never liked the old chairs cause they would roll when I would jump on them. Not these, these are soft and cushy on my tushy. Mommy says I can sleep on the chairs but if I scratch them, or keep getting up on the table, Santa will never come again. It is so hard keeping Bendrix in line.
The old table and chairs went to charity. But we kept one. My special "dining room" chair that I am on 75% of the time I take naps and groom. It gives me a great view of the neighborhood too.
Our Christmas decorating is almost done. I looooooove my new tree toys but miss the village being there to nap on
How good of your people to keep a chair just for you! That is marvelous! Where is your village? Won't it be on the new table too?
wow, your the mom and dad are so nice to let you keep your chair!
Great new furniture! We're so glad you got to keep your favorite chair!
Wow, new furniture! Thats great, you know what new furniture means. BOXES!
That was pretty smart of your mom to keep one old chair just for you to sleep on! Your new furniture is really nice...and we can unnerstand why your beans would want to keep it that way.
glad you got to keep your favorite chair! also, thank you for the great advice for wildlife conservation=o)
You did some great work on making sure everything was put together just right. You just can't be too careful.
My mom showed my Aunt L your pictures and your baby bro's pictures, too. She was all squee! too!
How khonsiderate of them!
I think Joel/Tole and Woo/Bendrix need to reward them with some stuff things under the tree!
Your new chairs look very comfortable. I'm not supposed to get on the table either but then again, I'm a black cat and I do what I like.
Your mummy wanted to know how my mum gets nice photos of me. Mum says she takes eleventy billion bad photos for every one good photo, and you have to have lots of light to get photos of black cats. Also, I am allowed out in the backyard which I don't think you're allowed to do, are you? Sunlight is very good for photos.
p.s. mum says you can email her on tracey AT hufflemawson DOT net if you want.
Somehow I think that even if you get on the table Santa will come for you anyway. You are too nice and cute to have him not come. And I know that you are always good and nice.
Great that the folks got new furniture the mom here always like to get new things. I am glad that they kept your favorite chair. Your very own chair, how important you are.
Thanks for the village tips, I made the mom read through them all. She just mentioned to the dad earlier in the day that she wasn't going to put up the village because of me but now is thinking of changing her mind about that, so thanks to you and your mom for the helpful hints. Also going to get that apple stuff for the bottom of the tree, already I am bothering it. What does she expect? After all this is my first year for all of this stuff.
How sweet of your mom to save one of the old chairs just for you Mr. Hendrix! You are such a lucky guy! That chair is very much like ours.
What happened to your village? We are glad you got to keep your special chair. Did you get to play in the boxes?
Your very own chair! That was nice of your beans. Now remember to stay off that table....
Aw, that is so neat that you kept your own special chair. It's pretty nice to be so well-loved.
How thoughtful of them to keep your chair!
I am glad that you got to keep your chair!
Lovely new furniture, That is very sweet that they kept one chair for you. Where did your village go? Maybe they can put one on your chair for comfort and domination.
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